private linking service
- OpenBridge Modeler - RM Bridge
. For Precast Concrete Girders Bridges allow to transfer Tapered Beam Cross-sections.
. Generate automatically Internal Prestressing Tendons when transferring model from OBM to RM.
. Insert RM Tendon Materials when sending model from OBM to RM.
. Allow User to choose sequential numbering for deck definition when transferring model from OBM to RM.
. Enhancements on a Flared Composite Steel Deck Transfer.
2. Enhancements in the Components:
2.1 OpenBridge Modeler (OBM)
- Deck Contours
- Steel Beam Elevation Schematic
- Short Chord option in Beam Layout
- Controlling Deck
- Cheekwall Decorators
- Cheekwall Top Slope: Option to keep top flat or follow Profile
- Vertical Offset for Cheek Wall on inverted Tee Pier
- User defined Name for Cheek wall
- Wing Wall Report
- Additional Civil Tools added (Point, Modify, Complex Geometry, Common Tools)
- Field Splice Flip Bolts
- Field Splice (Helper Images)
- Sleeper Slab - Faces now vertical
- Concrete and Steel Beam Top Flange Decorators
- Concrete Beam Dap
- Concrete Beam Notch
- Labels for Bearings
- Inverted Tee - Ledge Depth and Width, ahead and back
- Concrete Diaphragm for Steel Girders supports negative offset
- Bearing Transverse rotation
- Abutment Backwall Slope to follow profile
- Report Pier Cap Elevation at Reference Line
- Bearing Area reported as surface Area
- Automatic cutting of overhanging or embedded Bearing Pedestals, Pads
- Transfer Concrete Diaphragm for Steel Girders to LBS
- Option to specify Staggered Bolts
- Bearing Name Prefix
- Stepped Cap - Width Setting
- Allow Import GCP file from PW
- Square Encased Piles
- Excavation Outlines as 2D Decorators
- Corbel with Horizontal offset on backwall
- Apply Superelevation for Approach Slabs
- Reports for Parametric cells placed as Piers or Abutments
- New Imperial (international foot) workspace
- Item Types for Cross Frames in Concrete Bridges
- Project Explorer - Shows Profiles Associated with Alignments
- Option to Rename Beam Groups
- Parametric Cell - Variables as Item Types
- Parametric Cell - Elevations
- OpenGround Cloud Integration
- Updated and new Item Types for several bridge elements
- Export to IFC, new Option to specify schema mapping file
- New Support and Enhancement ideas icons on Help tab
2.1.1 Technology Stack
- MicroStation PowerPlatform 24.0.1 (v24.0.1.419)
- Civil Platform (
- OpenRoads 2024 (v24.0.0.205)
- ProStructures 2024 (
- Certified with PW v24.0.0.12
- Generative Components (v24.0.1.8)
- GINT (
- Descartes (
2.2 RM Bridge Enterprise
- Model diaphragms or any transverse element with shells and be able to take it in Analyzer and present results for this body.
- Schedule Action > ModShellThickExtend - A new schedule action ModShellThickExtend has been introduced in RM Bridge for FEM shell models
- Extract tendon data from RM Bridge Model.
- Tendon Forces TCL accessible in File>Open TCL.
2.3 LEAP Bridge Concrete (LBC)
- Interfacial horizontal shear design check for the precast prestressed concrete girders
- Skew modification in design and load rating for the cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete girders
- Allow custom Eta factor in auto-generation of the default AASHTO Limit States in the substructure design
- Automatically generate the Limit States with manually entered wind loads in the substructure design
- Pier column max/min reinforcement check in the substructure design
2.4 LEAP Bridge Steel (LBS)
- Support concrete diaphragms in steel bridges
- Deflection check details at all points of interest
- Field splice design summary report
- Design check on tension flange with holes in field splice
- Fatigue design check at cross-frame connections
- Influence line analysis visualization
- Connection reactions at ends of cross-frame members
- Orientation of cross-frame members in FEM Models of steel tub girders
- Option to include stiffeners in FEA analytical model
3. Error Corrections in the Components:
3.1 OpenBridge Modeler
The following issues are fixed:
- Sending View to Existing Sheet Model within Existing DGN Causes OBM to Crash
- OBM > Report >Deck > Consolidated > Beam Path > FGE CL Bearing Skewed Bridge
- OBM > Deck Elevation Report issue
- Variable columns- Some information is missing in pier report
- Missing Deck Elevation Points for Consolidated Report
- Shear stud counts are off graphically as well as in the reports
- Inverted Tee Pier Cap: Integral option pushes through deck
- Florida Slab Beams bearing pads alignment not sloping
- Wizard should show Unit Labels for Steel Built-up Beam dimensions
- 2D deck decoration not correct when applying superelevation transition
- 2D support line decoration is on the same level as the support line text
- Custom Footing Template needs to be saved (by template link) along with the Pier
- Missing Direction Angle on Approach Reference Line
- Replace "Civil Place Label" Tool
- Deck Element not Honoring Horizontal Point Controls
- OBM > Pier Placement > Piles > Manual
- Minor Label updates in the Stem Wall Dimensions labels
- Utilities > Deck Template > Key Points list not getting updated once you change the Point names.
