private linking service
2637366 SPECTRE Discrepancy between the results of Spectre, Spectre APS, and Spectre X due to m-factor and rclamp
2637659 SPECTRE Spectre Power FET current results do not match those of Spectre X or Spectre APS
2638367 SPECTRE Segmentation fault in genNameMap using Spectre version
2574400 SPECTRERF BBSpice processing is not as fast as expected
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR16
2085887 AMSD Improve the xrun log file to show the time spent while waiting for license
2304445 AMSD Improve the xrun log file to show the time spent while waiting for license
2513284 AMSD dyn_dcpath is not supported in MS mode if a digital partition is found
2617154 AMSD Wrong current value when running AMSD with Spectre X
2618622 AMSD Improve the error message displayed for the AMS simulations run in command-line mode when Spectre license is not found
2077520 SPECTRE reltol is changed if homotopy method is used with nodeset
2498104 SPECTRE TMI aging becomes unresponsive with deg_ratio option
2510569 SPECTRE Enhance dyn_float_tran_stat to add current probes for domains during pings
2524352 SPECTRE Stability prevoppoint is not used correctly in Spectre 19.1 ISR17
2546055 SPECTRE Request to merge the multiple input.sqldb generated from individual Spectre simulations run using executable
2551159 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre +query=alllic to report legato token requirements
2552372 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre +query=alllic to also report legato reliability license requirements
2557195 SPECTRE In what-if/eco analysis, rpt_pin for the pin is not matching waveform average current for the pin
2563239 SPECTRE Add checks to report incorrect or misspelled keywords in a YAML file
2568536 SPECTRE Spectre reports errors when more than two alter statements are run in parallel
2588549 SPECTRE Spectre fails to create pss results if temperature sweeping is defined inside the montecarlo block
2595301 SPECTRE rigid branches using +preset=vx
2596291 SPECTRE Support object re-elaboration inside nested analysis within the montecarlo block
2599133 SPECTRE Seeking the addition of a new struct member to URI_Env
2602257 SPECTRE Not able to update Array parameter using Spectre Python
2602988 SPECTRE Segmentation fault with mc and dynamic parameter
2604267 SPECTRE Circuit simulates correctly with Spectre and Spectre APS, fails with Spectre X
2606320 SPECTRE Segmentation fault while reading or compiling a Verilog-A file
2607185 SPECTRE Spectre generates a .bt0 file regardless of the device information in the ODD file
2607190 SPECTRE Spectre is unable to handle any subcircuit with more than four terminals (d g s b) are defined in an OSD file
2620888 SPECTRE Random (5%) sim err in a Spectre X simulation run from a maestro cellview when threads=4 and checklimit filter=extreme
2622104 SPECTRE A DC simulation using SmartView stops abruptly
2623065 SPECTRE Verilog-A slew() filter with skipdc=yes produces an unexpected result
2625293 SPECTRE Internal error or segmentation fault is seen with Verilog-A code
2625941 SPECTRE Spectre exits abruptly while using output_subckt_degradation file to generate bt0
2627039 SPECTRE RELTOL value is always reported as 5e-3 under dcop dcsweep simulations when nodeset is used.
2627118 SPECTRE No weight taken into account in coverage calculation for custom open gate model
2532944 SPECTRERF Spectre could not get the correct result for package simulation
2598609 SPECTRERF incorrect phasenoise Description
2617239 SPECTRERF Wrong answer when compression analysis is enabled
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR15
2485420 AMSD Transient analysis: Remove implicit dependency on stop time
2579744 AMSD Using "... +msdc=ms" in spectre_args does not result in Spectre XPS mode for DC analysis
2421678 SPECTRE Support save/restart in electrothermal simulation
2423371 SPECTRE EMIR analysis in Spectre does not run with MMSIM license
2443719 SPECTRE Aging simulation returns a warning that Hisim 2.50 is used instead of Hisim 2.91
2468586 SPECTRE Slow performance of stress simulation
2498702 SPECTRE Use one option to generate 2 files, *.bt0 and *.tmideg, or one file that includes all degradation results with TMI + URI
2514899 SPECTRE noiseon_inst leads to discrepancy in accuracy level and trends of different modes of Spectre X compared to Spectre APS
2514904 SPECTRE Questionable speed trends of different preset options of Spectre X because of noiseon_inst option
2516274 SPECTRE N5 EMIR HiR resistor region coordinate is wrong
2541645 SPECTRE Conflicting description of possible values of "type" in the "spectre -h bsimimg" doc
2544300 SPECTRE Spectre 20.1-ISR7: Segmentation fault during IC analysis of transient analysis
2552275 SPECTRE With noiseon_inst option, the results of Spectre APS are different than the results of Spectre X mx +postlpreset=off
2566997 SPECTRE Spectre XPS-MS EMIR simulation fails to run with just MMSIM tokens in Spectre20.1 ISRs
