private linking service
2312,9100 11043272 Teachmode - Variable Tool Axis - Erratic Graphics CAM TURNING TEACHMODE
2312,9100 11089404 wrong results: absolute maximum value calculation display negative value. CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RESULT
2312,9100 11107367 Deteriorating load performance when using \Restore previous session\ MBD NAVIGATOR PMI
2312,9100 11109076 Deteriorating performance when switching arrangements MBD NAVIGATOR PMI
2312,9100 11115928 Array attributes with dynamic LOV does not allow applying multiple values in NX NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES LOV
2312,9100 11119601 Turning Teach Mode bounding curves selection direction CAM TURNING TEACHMODE
2312,9100 11126615 Plate Chamfer Limits gives error or disappears from dialog on curved plates SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES PLATE_CHAMFER
2312,9100 11128456 NX2312_Extract Face Color Update Issue DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL EXTRACT_FACE
2312,9100 11129561 Internal error occurs when switching Arregements MECHATRONICS PROCEDURE BOND_ZONE
2312,9100 11132402 The color is not retained when linking ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL PROD_INTERFACES
2312,9100 11133068 Switching reference sets slows down when a PMI assembly filter is present MBD NAVIGATOR PMI
2312,9100 11134461 Opening an assembly with PMI assembly filters takes a long time. MBD NAVIGATOR PMI
2312,9100 11134751 Suppression takes a long time even when Display PMI in the Part Navigator is off MBD NAVIGATOR PMI
2312,9100 11136168 Performance issue in Simulation Navigator (regression) CAE ADV_SIMULATION NAVIGATOR
2312,9100 11137052 Specify Penetration Point, using Inferred point , not able to select a Point SHIP_DESIGN TOOLS PENETRATION_MGT
2312,9100 11137616 Simulation Model made in NX 2306 cannot be opened in NX 2406 CAE ADV_SIMULATION UPDATE_SIM
2312,9100 11138429 ShipNameRecipe will remove a bit of Edge Reinforcement Name SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES NAMING_RULE
2312,9100 11139403 Simcenter12.0simSimcenter 3D 2312 CAE ADV_SIMULATION IMPORT_SIM
2312,9100 11141929 While removing blank layout we will get an internal error. KDA PROGRESSIVE_DIE BLANK_LAYOUT
2312,9100 11142750 Cannot change the separator for automatic ✅File Name CAE ADV_SIMULATION NAVIGATOR
2312,9100 11144704 Penetration request thru a Corrugated plate not possible SHIP_DESIGN TOOLS PENETRATION_MGT
2312,9100 11147886 Some bodies in subassembly are not showing up in parent assembly. ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL REPRESENTATION
2312,9100 11150171 Cannot add additional value to NX attribute of type array NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES LOV
2312,9100 11150246 Missing data in list file form teach mode op. See video CAM CLSF EXPORT
2312,9100 12045811 MPP & NX Tools synchronization doesn't work until Dataset is created CAM TC_MFG OTHER