- Issue with Deck Decorations with holes
- Unable to Rename Beam Group Name
- OBM > Activate ProStructures > Reporting > Schedule Generator the program is giving a message that the tool can only be used in ProStructures and not from OBM when ProStructures is activated.
- Utility > Beam Template > Dimension Draw Mode: causing crash when trying to use the tool
- Missing Top X, Top Y for Drilled Shaft in Pier Report and in Properties
- OBM > Utilities > Pier: Columns have gap with variable pier cap
- Unable to access Bridge Name and Bridge Description using Item Types at Element Level
- OBM does not show the Profile associated with the Alignment in the Project Explorer
- For "Pile Bent" Pier Drilled Shafts do not attach accurately to bottom of Columns
- For Pile Bent type Piers, gap between Column top and inclined slope
- Item Types: Wing Wall name returns "1" instead of name at higher level
- Item Types Expressions not consistent with all others in OBM - Transverse Stiffeners
- PW > OBM> Sheet Index checks all files out in PW
- Modifying Bearing Seats on Abutment cause Errors
- Place Accessories: Import from Component Center causes crash
- OBM-PS - Shape T14 is unmanaged
- OBM-PS - Shape S11 is detected as Shape 10
- OBM-PS - ACI Rebar Code - Shape 10 is detected as S11
- OBM-PS - ACI Rebar Code - Unmanaged Rebar Shapes
- File > Publish iModel. The OBM element specific property data seems to be getting converted to metric instead of remaining in imperial in the i.dgn
- Beam Variation Fails to generate for some concrete beams on a curved alignment.
3.2 RM Bridge
The following issues are fixed:
- "PrincLc" schedule action not presenting correct results.
- "PrincSup" schedule action not presenting correct results.
- "RMSets" not presenting beam forces results for Min/Max stress envelopes.
- "RMSets" not presenting results for MinTauXZ.
- Results-FE Header MaxMin Values not giving the correct results.
- Results-FE - User area integral results are not being Descriptionted in the diagram.
- Results-FE - User Line integral results are not being Descriptionted in the diagram.
- "LiveSet" for traffic loads not working for MinN envelope.
- FEM option for links not stored to TCL.
- RM> Modeler with errors when tendon radius in not an integer.
- RM> Camber export to excel.
- RM> Refined Wind Buffeting Analysis for non-symmetrical CS.
- Fixed the Element Weight as Node Load - FSY
- Crash of Dynamic Time History analysis
3.3 LEAP Bridge Concrete (LBC)
The following issues are fixed:
- Incorrect calculations of the overturning moment due to the wind load effects in the Substructure module.
- User defined wind load on structure was not correctly shown graphically in the Substructure module.
- Incorrect load factor of the wind load on structure for the Strength Limit States III and VI when option of the Pennsylvania State Specifications was checked in the Substructure module.
- Incorrect offset of the top prestressing strands was used in PCI NEXT Beam in the Precast/Prestressed Girder module.
- The cap load was not correctly shown graphically in the Substructure module.
- Material properties of girder were not retained at girder level when deck thickness was changed in the Precast/Prestressed Girder module.
- The governing case was not correctly selected and used column design when the Texas State Specifications was checked in the Substructure module.
- User defined vertical soil pressure load was not shown graphically in the Substructure module.
- The point of fixity of piles was incorrectly assigned internally as 0.1 ft in the Substructure module.
- Previously saved analysis data of the positive and negative envelope stresses were incorrectly reported as zeros in the Precast/Prestressed Girder module.