2571751 SPECTRE tran non-convergence returns a floating-point exception that occurred during device loading with n4 process
2572810 SPECTRE With VCD file in Spectre APS and Spectre X sims, waves are correct, but errors in netlist.vecerr and veclog do not match
2573896 SPECTRE In Spectre 20.1, N3 montecarlo produce outlier results with Spectre X when compared to Spectre APS
2575726 SPECTRE Spectre X returns a wrong terminal current when compared to Spectre APS
2578081 SPECTRE Internal error found in Spectre APS in Spectre 20.1; the same simulation runs fine in Spectre 19.1
2582046 SPECTRE Error found during hierarchy flattening when using a customer MOSFET model
2582063 SPECTRE AMS Flex does not support $cds_get_mc_trial_number()
2583296 SPECTRE dyn_mosv: dynamic check misses check for some cells
2584037 SPECTRE $fscanf with $feof reads the last line in the file twice
2584186 SPECTRE Monte Carlo current incorrect with Spectre X unless preserve_inst=all is used
2585159 SPECTRE Trise parameter conflict issue in SpectreThermal
2586824 SPECTRE Spectre stops unexpectedly when a statement is written in the 'default' section of the 'case' statement
2586878 SPECTRE Simulation stops unexpectedly when running Spectre APS EMIR simulation
2588113 SPECTRE Virtuoso ADE Explorer stops unexpectedly after 'Too many open files' message in Spectre
2588418 SPECTRE Transient noise results are different in noiseoff parameter usage
2588754 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly when using -f nutascii
2590565 SPECTRE Support the same vsrcnode option as UltraSim in Spectre APS static MOSFET voltage check
2592060 SPECTRE Error in speed1 mode vs s3 mode
2592129 SPECTRE Spectre + inter sclListCircuit() command broken starting from Spectre 20.1
2592707 SPECTRE Spectre license checkout time too long
2595878 SPECTRE Spectre should report message indicating whether thermal node simulation is run in log file
2598750 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly when using Spectre X 20.1 ISR12 and ISR13
2599216 SPECTRE Spectre APS returns wrong results for iterated instance current assert
2599698 SPECTRE Faultlocal=yes produces an error in mixed-mode Info analysis when used together with inst=[a.b.c a.b.d]
2599716 SPECTRE Incorrect fault identification if target terminal is located under an iterated instance
2600627 SPECTRE shXMLFile pointer is not added to psf/input.emirtap.conf in SHE EMIR simulation if autorun is false
2603086 SPECTRE Missing coupled nets group
2605048 SPECTRE Issues with $simprobe expressions used in VerilogA module
2606041 SPECTRE ovcheck6 devices should not be reported in circuit inventory when disable_soa check is used
2608271 SPECTRE The 'region' parameter of models 'bjt3' and 'bjt2' gives wrong operation region 'fwd'
2609024 SPECTRE Spectre X exits unexpectedly during Monte Carlo run
2611153 SPECTRE Spectre gives segmentation fault during dc analysis
2294584 SPECTRERF Current through isource is incorrect in pss analysis
2555979 SPECTRERF Delta in Spectre X results
2567124 SPECTRERF Spectre reports successful simulation on netlist containing empty s-param file, but no simulation was actually run
2574302 SPECTRERF XDP-HB memory estimation or memory usage needs improvement
2577008 SPECTRERF HB and transient results do not match as expected
2582244 SPECTRERF HB simulation stop unexpectedly in Spectre X using oscic
2586202 SPECTRERF Phase noise Descriptionting fails in Spectre APS when post-layout optimization is enabled
2586618 SPECTRERF Spectre exits unexpectedly at Linear IC stage
2589806 SPECTRERF Core dump due to nport compression
2602210 SPECTRERF CLONE Simulation completes without running HB/HBac analyses
2611163 SPECTRERF Spectre exits unexpectedly while using linear IC phase of pss analysis
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR14
1850884 SPECTRE Difference in transient noise and AC noise for a vsource noisefile
2136967 SPECTRE Enhance dyn_floatdcpath check to support wildcard for nonconducting_subckt=[simplebjt_*]
2459355 SPECTRE dyn_floatdcpath with sweep=single takes days and needs better performance
2484133 SPECTRE Provide a way to output the values of all Spectre options to the output file
2527929 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly when +preset=lx is used with n16; +aps and spectre X with mx run fine
2544560 SPECTRE dyn_float_tran_stat: domain detection wrong if domains=[VPOS VNEG] and V(VPOS)=-V(VNEG)
2546231 SPECTRE Output Spectre process IDs in the license traceinfo in License Manager
2554158 SPECTRE The feature that saves a dcOpInfo file for each DC sweep point does not work when the swept variable is temperature
2555309 SPECTRE Info analysis for a custominsert should support faultlocal option, redundancy check, annotation of terminals and devs
2556147 SPECTRE Incorrect BJT dcop current in Spectre X
2556579 SPECTRE Spectre APS: Enhancement in Spectre that controls the op point info for each dc sweep point is not working
