private linking service
2406,8300 8691895 UF_DISP_batch_shade needs clarification about IRAY+ environment variable SYSENG VISUALIZATION EXPORT_IMAGE
2406,8300 10196588 UF_DISP_batch_shade_options throws random exception inside frustrum DESIGN SYNC_MODEL REPLACE_FACE
2406,8300 10296656 ER - NX Locator ID update not happening once it is changed and save back to Tc JOIN TOOL_LOCATORS ALL
2406,8300 10838886 reassignment of material in motion application throws error DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL BOSS
2406,8300 10853074 Different Results for Check Tool Path with Parametric Tool vs Tool Assembly CAM TOOL_PATH GOUGE_CHECK
2406,8300 10909950 NXOpen.HumanH10DialogBuilder.LegLengthInput & ShoulderBreadthInput is returning invalid results. NX_JACK HUMAN_CTRL_PANL ALL
2406,8300 10994477 A manipulater handle is required at the heel point of the shoe. NX_JACK HUMAN_CTRL_PANL ALL
2406,8300 11022853 Scan Arc Inspection Path Postprocess wrong start point when Path is Reversed. CAM METROLOGY CMM_INSPECTION
2406,8300 11025352 Opening an assembly tries to create an NX dataset of lower level part ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL NONGEOMTRC_CMPS
2406,8300 11030667 Alt-Reps Replaced by Item Master in ASSY when Item Master is Revised. ASSEMBLIES PART_FILE_OPS MINIMAL_LOAD
2406,8300 11043272 Teachmode - Variable Tool Axis - Erratic Graphics CAM TURNING TEACHMODE
2406,8300 11044983 Query FeatureCollection with PointJoin feature in NX2306 throws InvalidCastException SYSENG NXOPEN .NET
2406,8300 11046718 Using GetFeatures() on a Body containing a CoatingRegion throws InvalidCastException SYSENG NXOPEN .NET
2406,8300 11056063 Trim Boundaries in Mill Area uses old Dialog CAM TEMPLATES DEFAULTS
2406,8300 11058195 NC: Null tag not allowed DRAFTING TABLES PLIST_UPDATE
2406,8300 11059611 Vectors cannot be used by measuring surfaces DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS MEASURE
2406,8300 11071766 OMP - Missing Heidenhain OMP Setting CAM METROLOGY ON_MACH_PROBING
2406,8300 11072763 Need API to Move the Heel of the Human Body to Any Position NX_JACK HUMAN_CTRL_PANL ALL
2406,8300 11072839 TDP command fails to launch in Teamcenter integrated NX TECH_DATA_PKG PUBLISH CORE
2406,8300 11074244 NXMGR: Template request for non-geometric parts ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL NONGEOMTRC_CMPS
2406,8300 11075972 CMM - Scan Arc Inspection Path doesn't update Start and End Distance CAM METROLOGY CMM_INSPECTION
2406,8300 11079715 Some assembly data is displayed the Select Template Part dialog in NX2312 (TC14.3) environment. ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL NONGEOMTRC_CMPS
2406,8300 11080174 Stacking Custom Symbol PMI does not inherit Associated Objects PMI STACKING ALL
2406,8300 11087370 Carry forward NX Measurement Point ID update to TC item rev name JOIN TOOL_LOCATORS ALL
2406,8300 11087585 Can't open part file. STUDIO_DESIGN ANALYZE SURF_CONTINUITY
2406,8300 11090412 When we execute \Publish Technical Data package\, an error occurs for Parasolid data TECH_DATA_PKG PUBLISH CORE
2406,8300 11090432 When we execute \Publish Technical Data package\, an error occurs for JT data. TECH_DATA_PKG PUBLISH CORE
2406,8300 11098398 Updating the part list causes a \Null tag not allowed\ error. DRAFTING TABLES PLIST_UPDATE
2406,8300 11098625 NX Coating + IMM Reuse Library Assignment not creating IMM Coating Relationship KDA COATINGS IMM_INTEG
2406,8300 11099419 An internal error occurs after the cancellation of the human control panel. NX_JACK HUMAN_CTRL_PANL ALL
2406,8300 11101085 Move Ob with Motion set to Point to Point changes selected points to fixed RSD_GENERAL PATH MOVE
2406,8300 11101271 File from NX1980 cannot be opened in NX2312 CAM MACHINE_TOOL DYNAMIC_DISPLAY
2406,8300 11109957 Unable to close assembly due to error 'An attempt was made to associate an object with a second other object NXMANAGER CLOSE CLOSE_PART
2406,8300 11116270 [NX VSA] \Invalid part tag\ occurs when closing all files. VSA ASSYOPS ALL
2406,8300 11119601 Turning Teach Mode bounding curves selection direction CAM TURNING TEACHMODE
2406,8300 11119606 Sim does not follow arrangement update CAE ADV_SIMULATION AFEM
2406,8300 11122849 Output Name for NC program needs to be manually typed in 2406.3002 CAM POSTBUILDER INTERACTIVE
2406,8300 11125342 Need to change UI of post process dialogue box as per old version. CAM POSTPROCESS ALL
2406,8300 11127168 revised alt rep part in assembly opens master part without data ASSEMBLIES PART_FILE_OPS MINIMAL_LOAD
2406,8300 11128456 NX2312_Extract Face Color Update Issue DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL EXTRACT_FACE
2406,8300 11132402 The color is not retained when linking ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL PROD_INTERFACES
2406,8300 11133765 The Tool and Toolpath to be Visible when using Edit Section in new ONT CAM USER_INTERFACE OTHER
2406,8300 11137052 Specify Penetration Point, using Inferred point , not able to select a Point SHIP_DESIGN TOOLS PENETRATION_MGT
2406,8300 11138120 DWG 3D Import error TRANSLATOR DXF_DWG IMPORT_GEOMETRY
