private linking service
748417 [Project ✅Publisher] It cannot publish drawing by page name descending order
748830 [Project ✅Publisher] It cannot publish pages by page name ascending sort after add pages multiple times respectively
761442 [Configuration Variables] It should prompt when change Level from WorkSet to WorkSpace with empty value for ELEC_SHOW_PWCHECKIN_DIALOG and ELEC_ENABLE_MANAGED_CONFIGURATION
923662 [Copy from Reference/Merge into Master]Copy from the reference file which has CR symbols with family, and maintain the device complete, the copied CPs are not correct.
930460 [Terminal/Pin-Plug Manager]It popups error dialog when deleting a spare with Target Device.
1020527 alloonActivate one reference file, the balloon callout inserted by activate another reference file is not correct.
1057764 [EDC] An error occurs when checking Duplicated wire number for user project
1060302 [Cross Reference Text] Cross Reference for symbols which have child symbols placed cannot be seen on the parent symbol
1107621 [PW integration][Replace Title Block&Page format] It cannot replace Title Block & Page Format by entire project and selected pages
1128257 alloon Callout [Modify Balloon]When the users modified the Balloon Number using Next Available button in Modify Balloon for Custom & Non Coded parts its observed that the Part Number Descriptions are not maintained
1199090 [ProjectWise Integration][Move to Database] error message when using move to database command if the user does not have Can Delete permission
1204438 [SUBID][EDC]It cannot popup EDC dialog when we insert a schematic mode page and have more than two SUBIDs with family in other mode pages.
1226384 [Part Number URLs] [PW] The valid PW address URL which is different from the log in one can't be opened.
1226390 [Part Number URLs] The URL for local jpg, png, msg files can't be opened.
1229676 [Wire Link] when wire link symbol is moved from one Wire to another that have different Wire Number the Engineering Design Consideration dialog dose not popup
1261210 [Change Text Attributes] internal error messages and data corruption after using Change Text Attributes for text assocaited to Promis.e objects like symbols & wires
1272764 [PW][Catalog Manager]It popups unexpected dialog when importing a catalog to an existing catalog.
1274009 [Cross Reference Symbol][Design File Setting]The Cross Reference symbol is not placed in the correct location with repect to the Parent Symbol
1280024 [Title block designer] Modify one Multi-line text during creating title block, it will report error
1299355 [Configuration Assignment Utility] It reports error in Configuration assignment Utility dialog after open/close page
1319172 [Replace Symbol][Device Usgae Chart] Device usage chart displays incorrect informatoin on symbol replace
1319544 mport DrawingsIt will be better to have more details info in the warning dialog. And if input invalid value in the Import Page Properties dialog, it should not close this dialog after clicking OK in the warning dialog.
1321818 [Maintenance Mode]No prompt message when copying a page to the project with Maintenance = 1
1323095 [Maintenance Mode] Change warning message text when Project Database is in maintenance mode
1333574 [Catalog Manager] All Symbols&Macros&TitleBlocks&Families& Categories are missing in Catalog Manager
1336591 mport Drawingspdate Page internal error- "Incorrect syntax near 's'"
1339892 [ProjectWise 2023 Explorer] unable to load configuration warning message Please check in Workspace/Workset. make sure values are correct
1343087 [Device Properties] It reports error to click OK in Device Properties if the Device Tag is empty.
1347647 alloon No Remove all part numbers for a device, its Balloon No is just removed from current page, not removed from other page(s)
1354436 EC[Symbol On The Fly] The default tag text height of Symbol On The Fly is too big
1360222 mport Drawing[Drawing Naming Convention] DGN name without values if the Drawing Naming Convention uses Page Descriptions
1360494 [Engineering Design Consideration][EDC] Duplicate Device EDC appears when it should not while placing child symbols with family
1363623 [Create Symbol] The user is getting error message when they try to "Import Connection Point from a Family"
1366442 [Copy Page]Modify the page description in Data Manager in Source project, and copy the page from source to destination project, the modified info cannot display correctly in the Modify Page dialog.
1368348 [ProjectWise 2023]The software will pop up an error after uninstalling ProjectWise explorer or no ProjectWise explorer installation.
1369533 [ProjectWise 2023]It cannot configure ProjectWise 2023 automatically
1378096 [Auto Backup] Run PromiseBackupStarter.exe doesn't backup project.
1378435 [Text Settings]Text Settings->Set Connection Text, change Height value->Click Apply->Click OK, the changed height value will not be applied to the selected symbols.
1378503 [Text Settings] The Device Tag, Part Number, Symbol Text can't display properly for newly inserted 3D Objects.
1383344 [ProjectWise] Cannot display the Project tree list in ProjectWise tab when logging into PW CONNECT integration
1385400 [Store Page Properties]Copy page from one project to another to replace the original page in windows explorer, and then update the replaced page, the page properties are not updated.
1385505 [Store Page Properties]Copy page from one project to another to replace the original page in windows explorer, and then update the replaced page, the symbol cross reference text cannot navigate.
1386208 [Refresh Project Drawing]pdate Page The user is facing the issue that upon doing Refresh project drawing the user sees a bad page record in the database for the project
1386349 nstaller PW customization dll files cannot be installed if ProjectWise explorer installed after installing Promis.e.
1387236 [ProjectWise] Add friendly message to check if PW Customization is missing or corrupt.
1394373 alloon No The Balloon No is changed to one used in another project with the same Device ID and Part Number when we Insert Symbol By Device ID.
1395892 [Multi-Language MDB] Multi_language MDB is not changed When active workspace is changed if switching between projects with different workspace
1403784 [Multi DB][ Page Management] Switch projects in different DB, Sometime Modify Page/Update page/Refresh Page will report error
1406681 nstallerUnselect and disable "ProjectWise Customization" option when ProjectWise Explorer does not exist on user machine.
1410467 [Part Number URLs] unable to open valid url link when path contains Space
1411065 [Multi Database Statergy]pdate Page Error message when Update Page is done open page while page from another project and both project are in different databases
1411077 [Multi Database Strategy][Send Pages to Print Organizer] The user gets message "No Active Project" when sending project pages to Print Organizer
1415748 [Mode Manager] The default mapped field for Hydraulic Mode and Pneumatic Mode in Mode Manager is not correct
1419194 [Part Number URL] It reports error if the char count of Part Number URL without double quotation marks is near to the URL size
1317295 [PW Integration][Create Project] API Error Message when creating a new Project "Could not find a part of the path....."
1233036 [Copy-Paste Symbol][Child symbol] when copying and pasting child symbol using Ctrl+ C and Ctrl V the connection point text for the pasted symbol is not maintained as per the family details
1323655 [Modify Symbol][Connection Point]When connection point text/position is modified in symbol creation replacing symbol with itself will not reflect updated connection point details