2557581 SPECTRE misleading SFE-401 error message when there are two identical instances in SPF file
2558135 SPECTRE Spectre transient stops progressing when using a dynamic parameter on a design variable
2560268 SPECTRE Add support for extended Open MOS gate fault model
2567170 SPECTRE Reliability Report view does not show AgeMOS instances for native TMI+AgeMOS
2568789 SPECTRE Spectre X inaccuracy with spef stitching
2569235 SPECTRE Does transient noise with vsource/noisefile support a noisefile with a spectrally shaped profile?
2571088 SPECTRE Spectre APS segmentation fault error in Spectre 20.1 ISR8 and newer versions
2572231 SPECTRE Spectre X reporting incorrect waveform units when using psfxl
2576129 SPECTRE Spectre error in post layout simulation with mixed case instances
2576916 SPECTRE The effect of temperature is ignored in the post layout flow that uses dspf_include
2577618 SPECTRE In direct method, add_pin does not add pins at a specified layer
2580185 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly while running element info analysis on a customer testcase
2580952 SPECTRE Need to speed up Spectre X further
2580955 SPECTRE Support maximum Gm delta_Vth and constant current to calculate delta_Vth
2581739 SPECTRE No aging with URI aging models
2581875 SPECTRE Enhance info analysis to support the generation of duplicates of structural defects when faultcollapse=no
2582777 SPECTRE spectre_ddmrpt produces incorrect results when merging table files
2582808 SPECTRE Incorrect reporting of grid capacitance in PowerGrid Views report for one switch net
2583132 SPECTRE enable_dcsweep_op_info=yes does not work when multiple instances refer to a var that is swept in DC sweep analysis
2583171 SPECTRE Main Spectre process for a high-sigma Monte Carlo run stops responding even if all subprocesses are run successfully
2585125 SPECTRE Spectre Ignore Spice Syntax Options Parhier on SPECTRE_20.1ISR10 And Later Version
2588638 SPECTRE A Monte Carlo run in Spectre MDL exits unexpectedly due to the limited number of files opened
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR13
2563962 AMSD xrun: Fix error while processing the input SPICE files in the AMSD flow
2259191 SPECTRE Incorrect node voltage with +postlayout during dc sweep
2306098 SPECTRE Add warning messages for the invalid scope parameter in assert statement
2315484 SPECTRE Instance order of the PORT elements are incorrect in APS
2418286 SPECTRE The input.dbg_em_limit file is empty for the 'iterated' method of On-Time peak EMIR simulation
2434451 SPECTRE SP analysis results incorrectly show huge spikes in S11 and S22 especially for lower frequencies
2447967 SPECTRE SHE XML file is not automatically found unless manually specified using shXMLFile
2447986 SPECTRE SHE XML is not found during Load Results if a history has been renamed in ADE Assembler
2461514 SPECTRE Introduce options mos_conduct_rule =tri_sat or tri_sat_sub, mos_ith, and mos_gds in dyn_highz
2462202 SPECTRE Spectre APS gives incorrect xf analysis result at low frequency unless run with preserve_inst=all
2463931 SPECTRE Spectre APS produces incorrect AC analysis results randomly when postlayout=hpa option is used.
2465126 SPECTRE Want a way to disable initial setup check
2470640 SPECTRE Random failures in submission of jobs to LSF while running a Monte Carlo simulation in Spectre
2470950 SPECTRE Spectre APS and Spectre X return an incorrect result with QRC-extracted netlist
2475449 SPECTRE Wrong Spectre X results due to sparam passivity issue resulting in an unexpected peak in an ac waveform
2475897 SPECTRE Document mos_conduct_rule parameter for dyn_highz node circuit check
2479881 SPECTRE split dyn_float_tran_stat analysis per ping or groups of pings for independent job processing on LSF
2510550 SPECTRE Discontinuous profile in C-V (capacitor-voltage) Descriptions with Spectre netlist simulations when vds=0
2511084 SPECTRE Need a better solution for the incorrect AC and SPARAM analyses results associated with postlayout=hpa option
2519234 SPECTRE shXMLFile not working implicitly on N3 with realtime SHE
2526143 SPECTRE Generate an error when running single stage EMIR SHE flow without enable_emir_on_stress
2527044 SPECTRE Fix the bug of difference in the results generated by Spectre baseline and Spectre APS
2536654 SPECTRE In some cases, Load EM Results in Voltus-Fi is not reading the content directly from the input.tmideg0.xml file
2538830 SPECTRE Evaluating terminal currents using the latest Spectre 20.1 gives incorrect results
2554143 SPECTRE Info analysis identifies bridge insertion points incorrectly when faultlocal=yes is set for a top-level subckt
2556237 SPECTRE Provide an option to always keep a MOS conductive with a static check in Spectre APS, Spectre X, and Spectre MS
2560215 SPECTRE info analysis/TFA/DFA should issue a warning if the requested resistance does not match a type of fault
2560705 SPECTRE How to know a range limit of BJT parameters
2562472 SPECTRE Incorrect bjt diagram for xcjc2
2563244 SPECTRE Spectre Monte Carlo error out in iteration#1
2563301 SPECTRE Segmentation fault when skip_dev_inside_subckt is used in multicore simulation
2564983 SPECTRE Spectre detects NaN using deltox instance parameter
2566094 SPECTRE AMS-SpectreX top level current is zero even with Spectre 20.1 ISR10 which has similar fix
2566209 SPECTRE spectre_ddmrpt should support nominal simulation that is finished by $finish_current_analysis command
2566942 SPECTRE Spectre aging uri_MosVar->mode value incorrect for BSIM4 and PSP
2566955 SPECTRE Syntax error DSPF-124 in parametrized DSPF in recent Spectre versions
2567772 SPECTRE legato license is required when "rel_mode type=all"
2568395 SPECTRE Spectre X gives segmentation fault whereas Spectre APS runs fine
2569440 SPECTRE Spectre exits abruptly when the absdelta function is used inside Verilog-AMS
2570820 SPECTRE Spectre simulation is stopped abruptly when using the UWI format in Spectre 20.1 ISR10
2555929 SPECTRERF XDP fails with FATAL CMI-2010: Assertion failed in file `' at line 3279
2558831 SPECTRERF Fix convergence issue of pss on a customer circuit
2569135 SPECTRERF add EDGE and GSM standard to wsource
2563488 XPS Spectre X license is used in Spectre XPS leakage simulations
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR12
2514465 RELXPERT NMOS HCI degradation is zero for hisim_hv in Spectre 20.1 ISR8
2129247 SPECTRE Introduce new distribution method for Virtuoso Statistics files
2357583 SPECTRE mos195 error with spectre_native
2445526 SPECTRE Performing dcmatch affects dc/op result
2451828 SPECTRE Stress analysis is 1.5X slower than fresh transient analysis simulation
2457604 SPECTRE Add wildcard support in preserve_inst option
2461514 SPECTRE Introduce options mos_conduct_rule =tri_sat or tri_sat_sub, mos_ith, and mos_gds in dyn_highz
2470207 SPECTRE Support multiple DSPF in electrothermal simulation
2473425 SPECTRE Verilog-A Fault model behaves inconsistently in Spectre Fault Analysis
2475897 SPECTRE Document mos_conduct_rule parameter for dyn_highz node circuit check
2480054 SPECTRE Spectre gives segmentation fault error in spectreFlowCalculator
2481940 SPECTRE Model diode_cmc is not recognized in spice format
2487052 SPECTRE Performance issues with schematic-based thermal simulation of DCDC convertor
2497866 SPECTRE Enhancement in MOnteCarlo to provide option to provide N with uniform distribution very similar to stdScale and dist.
