private linking service
3072477 The Detail-Transpose view shows 'eval err', but the Detail view does not
3070717 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly when resolving a non-matching instance name in an R constraint
3069319 Yield view shows 0 yield after simulation
3066932 The colored metal placed as a background cellview is not showing the color in IC23.1 ISR9
3057993 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly due to an AMS netlisting issue
3055640 Enable the Heat Sink option in GUI
3055516 Voltus-XFi template does not support Real Time SHE
3055193 Auto Twig not connecting with gate and drain terminals in a customer cell view
3054627 High memory consumption for gzip files
3054130 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly when modifying a model file
3053481 lceAddSimpleStopLayers does not work as expected
3052698 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly when changing the direction of symbol pin after copying pin to another symbol view
3052364 mergedViaCornerToCornerSpacing and includeOverlapNeighbors failures for some testcases
3052288 signal SIGTERM received when using custom eval trigger function in LSCS mode
3052046 AGILE abstract generator fails with Error (IAG-910229) and blank log file when run in container environment
3051788 EM-IR simulation fails when maestro view uses a corner name that begins with a number
3051530 Slotting vias takes into account excluded layers in the sltShapeConsecutiveSlotting SKILL API
3050981 Assisted Export: small coordinates error due to the number of decimals/digits limitations in SKILL
3050968 Net merging issue in HSpice netlist
3050031 Resizing of columns for the Detail-Transpose view is not working as expected
3049508 Automated Placement and Device Routing is unable to complete M0 route when M0 I/O pin is on instTerms
3049014 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly during hierarchical flattening
3048897 Existing Pegasus svdb data used for Quantus when Pegasus run is impacted due to a job policy issue
3047959 _wspRefreshPatternFamilyFormOnWindowNumChange displays an error when errsetTrace is enabled
3047849 Horizontal cut direction for gate is not created during the creation of auto twigs using SDR
3047301 Auto Via fails to create stack for metal with multiple minLength definitions in the technology file
3046664 Partial Select does not allow groups to be selected when mouse is over an instance or Pcell
3045948 The chdir command errors out due to lack of user permissions
3045762 lceAddSimpleStopLayers does not work as expected
3045724 The vdrCheckVoltageLabels SKILL function reports invalid errors when minV and maxV labels have same XY coordinates
3044483 Cannot find a setup database entry for a handle
3043926 Datasets created from cells with view name other than 'schematic' are not visible in the VDR Dataset form
3043650 Resistors are removed from clustered pattern presets when their aspect ratio is reduced to very low values in the Array Assistant
3043645 parameter description error for xfgrRules
3043423 Router fails due to the Generate Spines option 'Skip pins on non-spine-adjacent layers'
3043172 Voltus-XFi errors out if the LVS run name does not match the DUT name
3042880 The enhanced shield router does not generate shields
3042645 Creating a degenerate block-override terminal results in an oaModBusTerm that has an invisible bit in the block domain
3042544 Auto Via enclosure computation issue with chamfered shapes
3042498 Virtuoso iQuantus Insight license checked out unnecessarily when running a simulation in Virtuoso ADE Assembler
3041592 Fields in the LRP text report are not properly indented
3040428 Empty subcircuit and instance statement should not be printed in the CDL netlist
3040288 Changes in schematic cause the Netlister to change the port order for Smart View instantiation, giving wrong simulation results
3040032 Generation of input.sqldb from input.tmideg0.xml errors out
3039680 The current limit for RMS J/JMAX is displayed incorrectly in the Results Browser and does not match the text report
3039652 The current (I) column for ACPeak J/JMAX in the Results Browser displays RMS current instead of peak AC current
3039515 Running the Auto Place and Route incremental placer does not yield an optimized area
3039401 Changing checkHierCloseErrorViews environment variable in same session causes incorrect behavior
3039234 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly when using CCS_AttachPortAs*() with sec_port_attach_as.ils
3038914 The input.rpt_em file unexpectedly contains an empty section labeled _CDNS_MMSIM_INSTANCE_PHY
3038889 Netlisting error occurs when using ideal switches in analog library with AMS simulator
3038748 The bw_sel variable returns unexpected value in the netlist
3038691 Netlisting stops due to a SKILL error while formatting the devices
3038373 Hspice: not giving priority to labelled in-out in internal net merging
3038308 Ensure that a scalar net follows User-Defined Design Default (UDDD) validLayers constraint
3038190 Last Smart View instance is netlisted by order even when 'Port connection by' is set to 'name' in the AMS Options form
3038188 The via resistors show zero JouleHeatT value for Average J/JMAX SHE in GUI but sh_avg.txt report shows non-zero values
3037521 Due to a performance issue, device router is stuck at OpenAccess post fixer
3037465 Incorrect index is returned when cv~>memInsts is used for a mosaic
3036933 An error appears when merging the input and ground nets during CDL netlisting
3036109 Setting the variable hnlProcessDifferentPmAndInstTerminalRepresentation=t changes the default way of the expansion of the bus terminals
3035707 Wrong value of the Overhang parameter is listed in Tandem Shield Options form of Routing Constraint Manager
3035657 Custom Python script errors out due to change in the get_net_summary API
3035655 Incorrect behavior observed during the synchronous copy of a subcell into a hierarchical synchronous family
3035256 Auto Via should prevent placing shifted smaller cuts for fail case when the "Alternate Vias" option is off
3035062 IC23.1 ISR6-ISR9: Cannot find oaPath shape on some wirebonds
3034880 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly if the hyperparameter property starts with a number
3034866 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly if the hyperparameter property contains a '.'