- User input rebar pattern was not retained in the stem wall in the Substructure module.
- Input field of the project date information was incorrectly disabled in the Main module.
- Unable to run through the cap design of the Hammerhead cap in the Substructure module.
- Steel reinforcement was incorrectly shown outside of a wall or footing when the crash wall footing was being selected in the Substructure module.
- Negative sign was missing for the vertical soil pressure load in design report of the Substructure module.
- Cross-section type of drilled shafts was unexpectedly changed when adding a new check point in the drilled shafts in the Substructure module.
- Infinite prestress loss was incorrectly reported in certain points of interest in the Cast-in-place Post-tensioned Reinforce Concrete Girder module.
- Strut-and-tie model of the pile cap was not correctly retained in the Substructure module.
- The maximum limit according to the AASHTO LRFD code was not correctly considered in the skew correction factor calculations when option of the California State Specifications was checked in the Cast-in-place Post- tensioned Reinforce Concrete Girder module.
- Longitudinal steel reinforcement was incorrectly considered for the round column shear design check in the Substructure module.
- Soil pressure based on the effective footing area option was not correctly used in design check of spread footing in the Substructure module.
- Cracking moment of the positive bending was incorrectly calculated in the Precast/Prestressed Girder module.
- Horizontal load effects due to the earth surcharge load was not considered in the horizontal pile reaction calculations in the Substructure module.
- The performance ratio of the shear design check in the enhanced report was not consistent with that in the non-enhanced report in the Substructure module.
- Unable to retain changes when prestressing strand size was changed in the Precast/Prestressed Girder module.
- Vertical steel reinforcement was incorrectly reported as half of the provided in the design check on maximum and minimum steel reinforcement in pier column design in the Substructure module.
- Incorrect error message popped up for the abutment design when the Georgia State Specifications was checked in the Substructure module.
3.4 LEAP Bridge Steel (LBS)
The following issues are fixed:
- Analysis results were incorrect when the deck has an overhang with respect to girders underneath.
- Error messages "Analysis results are not available" followed by "Engine: Deck Analysis Error" popped up when running a user file generated from OpenBridge Modeler.
- Blank warning message window popped up due to incorrect input of member load when running a user file with the FEM analysis option.
- The program crashed due to incomplete definition of cross-frame members.
- Incorrect graphical showing of fatigue trucks due to failure of refreshing when the member was selected from the dropdown list of load cases.
- The program crashed when running a user file with Grillage analysis option was selected.
- Program crashed when editing certain types of the names of the live loads or load groups.
- Error message of Grillage analysis not available popped up due to incorrect format of the location data of the cross-frame/diaphragm members when running a user file.
- Program crashed when trying to add the future wearing surface information in deck placement in a user file.
- Lateral moment due to the uniform temperature TU load effects was incorrectly superimposed in the design check.
- Live load effects were not correctly imported from the superstructure to the substructure module.
- Grillage analysis failed to run through due to overloaded girder properties when running a complex user model with flare deck and different beam paths and beam spacing.
- Incorrect deflection and moments were calculated due to a tolerance issue for steel tub girder bridges.
- Live load distribution factor of shear was incorrectly used in the calculation of beam deflection due to live load.
- Cross-frame member forces in the FEM analysis report did not add up to those in the design report.
- Error message popped up when running grillage analysis of a user file with imported beam path.
- Loads generated by the response spectrum analysis failed to be transferred from the superstructure to the substructure module.
- Program crashed when changing pier column cross section from circular to rectangular.
- Filler plates with access holes were not correctly meshed.
- Errors in the stationing values in the deck elevation report.
- Incorrect load factors of the uniform temperature load TU were used in the strength and service limit states.
- Incorrect resistance factor was used in the design check of the axial compression of cross-frame members.
- Fatigue design check report was missing for the option of the AASHTO LRFD 9th edition.
- Flange lateral stress due to the lateral bending with respect to the weak axis was missing in the flange total lateral stress calculations.
- Incorrect calculations of the design yield resistance of the flange splice in the slip check on the field splice design.
- Incorrect calculations of the largest value of the compressive stress throughout the unbraced length in the flange under consideration.
- Manual input of the fatigue live load factor did not work when the AASHTO LRFD 9th edition option was selected.
- Incorrectly assigned default value of lateral bending moment when the response spectrum analysis was considered.