2508185 SPECTRE Enhance spectre_fsrpt to use Wald formulas to calculate Confidence Interval
2513373 SPECTRE Introduce support for ASM-HEMT 101.1.0
2513757 SPECTRE Monte Carlo probing count issue
2513774 SPECTRE Reliability statement causing differences in the results of normal DC sweep
2515545 SPECTRE Question about detailed behavior of rcsolve_multi_proc
2516949 SPECTRE Monte Carlo mismatch does not work for device inside structural if statement
2522136 SPECTRE Enhance PWL source by adding parameters and functionality
2523429 SPECTRE Spectre X gets inaccurate DC result because of mosfet_stackgate in N3 process
2524336 SPECTRE Spectre segmentation fault while accessing inline subcircuit
2524906 SPECTRE Data lost when a ping hits ping_timeout
2526255 SPECTRE EMIR simulation stops responding with Spectre X in20.1 ISR8
2527402 SPECTRE Output delta_vthsat in the bt0 file
2528106 SPECTRE Spectre X simulation stops abruptly
2534946 SPECTRE Spectre Thermal does not return relevant results
2538423 SPECTRE Add new clamp item dsub/k1/cdscd/pclm/Ipe0 and generate a warning message when clamping
2539085 SPECTRE The internal terminal voltage and current values of a subcircuit are always returned as zero in the URI interface
2540171 SPECTRE Incorrect warning messages for lmin and lmax are shown for the JFET device
2540618 SPECTRE Support non-tran analysis in TMI gradual aging
2541035 SPECTRE Transient analysis results in segmentation fault when +preset=mx is used in SPECTRE21.1
2541048 SPECTRE For bsim4 model, the results generated by Spectre baseline are different from those returned by Spectre X or Spectre APS
2543871 SPECTRE Segmentation fault when +preset=mx and +xdp are used
2544629 SPECTRE Spectre hang at EOS Error statement after post transient simulation when device masking is enabled
2549664 SPECTRE Spectre X exits unexpectedly during circuit read in an AMS run
2549694 SPECTRE Incorrect result shown for the vth measurement for a stacked FET
2550856 SPECTRE Question about the PDK (URI) support for Spectre Native Reliability.
2551482 SPECTRE Enhancement to support utsoi model
2553217 SPECTRE Segmentation fault when multithreading is enabled for Spectre X in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR9 and ISR10