3034535 The 'Supply Value/Net' column in Interface Element (IE) Setup form is editable even for UCM
3033625 EM Calculator calculates wrong current limits for via layers for a specific testcase
3032405 Netlisting jobs are pending
3030071 Virtuoso-Celsius gives incorrect layer stackup versus qrcTechFile
3029509 drdGetMinSpanLengthSpacing returns inconsistent value with respect to DRD
3028741 The automatic backtracing stops responding during the switch_function extraction
3027163 The SFE-23 error message appears during AMS netlisting
3026649 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly while running the dbSave SKILL function without enabling the GUI
3025223 maeSetSetup incorrectly returns t when the function is not successful
3022201 Switch function is missing a switch pin in automatic backtracing mode
3021985 Tungsten view does not show SHE mode as Real Time
3019978 Playback expressions are not evaluated when the 'Save Simulation Data' command is inactivated
3018399 Device Router Pin to Trunk routing is unable to create direct route to multiple aligned instPins
3016591 Allow values with 3 decimal digits while editing the port connection X and Y coordinates in Electromagnetic Solver assistant
3010645 The Shield constraint checker in Routing Constraint Manager flagged unshielded area violation on hierarchical shielding
3008261 Evaluation of a variable value is not working as expected
3008151 Device router is unable to extend the tying to shield lines of adjacent net
3005303 Allow values with 3 decimal digits while editing the port connection X and Y coordinates in Electromagnetic Solver assistant
2999083 Design variables are missing from the Reliability Analysis Editor form when opened from a run plan
2998173 The Routability check in Chip Assembly reports blocked pin for metal shape covered by a pin shape and on the same layer as the pin figure
2994076 The schematic view of the lower hierarchy where the snapshot was taken remains open
2991021 Enablement flow: Import fails to create additional pins when importing into an existing library
2991009 Improve handling of constraints on unreferenced objects
2963375 Pcell subcircuit definition cannot be created due to the same name of the subcircuit
2951323 Improve error handling for hbsp form if used port cannot be found
2932947 Dummy stack devices added using the Array Assistant do not match their neighboring devices
2929950 Spaces at the beginning or end in the name of an implementation set should be disallowed
2910151 Create Pin From Label does not work as expected with VPLGens in Whole Shape mode
2909558 Create Pin From Label does not generate pins as expected at certain locations
2897813 calcVal lint check does not work when the ?historyName argument is used
2894419 Support external HDL settings when using Virtuoso SystemVerilog Netlister
2883883 Design variable distributions are not honored when Monte Carlo distributions are explicitly defined
2869675 Cellviews cannot be updated using ccpDmRename because the function is attempting the update before checking out the cellviews
2798428 The Description button acts as a toggle button for Smith charts
2749456 Auto Via does not work when there is a shape with purpose "all" in the layout
2729229 Delay in the display of context menu when an output is right-clicked in the Results tab
2718391 While creating autovia, an internal error is reported for certain blocks
2687832 Cellviews cannot be updated using ccpDmRename because the function is attempting the update before checking out the cellviews
2658964 Add is_isolated attribute only when all the connected nodes are connected to isolation cells
1946019 Virtuoso Studio exits unexpectedly during check and save
1754482 Virtuoso Power Manger reports an error when the wildcard match is not supported
November 2024