private linking service
2306,9100 10751023 VRU (Ped Pro) Blackout zone / Cyclist zone / Windshield KDA GENERAL_PACKAGE PEDPRO
2306,9100 10789884 Clone Assembly carry out attribute empty while save as operation has values ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL CLONE_ASSEMBLY
2306,9100 10799423 not possible to open file GATEWAY IMPORT_PART DESIGN
2306,9100 10815254 material with user defined linear expansion coefficient is imported as constant CAE ADV_SIMULATION ABAQUS_IMPORT
2306,9100 10836903 STEP AP242: wrong PMI leader head location TRANSLATOR STEP_AP242 UG_TO_STEP
2306,9100 10887330 Temperature Dependent Material CAE ADV_SIMULATION NASTRN_NX_IMPRT
2306,9100 10902712 Not able to assign variants to the operation / operation groups. MFG_ASM_LINE_PL GANTT ALL
2306,9100 10909654 Graphics window becomes blank after iges import TRANSLATOR IGES IMPORT_GEOMETRY
2306,9100 10918769 Altrep not getting loaded in asy when opening with Rev rule latest working NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,9100 10931014 Set Machining Data not Working for 3D Adaptive and Quick Roughing CAM LIBRARIES MECHANISM
2306,9100 10936166 CMM:Review tool does not start when postprocessing CMM_INSPECTION. CAM METROLOGY CMM_INSPECTION
2306,9100 10954670 Set Machining Data not working for Quick Roughing operation CAM LIBRARIES MECHANISM
2306,9100 10975859 Changed settings of 'Export IGES File' dialog are not stored in dialog memory. TRANSLATOR IGES GENERAL
2306,9100 11019344 Some settings are reset when exporting IGES. TRANSLATOR IGES GENERAL
2306,9100 11020084 Remote Sim: Provide a patch of fixed libraries for NX v2306 CAE ADV_SIMULATION SOLVER_MONITOR
2306,9100 11028216 Replace by part family update - after revise part family: Family is not loaded ASSEMBLIES PART_FAMILIES GENERAL
2306,9100 11028801 How to set TC attribute values to initial values when executing clone assembly ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL CLONE_ASSEMBLY
2306,9100 11031730 Slow performance when cloning Cloning PTS Template (TCIN) KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2306,9100 11032806 ug_Clone exports wrong data when using log file switch NXMANAGER CLONE_EXPORT EXPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,9100 11036298 Windows 11 security update KB5035853 causes blue screens on some NX command actions SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11036450 Some NX command lead to blue screen with the latest Windows security update KB5035853 SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11037090 NX is crashing after upgrade to NX2312 - Win11 22H2 - MS patch 'KB5035853\ - Master PR# 11036298 SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11037696 Blue screen on various CAM actions after Windows 11 update SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11039173 View Creation Wizard - place view results in crash and blue screen SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11044313 IMPORT IGES: Strange behaviour using IGES command TRANSLATOR IGES IMPORT_GEOMETRY
2306,9100 11045939 [CAD]Changed settings in the \Export IGES File\ dialog are not saved. TRANSLATOR IGES GENERAL
2306,9100 11046260 Quick Roughing and Adaptive milling operations: machining data is not set automatically CAM LIBRARIES MECHANISM
2306,9100 11046275 Template Studio Author cannot evaluate ug_find_file and fails with invalid ✅File Name KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2306,9100 11046704 System crash image new Nx 2306 latest SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11051738 Error: A dimension subscript for an array attribute was out of range or invalid on import assembly i NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,9100 11055573 PedPro: Part for GTR-MLS std with windshield failure in NX2306.8900. KDA GENERAL_PACKAGE PEDPRO
2306,9100 11056027 Windows crashes into BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) when drawing updated in NX1851 on Windows 11 SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11056807 After running the view creation wizard follows an NX crash including a blue screen SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11056824 Blue Screen happens by CAM operations in conjunction with Windows 11 update KB5035853 SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11057777 PMI datum features not translating to jt for step imported data NXMANAGER TC_PORTAL SEND_TO_NX
2306,9100 11058814 Part can't be opened with \Corrupt data found when loading an OM file\ error. ROUTING_GENERAL LEGACY_STOCK OVERSTOCK
2306,9100 11060084 UF_ROUTE_ask_object_stock ROUTING_ELEC CONNECTION_LIST ASSIGN_STOCK
2306,9100 11061773 Blue Screen and drafting - Microsoft patch update - close against Master PR# 11036298 SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11065168 Using the View Creation Wizard will cause Windows to restart SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL
2306,9100 11066713 Bluescreen after Windows 11 Update in CAM operation SYSTEM WNT_OS_ISSUES ALL