2553733 SPECTRE LDMOS devices do not age using native mode
2555304 SPECTRE Pin capacitance values calculated by the direct and iterated methods are different
2555358 SPECTRE Cannot print DC solution because DC did not converge when using eval_method=1
2555577 SPECTRE Transient noise results are incorrect in Spectre X XDP
2555605 SPECTRE Segmentation fault when using APS with +postlayout +lmts
2558286 SPECTRE mmsimpack fails to generate testcase when there are paths set by wrapper scripts and env variables
2463115 SPECTRERF Fundamental frequency is divided every time a parameter is swept
2472027 SPECTRERF kink observed in the output when adding SSB Phase Noise via a file to the vsource
2521551 SPECTRERF Add band n262 to nr wireless source for wireless standard for cellular FR2, TS1
2531195 SPECTRERF SpectreX hbnoise results unreasonably large, spectre +aps results are correct.
2535347 SPECTRERF Using harmoutputlist in hb analysis does not speed up saving of results
2550388 SPECTRERF "SPECTRE-15268" error with 2tone HB analysis
2550395 SPECTRERF Spectre exits unexpectedly when nportbbsfittedfiledir points to nonexistent location
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR11
2550407 SPECTRE XDP accuracy with Spectre RF is different from the non-XDP one
2551902 SPECTRE Spectre generates a random fatal error in XPS-S mode
2552618 SPECTRE XPS DC consumes more memory in Spectre 20.1 when compared to Spectre 19.1
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR10
1869758 AMSD Enable interactive control of global temperature by the analog TCL interface
2100890 AMSD Enhance AHDL Lint summary to have signal name and line code of A2D and D2A events
2423190 AMSD AMS power-aware simulation is giving "unable to resolve power supply" error with DVS CM
2487080 AMSD Triggering an event when changing a Verilog-A variable in the paramset file does not work
2487518 AMSD Analog waveforms are missing in SimVision when using Flex and +ms mode
2507007 AMSD Cyclic component parameter generates incorrect UNL netlist
2515240 AMSD Invalid "+preset" value in xrun command-line arguments causes SimVision to freeze
2454978 FX Spectre FX to generate an error if the backannotation options contain multiple DSPFs in the '.if/.elseif' statements
2463817 FX Enhance Spectre FX to support .if/.else for .option
2486301 FX Add an option to merge the fsdb files when using .probe expression in Spectre FX
2517439 FX Update the Spectre FX warning message
2115292 SPECTRE Change the misleading and confusing error message: invalid command line argument '+aaabbb'
2183249 SPECTRE +query' with -ahdllint in the command-line options generates a fatal error
2185765 SPECTRE Enhance dyn_float_tran_stat to add domain separators at prescribed domain nodes
2228170 SPECTRE How to change the severity of the warning from xmsim
2249487 SPECTRE Add an option in Spectre to support dspf_include based on instance scope
2312551 SPECTRE Enhance Verilog-A to display the picked file location
2323052 SPECTRE Verilog-A discontinuity occurs for flash cell
2400409 SPECTRE Add support for the PSP 103.8 device model
2434061 SPECTRE A fatal error occurs with ADE assembler reliability simulation under a particular condition
2440506 SPECTRE Spectre 19.1 isr13 gets Segmentation fault when running TMI reliability simulation for specific process node.
2462621 SPECTRE Spectre X generates an error with STB analysis using small resistor probe
2476482 SPECTRE Make the ping_iabsthresh and ping_iabsthresh_ramp parameters of dyn_float_tran_stat scopable
2485942 SPECTRE mmsimpack does not work on ADE corners run
2489201 SPECTRE Wrong results with APS +postlayout, Spectre X results are correct
2490782 SPECTRE Spectre continues consuming CPU resources even after MMSIM tokens are reduced and simulation is suspended
2491031 SPECTRE MC simulation generates an error when DC assert is on
2491430 SPECTRE Static ERC check rmax needs to work with PDK resistors
2495659 SPECTRE Spectre X takes a long time to parse the alter statement file
2499092 SPECTRE Support new netlisting feature of DSPF
2500073 SPECTRE Gradual aging based TMI reliability simulation fails with Spectre native flow
2500441 SPECTRE Spectre X simulation should generate an error if +preset is used multiple times on the command line
2502440 SPECTRE Warning "SPECTRE-17406" is issued for components of iterated instances during fault simulation
2502597 SPECTRE 'Connect-Module Error: unable to resolve power supply for vddnet/vssnet' error is generated with +ms mode
2502653 SPECTRE Correct the parsing of bridge statement in Spectre X flow
2503596 SPECTRE Support noise source with expression
2503756 SPECTRE Spectre X generates a segmentation fault error when a CCCS is probing another vsource
2503766 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs when running rel block with tran and dc analysis
2503791 SPECTRE EMIR direct mode simulation fails if DC analysis is enabled
2504553 SPECTRE Enhance dyn_float_tran_stat to output the operating region of transistors that show violations
2504581 SPECTRE Add Gamma distribution function to Spectre for Monte Carlo
2505212 SPECTRE Altering model parameters in shared subckt model gives incorrect answers depending on hierarchical path
2505736 SPECTRE EMIR transistor SHE temperature is calculated incorrectly in age step
2507601 SPECTRE Local option temp cannot be set to the value of a subcircuit parameter
2507857 SPECTRE Spectre instance-based DSPF include for Spectre simulations
2508026 SPECTRE EMIR with iprobe syntax in iterated mode shows different current direction compared to direct mode
2508185 SPECTRE Enhance spectre_fsrpt to use Wald formulas to calculate Confidence Interval
2508503 SPECTRE Spectre ++aps produces many more assert violations than +aps
2508679 SPECTRE mmsimpack is not working properly
2509230 SPECTRE Fatal error is generated at ping_start time for dyn_float_tran_stat analysis check
2509247 SPECTRE Support parameters using agauss() in spice language section of the netlist with MCI filter plugin flow
2511265 SPECTRE The simulation stops responding when running static_highz
2511388 SPECTRE Spectre X core dumps with Monte Carlo on advanced node with recent SPECTRE 20.1 ISRs
