private linking service
2406,8100 10621386 Incorrect graph on point across iteration for complex result CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RESULT
2406,8100 10638497 display decimal numbers in move compenent SYSENG UI_CONSTRUCTORS TRANSFORMATION
2406,8100 10790280 Update failure message when inserting UDF/Feature Template DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL DIAGNOSTICS
2406,8100 10790750 Dialogue field size \Move Component\ the GWIF input field should be wider SYSENG UI_CONSTRUCTORS TRANSFORMATION
2406,8100 10856383 Feature Template - Error shown when inserting a Feature Template DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL UDF_INSERT
2406,8100 10867007 Unit display eats into digits, usability issue, e.g. Move Component SYSENG UI_CONSTRUCTORS TRANSFORMATION
2406,8100 10948387 Display of coordinate values in popup window - Move Component (dynamic) SYSENG UI_CONSTRUCTORS TRANSFORMATION
2406,8100 11000189 Coordinates are not displayed correctly SYSENG UI_CONSTRUCTORS TRANSFORMATION
2406,8100 11060614 Too little space for showing coordinates and all decimal places within the move component dialog SYSENG UI_CONSTRUCTORS TRANSFORMATION
2406,8100 11061449 Too little space for showing coordinates and all decimal places within the move object/component dialog SYSENG UI_CONSTRUCTORS TRANSFORMATION
2406,8100 11096454 materials and textures not displayed correctly after upgrade SYSENG VISUALIZATION MATERIAL
2406,8100 11104979 Turning Template change WCS orientation and tool orientation CAM TURNING OTHER
2406,8100 11115928 Array attributes with dynamic LOV does not allow applying multiple values in NX NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES LOV
2406,8100 11126615 Plate Chamfer Limits gives error or disappears from dialog on curved plates SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES PLATE_CHAMFER
2406,8100 11128440 Switching Back from \Studio\ to \Shaded\ View does not Changes Background Back SYSENG VISUALIZATION SCENEPREFERENCE
2406,8100 11129561 Internal error occurs when switching Arregements MECHATRONICS PROCEDURE BOND_ZONE
2406,8100 11130544 Switching between \studio\ and \fully shaded\ changes translucency settings of bodies SYSENG VISUALIZATION SHADED_MODE
2406,8100 11134583 \Update Warning and Failure Report\ information dialog is not invoked. DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL DELETE
2406,8100 11134816 Adopted KF nx_features_offset_curve errors on inexistent Axial_Offset_Direction: reference DESIGN CURVE OFFSET
2406,8100 11135975 When opening JT assemblies with more than 3 levels in NX2406, a severe error occurs. NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN ARRANGEMEN_SYNC
2406,8100 11136925 ShipManufacturingBatchOperation.exe missing Weld Prep on Load Option ReferenceSet MODELL SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING WELD_PREP
2406,8100 11138429 ShipNameRecipe will remove a bit of Edge Reinforcement Name SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES NAMING_RULE
2406,8100 11139675 Save as New Item Type fails with NX2406/TC14.2; only when a drawing (UGPART) is present NXMANAGER FILE_SAVE_AS NEW_ITEM_TYPE
2406,8100 11140000 Check Region result highlights abnormal faces in NX2406. KDA MOLDED_PART_VAL ALL
2406,8100 11141524 nxship_xml_out_config - text block can not be placed when excess material is increased. SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MANUXML_OUT
2406,8100 11141548 Mouse touch of an already placed symbol leads to NX crashes without error message DRAFTING ANNOTATION OUT_OF_DATE
2406,8100 11141929 While removing blank layout we will get an internal error. KDA PROGRESSIVE_DIE BLANK_LAYOUT
2406,8100 11142205 Dialog for Dynamic movement values has reduced in width SYSENG UI_CONSTRUCTORS TRANSFORMATION
2406,8100 11142750 Cannot change the separator for automatic ✅File Name CAE ADV_SIMULATION NAVIGATOR
2406,8100 11143512 OM error when updating/creating manufacturing preparation SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MFG_PREP
2406,8100 11143924 Routing Control Point does not move to correct place when a Deformable Assembly is Deformed ASSEMBLIES DEFORM ALL
2406,8100 11144125 Loading a Part in the StartUp UserExits exits with an Error NXMANAGER LOCKING CHECKIN_CHKOUT
2406,8100 11144704 Penetration request thru a Corrugated plate not possible SHIP_DESIGN TOOLS PENETRATION_MGT
2406,8100 11145183 Plate Preparation is not correct SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING PLATE_PREP
2406,8100 11145219 Plate Preparation on StraightBrake part does not work SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING PLATE_PREP
2406,8100 11145663 Chamfer on plate cause two welds to be created instead of one. JOIN WELD_ASSISTANT ALL
2406,8100 11145877 NX2406 MW Bill of Material does not update Blank Size anymore on Stock size modification KDA MOLDWIZARD STOCK_SIZE
2406,8100 11146282 While doing clone option in Integrated NX revision Id is taking default as A. NXMANAGER CLONE CLONE_ASSEM
2406,8100 11146308 XML Output is different in NX2406 vs. earlier versions, with the same configuration file SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MANUXML_OUT
2406,8100 11147350 Report Warning and Failure after Update dialog does not appear DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL UPDATE
2406,8100 11147436 About IGES setting file for NX2406. TRANSLATOR IGES IMPORT_GEOMETRY
2406,8100 11147828 [CK170416141] FEM File and Idealized Part Marked as Modified When Switching Tabs CAE ADV_SIMULATION UPDATE_IPRT
2406,8100 11148145 interpart expressions not working in standard parts for 2312 KDA MOLDWIZARD STANDARD_PARTS
2406,8100 11150171 Cannot add additional value to NX attribute of type array NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES LOV
2406,8100 11151461 NX hangs a long time, Opening Layers Menu in 1000 component assembly GATEWAY LAYER ALL
2406,8100 12036507 Structure Designer raises \Some part files are failed to import\. STRUCTURE_DES SECTION_LIBRARY INSTALL_TOOL
2406,8100 12041336 Journaling records hidden NXOpen.Rule.RuleManager class on edit algorithmic feature DESIGN ALGORITHMIC_MDL FEATURE
2406,8100 12045370 Cannot create group folder via NXOpen CAE ADV_SIMULATION CAE_GROUPS