private linking service
2. CWR-2147 CSR-23519 Toolpath For the specific Mill part when the 3 Axis Mill toolpath generation method is set to Advanced, CAMWorks For Solid Edge takes more time to generate the Pattern Project toolpath when the ‘By Slope' option within Links group box under Finish tab is checked for the operation. Also, the generated toolpath is incorrect.
3. CW-132084 CSR-27382 Assembly The CAMWorks For Solid Edge application loaded as an add-in within Solid Edge crashes when user attempts to open a specific Assembly file.
4. CW-131979 CSR-27323 System For any Mill part, under Contour tab of Contour Mill operation, when user clicks on Settings button adjacent to Tab Cutting checkbox, CAMWorks For Solid Edge prompts a message to set the feature height value. This message gets displayed multiple times and CAMWorks For Solid Edge crashes upon closing the dialog box.
5. CW-131813 CSR-27306 Simulation In CAMWorks For Solid Edge Simulation mode, if all the Collison checks are set to OFF and the simulation is executed, then for some of the tools, CAMWorks For Solid Edge still displays an error message for collision between Tool Shank and the Stock. This is incorrect.
6. CW-131780 CSR-27155 TechDB In the CAMWorks For Solid Edge TechDB, if an existing Multi-Stepped Hole operation is edited and saved and then copied to another operation, the copied operation contains the default parametric values instead of the assigned values.
7. CW-131663 CSR-27223 Post When using the Turn Post Processor for generating the NC code, none of the comments assigned to any of the operations get output in the NC code.
8. CW-131614 CSR-27217 Toolpath For the specific Mill part assigned an STL stock, the Contour Mill toolpath with Tab Cuts gouges the part and thereby violates the integrity of the part.
9. CW-131610 CSR-27195 Feature For the specific assembly, user's attempt to generate a Hole or Circular Pocket feature using the cylindrical face fails. An irregular pocket gets recognized instead.
10. CW-131597 CSR-27164 Assembly For the specific Assembly, when trying to edit its Entry Drill operation, CAMWorks For Solid Edge application crashes without displaying any error message.
11. CW-131173 CSR-27075 Toolpath For the specific Mill-Turn part, when the Wrap feature toolpath has a few moves with angle rotation greater than 180 degrees, it causes the tool to crash through the part because machine follows the shortest path.
12. CW-131170 CSR-27063 Toolpath For any Turn Canned Drill operation, if the ‘Approach Z Offset' value is same as the ‘Retract distance', then it generates an incorrect Z value for approach in the CL and posted NC code.
13. CW-130766 CSR-27001 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, when the Roughing pattern is set to VoluMill and toolpath is generated, incorrect Leadout moves that gouge the part are observed.
14. CW-129729 CSR-26644 Operation In CAMWorks For Solid Edge Mill-Turn mode, for a Drill operation, when the Add tip length checkbox option under Feature Options tab of that operation is checked and the operation is updated, the checkbox for Add tip length is selected under Blind group box in TechDB. This is incorrect as the feature is a Through feature.
15. CW-129728 CSR-26647 Operation If Contour Mill operations are generated for bottom finish, the CAMWorks For Solid Edge application crashes on executing the Save Operation Plan command if the Stepover value set in Options group box under Bottom Finish dialog box is more than the tool diameter.
16. CW-128936 CSR-26388 VoluMill When the Rough Pocketing Pattern is set to VoluMill for a combined operation, reordering the operation sequence for the combined operation does not work. If the order of operation sequence is changed and toolpath is generated, the order of operations resets to previous order.
17. CW-128908 CSR-26385 Rebuild For any Mill part, the sketch-based slot feature segment changes to Open Air Segment status when the sketch is edited, and feature is rebuilt.
18. CW-128883 CSR-26358 Assembly For the specific Assembly file, when generating Mirror toolpath for a Rough Mill operation of a specific component part, the Y offset value input in the Mirror group box is not considered. This results in incorrect Y offset value in the generated toolpath. However, if the part containing the Rough Mill operation is opened in the Part mode and then the mirror toolpath is generated, correct Y offset value is considered.
19. CW-128560 CSR-26276 Toolpath For the specific Assembly file, when some of the operations are linked and toolpath is generated, the Rapid plane position for one of the operations is incorrect.
20. CW-128559 CSR-26312 Toolpath For Mill parts with Center Drill operations, the toolpath does not get generated for the following combination of options under Optimize tab of the Center Drill operations:
Method | Last Closest |Optimize Between Groups
Shortest |
Path | Checked | Checked
Grid | Checked | Checked
Grid | Unchecked | Checked
21. CW-128545 CSR-26293 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, some of the link moves of the Rough Mill toolpath ignores the selected Avoid area and gouges the part. This is observed when the Stay at depth checkbox option under the Roughing tab is checked.
22. CW-128479 CSR-26244 Toolpath For the specific Mill part with combined irregular pockets, the Contour Mill operation generated to machine these features has Toolpath Center set to Without Compensation and the CNC comp set to "Yes". The generated toolpath gouges the part due to overcutting during tool entry. This is happening with combined irregular pockets where the 'G41' is not available in posted NC output.
23. CW-128409 CSR-25347 API The API named ‘SetActiveMainChuck' is not working.
24. CW-127900 CSR-26075 Setup Sheet When generating Setup Sheets in a *.doc format for some part models, the tool and insert images get displayed incorrectly when the *.doc file is opened. However, the Tool and Insert images are displayed correctly when Setup Sheets are generated in other file formats.