2514210 SPECTRE MDL issue occurs in tran and sweep analysis of setup & hold circuit
2515049 SPECTRE In transient analysis, sweeping parameters and single run report different simulation results
2515104 SPECTRE Using .alter and single run report different results
2515346 SPECTRE Huge count difference in generated initial conditions b/w "Spectre write vs Spice .save" when using XPS Spice mode
2517657 SPECTRE Isub is always zero for hisim_hv version 2.32
2518500 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to control the op point info for each dc sweep point
2519705 SPECTRE dcmatch analysis fails with Spectre APS from SPECTRE18.1 ISR4 unless preserve_inst is used
2520091 SPECTRE Spectre fails to provide the correct mapping between pre-layout nets and their DSPF counterparts
2520168 SPECTRE Spectre does not stop when changing the Spectre warning messages to error in circuit check
2521884 SPECTRE Spectre APS EMIR self-heating simulation exits with segmentation fault when DC analysis is run after transient
2522005 SPECTRE Simulation disk space gets filled with files when doing DC sweeps with SPECTRE 20.1 ISR6
2522176 SPECTRE TMI self-heating results cannot be displayed in ADE Results menu with realtime SHE flow
2522237 SPECTRE Gradual aging tmiInput always points to input.tmiage1 when step>10
2522494 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs when using dyn_float_tran_stat check
2522810 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs when a net name is the same as the subckt name
2523530 SPECTRE Fix dangling node of vsource in Spectre X for bisection iterations during QA
2523814 SPECTRE Reliability simulation exits unexpectedly
2524774 SPECTRE dyn_floatdcpath check causes Spectre core dump and stops the simulation
2526143 SPECTRE Generate an error when running single stage EMIR SHE flow without enable_emir_on_stress
2527347 SPECTRE Reliability analysis results on gradual aging are not correct
2527793 SPECTRE Spectre X coredumps during initial transient simulation
2527828 SPECTRE Update the tooltip for degradation value
2528308 SPECTRE mmsimpack is missing isource noisefile paths and nport file design variable parameters-referenced paths
2529531 SPECTRE Get lifetime by degradation of vtsat with external URI model aging simulation
2530406 SPECTRE Gradual aging simulation more than 10 age points generates incorrect simulation results
2530858 SPECTRE Spectre returns region=0 for device with vgs>vth in bsimbulk model
2531965 SPECTRE Fix TMI Aging with Spectre X on DC
2533073 SPECTRE emirreport analysis=[sigavg] vreftype=[max] vref as vref=avg instead of vref=max
2534724 SPECTRE Spectre generates a fatal segmentation fault internal error while running PZ analysis
2534946 SPECTRE SpectreThermal no themal feedback issue
2536711 SPECTRE Unexpected failure occurs when running cmiExtract
2538416 SPECTRE Use uriGlobalScaleParam to get the device name and bsim edition (bsim4, bsimcmg, bsimbulk)
2538758 SPECTRE Spectre segmentation fault occurs after netlist read-in when there is more than one post-layout subckts
2539451 SPECTRE The dynamic supply CM generates an error during AMS-Spectre X-MS run
2540308 SPECTRE Spectre X crashes during CAPTAB info analysis
2541896 SPECTRE HB simulation have segmentation fault with SPECTRE201ISR9 but OK with SPECTRE191ISR16
2542408 SPECTRE Monte Carlo APS simulation with pss analysis crashes
2545767 SPECTRE Spectre crash in aging simulation when DC analysis is enabled
2546667 SPECTRE Multiple TFA in distributed mode
2494616 SPECTRERF nport with default interp produces significantly different result than linear or bbspice
2507323 SPECTRERF Incorrect AC result is generated when running with HB analysis
2508258 SPECTRERF Incorrect number of sweep points are reported in Fast Envlp level2 mode
2512323 SPECTRERF HBXF modulated Descriptionting fails
2513596 SPECTRERF hbnoise results are wrong when default/linear interpolation and autotstab are used
2521551 SPECTRERF Add band n262 to nr wireless source for wireless standard for cellular FR2, TS1
2534888 SPECTRERF There is a difference between nport_default_interp=auto_switch vs explicit bbspice (nportbbsversion=2) behavior
2537439 SPECTRERF Segmentation fault occurs when running pstb on advanced node
2542966 SPECTRERF XDP crashes or hangs in HBAC using 20.1.isr9
2542969 SPECTRERF XDP accuracy issue on HBAC
2544033 SPECTRERF HB fails to converge after SPECTRE-16900
2512506 XPS Disable rpt_rcr file generation by default for XPS
2544122 XPS xps not support to collect VCCS iprobe current
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR9
2341535 AMSD (EMIR-1099) EMIR analysis failed to run in AMS flow because Spectre could not recognize the associated SPF file
2504023 AMSD [AMS] Multiple tran simulations can be issued with a SPICE probe setting and that may cause strange waveform views
2512702 AMSD Simulation segmentation fault occurred with AMS Designer flex
2326211 SPECTRE dyn_float_tran_stat: Provide option to captab analysis to evaluate network branches for additional capacitance
2416481 SPECTRE Enhancement request for dyn_float_tran_stat current output
2444507 SPECTRE Support aging simulation of sub blocks with bso file generated by full-chip stress simulation
2445744 SPECTRE Need support of accessing array/string reliability parameters in Spectre Python
2456410 SPECTRE Noise simulation result is different when an extra device is added to the netlist
2457565 SPECTRE Trise of steady state solution at thermal_window start time is very large than trise of no thermal_window
2459698 SPECTRE Spectre generates a segmentation fault error during transient run
2471202 SPECTRE Spectre simulation fails with a fatal error
2471272 SPECTRE Spectre simulation exits with ERROR (SFE-3240) for conditional statements with embedded sweeps
2472624 SPECTRE P1276: Voltus Fi / vpsbatch crash
2476482 SPECTRE Make the ping_iabsthresh and ping_iabsthresh_ramp parameters of dyn_float_tran_stat scopable
2485920 SPECTRE Monte Carlo analysis generates a segmentation fault error
2488953 SPECTRE Add support for clamping negative aged parameters in Spectre native built-in agemos model