2406,8300 11140004 Marker in graph in Animation Designer disappeared after edit and cancel. CAE ADV_SIMULATION XYDescription_CORE
2406,8300 11143218 Worklayer not correct number in assembly context in newer version SYSENG DISPLAY LAYERS
2406,8300 11143823 sorting function error KDA GC_TOOLKIT DRAFTING_TOOL
2406,8300 11144694 [CAD]The initial values of ID and Name in the New FEM and Simulation dialog are empty. CAE ADV_SIMULATION FILE_OPERATIONS
2406,8300 11144704 Penetration request thru a Corrugated plate not possible SHIP_DESIGN TOOLS PENETRATION_MGT
2406,8300 11145176 Automatic fem suffix name for CAEModel not working in NX2406 managed mode CAE ADV_SIMULATION FILE_OPERATIONS
2406,8300 11147705 Saving a CAM-Setup with Library Tool-Assemblies returns into an Internal Error and let NX crashing CAM TC_MFG OTHER
2406,8300 11147729 Unable to open assembly (Arrangement) \Name is already in use by another arrangement\ NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN ARRANGEMEN_SYNC
2406,8300 11148674 CAD part item ID doesn't transfer to new the PRE/POST item CAE ADV_SIMULATION FILE_OPERATIONS
2406,8300 11149393 Library Tools and Devices comes up twice if they are renamed and saved under a Static Pocket from a Machine CAM TC_MFG OTHER
2406,8300 11149936 Post Template does not switch the result and shows misleading information CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_TEMPLATES
2406,8300 11150246 Missing data in list file form teach mode op. See video CAM CLSF EXPORT
2406,8300 11151761 CAM : We want to check existing ✅File Names in Postprocess like \\Browse for an Output File\ in NX9. CAM POSTPROCESS ALL
2406,8300 11152503 When did the \Speed\ slider go away CAM TOOL_PATH DISPLAY
2406,8300 11152609 A user received an error when accessing certain Planar features that there was no license available. CAM FLOOR_WALL_MILL OTHER
2406,8300 11152853 3D Solids not translated from DWG to NX TRANSLATOR DXF_DWG IMPORT_GEOMETRY
2406,8300 11153196 Save as new item type loads assembly NXMANAGER FILE_SAVE_AS NEW_ITEM
2406,8300 11153376 Referenced points selected by user are changed to Fixed in Move Object command. RSD_GENERAL PATH MOVE
2406,8300 11153720 NX hangs a long time, view update performance in 1000 component assembly DRAFTING DRAWING/VIEW BASE_VIEW
2406,8300 11154777 Manufacturing Preparation does not work with Partially Load SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MFG_PREP
2406,8300 11156358 Manufacturing Preparation error, \Scale must be greater than zero\ SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MFG_PREP
2406,8300 11156469 XML Output does not work with Welding Preparation SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MANUXML_OUT
2406,8300 11156629 Body-Body driver orientation is wrong when used from a submech positioned with angular transformation CAE MOTION PREPROCESS
2406,8300 11157247 \Attribute units are invalid\ error when modifying tube in Mechanical Routing ROUTING_GENERAL ADMINISTRATION NX_MANAGER
2406,8300 11157429 Problems creating DXF files TRANSLATOR DXF_DWG EXPORT_DRAFTING
2406,8300 11158667 Envelope function dialog box toggle to load results immediately not working correctly. CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RES_MANIP
2406,8300 11158951 Memory access violation when running external IDX in PCB exchange PCB_EXCHANGE IDX_IMPORT ALL
2406,8300 11160569 Units override not respected in results CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RESULT
2406,8300 11160896 Machine loading time is very slow in NX2406 CAM USER_INTERFACE ONT
2406,8300 11161447 NX2406 takes much time to launch point constructor dialog SHIP_DESIGN TOOLS SHIP_COORDINATE
2406,8300 11169180 Subcase Manager / View Manipulation CAE ADV_SIMULATION CAE_GROUPS
2406,8300 11170314 NX2406 CAM - Postprocess File and Folder Browser Button. CAM POSTPROCESS NX_POST
2406,8300 11170768 An RM object had an unsuitable OM class for this situation STUDIO_DESIGN ANALYZE SURF_CONTINUITY
2406,8300 11171498 Routing Length not updating according changes made ROUTING_GENERAL STOCK_AS_COMP EDIT_STOCK
2406,8300 11172302 Define deformable functionality dependency with MODEL refset ASSEMBLIES DEFORM ALL
2406,8300 11178774 Misbehavior of dynamic material during cutting MECHATRONICS MATERIAL DYNAMIC_MAT
2406,8300 11179288 Corrupt Hole Feature in Part DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL HOLE
2406,8300 12019718 Associative option in \Move object\ doesn't work properly. RSD_GENERAL PATH MOVE
2406,8300 12024372 Conversion tool for Legacy Visual Materials usable in Teamcenter managed environment SYSENG VISUALIZATION MATERIAL
2406,8300 12030502 Unable to select a measured face as vector for projected distance measure DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS MEASURE
2406,8300 12031249 Object Display color not being retained with NX Human Hands NX_JACK GENERAL ALL
2406,8300 12036481 Post processor dialog CAM POSTPROCESS ALL
2406,8300 12038006 Issue: Non-Each templated in NX ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL NONGEOMTRC_CMPS
2406,8300 12045811 MPP & NX Tools synchronization doesn't work until Dataset is created CAM TC_MFG OTHER