25. CW-127809 CSR-26084 Toolpath The Mirror toolpath generated for the Contour Mill operation does not consider the Avoid areas Link method when the method is set to ‘Feed Over'. If the ‘Maintain Climb/ Conventional' checkbox option under Advanced tab is also checked, then a rapid move at the bottom of the toolpath is observed which gouges the part.
26. CW-127770 CSR-26089 Feed Speed When the character for decimal separator is changed from ‘.' (dot character) to ‘,' (comma character) on the system and the Feed/Speed Library is opened, then the ‘,' (comma character) is not accepted as the decimal separator. An error message gets displayed. This is observed when value of Depth of Cut parameter is changed.
27. CW-127657 CSR-25985 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, unless the ‘Last closest' checkbox is checked, CAMWorks For Solid Edge does not generate Center Drill toolpath for grouped Hole feature when the ‘Optimize between groups' and specifically when the ‘optimized between group feature' check box is on.
28. CW-127145 CSR-25861 Toolpath For a Face Feature with an island, the island is defined as an Avoid Area using a sketch. The Roughing operation generated for this feature does not consider the island during machining.
29. CW-127142 CSR-25857 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, incorrect Rough Mill and Finish toolpaths are generated for one of its Irregular Pocket features that contains a Circular Island feature. The toolpath for a similar feature is generated correctly, when the feature is defined using a Sketch boundary.
30. CW-127096 CSR-25842 Feed Speed In Assembly mode, the Feed/Speed value for its Center Drill operation in the posted NC output is incorrect when the M3-Axis-Tutorial post processor is used. The Feed/Speed value displayed in the F/S tab for the Center Drill operation and the actual Feed/Speed value posted in the code are different.
31. CW-127026 CSR-26062 CSR-26627 API Implement an API to Get and Set the Operation Comment fields associated with each operation.
32. CW-126960 CSR-25382 Assembly In Assembly mode, when machining a Group Hole feature, if a final side cut is made, the assigned final Feedrate value applies only to the first hole feature in the group.
33. CW-126790 CSR-25572 Toolpath For the selected slot feature of the specific Mill part, the Offset Roughing pattern does not generate the correct toolpath.
34. CW-126374 CSR-25524 Toolpath For the specific Assembly, the Contour Mill toolpath generated for its Open Profile feature with Toolpath Center set to Without Compensation does not display the complete toolpath.
35. CW-126361 CSR-25474 Post In Assembly mode, output value of the post variables OPR_Z_RAPID_PLANE and OPR_Z_CLEARANCE for a Probe operation is calculated with respect to the Fixture Coordinate System even though a reference part and setup origin has been assigned.
36. CW-126355 CSR-25509 VoluMill When the Roughing Pocketing Pattern for a Wrapped Slot feature is set to VoluMill and the Avoid part faces checkbox option is checked, CAMWorks For Solid Edge fails to generate the toolpath.
37. CW-125823 CSR-25397 Toolpath For the specific Assembly last saved in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2021, if opened in later annual versions of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the toolpaths for Contour Mill operations do not get regenerated.
38. CW-125433 CSR-25158 TechDB When a tool is used in multiple Assembly Tools with different protrusion length and if the protrusion length for one of these Assembly Tools is changed and saved to the TechDB, then protrusion length for all the assembly tools gets changed.
39. CW-124200 CSR-24348 Toolpath For the specific Mill part, when editing the Contour Mill operation containing Tab Cuts, the CAMWorks For Solid Edge application crashes up on attempting to save the changes.
40. CW-124125 CSR-24309 Feature For any Mill-Turn part, when trying to edit any existing Wrapped Engrave feature created using multiple Engrave sketches, CAMWorks For Solid Edge takes too long to respond and open the dialog box. Similarly, when attempting to insert a new Wrapped feature using multiple Engrave sketches, CAMWorks For Solid Edge takes too long to respond.
41. CW-123830 CW-123199 CSR-24127 CSR-23951 Toolpath In Turn mode, for a Bore Rough operation with Canned Cycle, when the Retract to option under the NC tab of Operation Parameters dialog box is set to Auto, then incorrect toolpath gets generated. The retract moves are incorrect, which gouges the part.
42. CW-123096 CSR-23887 System For the specific Mill-Turn part, when selecting ‘Edit Definition' option for a Prime Turn toolpath that uses WIP from previous operation, it is observed that there is some delay every time user switches to Turn Rough tab of Operation Parameters dialog box.
43. CW-122536 CSR-23702 Simulation For the specific Turn part, when running the simulation with Simulation Speed bar set to ‘Minimum' and End Condition set to ‘Up to Current', an error message "Cannot continue with simulation" gets displayed and simulation stops.
44. CW-122261 CSR-23601 VoluMill The 3 Axis VoluMill Toolpath generated in the CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2023 version is different from toolpath generated in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2022.
45. CW-120290 CSR-22694 Feature For the specific Mill part, the Circular Pocket feature with chamfers at the top and bottom recognized using the Recognize Features option for a Mill part setup is incorrect. Only the bottom chamfer gets recognized correctly.
46. CW-114514 CW-114372 CSR-19670 Toolpath For the specific Turn part, for its Bore Rough operation, the Rest Bore Roughing toolpath is generated by considering leftover WIP from simulation. However, the geometry of the leftover WIP produces is incorrect and it therefore results in an incorrect toolpath.
47. CW-112028 CSR-18444 Assembly For the specific Mill Assembly, when a Part Setup Origin is selected under Origin tab of Part Setup Parameters dialog box, then on reopening the file, the XYZ Min/Max values of toolpath change to incorrect values.