2489988 SPECTRE Iterated method EMIR simulation terminates with segmentation fault error
2491112 SPECTRE Add support for res_bg_option1 in the ICT file in Spectre EMIR simulation
2494815 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre X to print the estimated MT# (multithread) in the regular log file
2500175 SPECTRE Subckt internal nodes to be accessible through argument in URI
2502220 SPECTRE Instance parameters of models are missing in the RelXpert aged netlist after SPECTRE 19.1 ISR16
2502308 SPECTRE Spectre native reliability URI appendage mode flow is broken from SPECTRE 20.1 ISR6 release onwards
2503887 SPECTRE .print issue occurs when saving bulk currents with wildcard
2504551 SPECTRE Add gzip support for PWL sources
2505169 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre X +xdp to support specific models
2506218 SPECTRE DC operating points are not showing appropriate values with 3 terminal BJT iss model parameter
2506637 SPECTRE The stddev value of monte carlo simulation is incorrect in SPECTRE 201 ISR7; it is correct in SPECTRE 201 ISR5
2507282 SPECTRE Add an option to generate the fault list based on subcircuit level
2507496 SPECTRE Add an option to prevent creating faults related to devices under the specified subcircuit
2507837 SPECTRE Simulation with ibis_buffer generates a fatal segmentation fault error
2508173 SPECTRE Provide fault weight sampling capability without replacement
2429456 SPECTRERF Do not print RCNet* contributors in noise simmary when parasitic reduction is enabled in Spectre X
2447051 SPECTRERF Do not print RCNet* contributors in noise summary when running Spectre X simulations with an extracted view
2466588 SPECTRERF The element of output database does not match with the element of SPF file after pnoise
2507267 SPECTRERF Fix the noise summary report to exclude the internal rcnets
2451030 XPS Different measurement results are generated in Spectre XPS FastSPICE when using the option set_wf_time_window
2512520 XPS XPS generates wrong results when sweeping vdd value
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR8
2485440 AMSD amsspice: AMS Designer does not error out when Perl is missing in the Xcelium installation
2486627 AMSD Spectre simulation using uwi failing with internal exception error "basic_string::_S_construct null not valid"
2493374 AMSD xmsim: *F,INTERR: AMS Designer exits unexpectedly during analog fault simulation
2494537 AMSD Segmentation fault with flex and APS during IC analysis
2495341 AMSD Setting d2aminstep still affects the simulation performance even though there is a warning saying it will be ignored
2039596 SPECTRE Spectre APS stops responding when the netlist containing G-elements is run with the option ropt=3
2049574 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs when saveahdlvars=all is used with Verilog-A
2198960 SPECTRE Noise unit is wrong in the Noise Summary Description when using the function getData("/TOTAL" ?result "noisesummary")
2314444 SPECTRE Spectre X stops responding after parser stage with the vx mode, however, the simulation finishes with the mx mode
2361075 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to restore the instance names and values with the info statement
2410873 SPECTRE Enhancement for wildcard probing
2414997 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to skip or ignore the subcircuits specified in skip_dev_inside_subckt
2418882 SPECTRE checklimit_skip_insts does not work properly
2430912 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre assert extreme=yes to allow use of variable parameters on both sides of the expression
2431850 SPECTRE DC convergence issue occurs in reliability analysis for a N3 test case
2433362 SPECTRE Spectre APS/Spectre X calculate wrong operating point info for multiple MOS devices
2438552 SPECTRE Spectre exits without any error message when the filter option is used in checklimit
2439239 SPECTRE Spectre X generates a segmentation fault error
2444290 SPECTRE DC convergence issue occurs in Spectre X during aging analysis for a N3 test case
2445558 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre for netlist elaboration with TMI devices
2457021 SPECTRE Lack of consistent results (error) in bsim4 models in Spectre Classic vs Spectre X and APS
2459819 SPECTRE DCOP VDS values of P devices are not reported with a negative sign
2461317 SPECTRE Spectre X results differ from Spectre APS for an arrayed instance
2464007 SPECTRE Spectre X generates fatal segmentation fault errors
2465019 SPECTRE Support wild cards in skip_dev_inside_subckt
2465852 SPECTRE Enhance the UTI code in Spectre to capture the first time point of the UTI start time
2467509 SPECTRE PSPHV Verilog-A Compact Model fails to converge from SPECTRE19.1 ISR4 onwards
2471037 SPECTRE Spectre X stops responding after bsource compilation and leaked memory
2473448 SPECTRE Running asserts takes a long simulation time with Spectre X
2479340 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly with alter statements
2480617 SPECTRE EMIR/SHE analysis fails with time window
2481323 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs on sdbIdent when the identifier is long
2484590 SPECTRE The function $cds_analog_is_valid generates a simulator error when AMS Flex is enabled
2485427 SPECTRE Do not reset Vref/Iref when restarting from a save-recover file (SRF)
2485917 SPECTRE Browse Current sidebar generates a fatal error when looking at currents in a PSPICE subcircuit
2485942 SPECTRE mmsimpack does not work on ADE corners run
2486929 SPECTRE When using +aps +postlayout=hpa with MDL file, handle RC reduction correctly if specified with a parameter or expression
2487860 SPECTRE Spectre X generates a segmentation fault error when processing the alter statement
2488668 SPECTRE AMSD: Segmentation fault occurs when Spectre X is the solver, whereas everything runs fine when the +aps option
2490552 SPECTRE Bridges Info analysis exits unexpectedly with segmentation fault with Spectre APS, but works fine with Spectre Classic
2490711 SPECTRE Using an SPF file with AMS generates a segmentation fault error
2493285 SPECTRE spectre_ddmrpt mixes detected values from different signals while calculating coverage with faultautostop=all
2496156 SPECTRE Spectre X takes a long time in parsing when .meas file is included
2498578 SPECTRE Spectre simulation is slow because of EDB Visiting time using alter with and without Monte Carlo
2500063 SPECTRE Asserts using checklimit_skips_subs report incorrect violations with Spectre X
2504586 SPECTRE Fault simulation: info analysis with faultcollapse=yes yields unexpected results when Spectre X is used
2508679 SPECTRE mmsimpack is not working properly
2450289 SPECTRERF PXF Modulated SSB to PM results are different
2491027 XPS Segmentation fault occurs in Spectre XPS X2 mode on a 5nm case
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR7
2363084 AMSD Same parameter name and net name cause DUPIND xmvlog error
2431328 AMSD Analog signals are not getting saved with run -sync in flex mode
2438586 AMSD AMS Fault simulation elapsed time increase with number of faults simulated.
2457752 AMSD AMS Designer exits unexpectedly with amsspice
2493682 AMSD UDB: Analog signals saved in different output database if 'run -sync' is present before database command
2469177 RELXPERT Enhance RelXpert to get the macro model name inside setupTerminals
2243630 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to support appendage flow + SHE
2320724 SPECTRE AMSD: System task $cgav fetches the previous time point and the current time data is lost during digital event
2327190 SPECTRE Support pz, pac, and dcmatch analyses within reliability simulation
2334889 SPECTRE Update SpectreMDL tutorial to remove info analysis from acnames list
2343074 SPECTRE FMC high yield analysis (SSS) is slow due to affinity being set automatically
2345310 SPECTRE Add profile aging capability in Spectre native reliability analysis
2417645 SPECTRE Probing current issues occur when terminal is mapped by terminal name in CDF
2424803 SPECTRE Enhance Monte Carlo analysis to generate a list of fully qualified statistical variables with distribution
2425783 SPECTRE Preserve bsource controlling rdlm resistor when +postlayout is used
2436471 SPECTRE Aging model with PSP shows high vth degradation
2438618 SPECTRE Fix the bug that causes 'Vsat' to be negative in Monte Carlo analysis with Spectre X
2450982 SPECTRE spfshortpin=0 doesn't work while spfshortpin=no works
2457892 SPECTRE Spectre X waveforms do not match with Spectre APS
2458139 SPECTRE Spectre+APS or Spectre X simulation fails to complete a simple ACmatch analysis with the latest SPECTRE 19.1/20.1 ISRs
2458979 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to report the available memory as free and cached
2459010 SPECTRE LDMOS device does not show aging effect when using Spectre native reliability analysis
2461682 SPECTRE Spectre simulation results of single model and binning model are different in HISIM_HV 2.3 model
2466027 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to handle floating vsource across subckt ports
2466090 SPECTRE Spectre segmentation fault occurs when running +mts with reliability playback
2466641 SPECTRE Wrong polarity is returned for "Id" and "vdsat" with psp103 model on a pmos device
2468622 SPECTRE Voltus-Fi reports fatal error due to SHE model files included in EMIR simulation
2468856 SPECTRE Inconsistent threads usage when using XDP
2471831 SPECTRE Switching from EMIR Direct to EMIR Iterated increases the time required to set up EMIR analysis
2472564 SPECTRE EMIR SPGS core dumps due to overflow
2472667 SPECTRE EMIR 2nd stage core dumps due to multithreading
2474724 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs randomly in Spectre during info `finalTimeOP'
2475750 SPECTRE Add support for RF analysis with gradual aging
2476442 SPECTRE Spectre X generates a segmentation fault error with the infotimes option
2476575 SPECTRE Numerical issue in netlist expression
2477210 SPECTRE Some of results waveform files are broken in analog fault simulation
2477226 SPECTRE SpectreMDL produces unexpected results versus single simulation in Spectre X, APS works fine
2477239 SPECTRE Unique node of leaf instance changed during analysis results in a fatal error
2480348 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly after transient analysis of age simulation for circuit with bsimcmg and LDMOS devices
2481296 SPECTRE Spectre X generates a fatal internal error when using 16 threads
2482198 SPECTRE Fault simulation with stb analysis generates a segmentation fault error
2482991 SPECTRE The ignore option in Monte Carlo analysis does not work as expected
2483438 SPECTRE Add an option to generate an error if noiseon instance does not exist
2484019 SPECTRE Spectre APS and Spectre X dcop values in Monte Carlo analysis are different because of a bug in parameter dut=[...]
2485669 SPECTRE Spectre generates a segmentation fault error when assertions are used
2492563 SPECTRE Simulation error is reported for most fault points even though the simulation completes successfully
2362329 SPECTRERF Spectre X RF simulation exits unexpectedly when default nport parameter settings are changed
2408025 SPECTRERF Enhance Spectre sprobe to support noise parameters
2440270 SPECTRERF Segmentation fault occurs in AC analysis when using rational function models (RFM) of S-parameters
2457788 SPECTRERF Pnoise analysis stops responding and seemingly never recovers
2470613 SPECTRERF hbnoise result varies with ppv=yes
2476144 SPECTRERF Spectre X exits unexpectedly during elaboration with a broken S-parameter file
2476622 SPECTRERF Spectre X exits unexpectedly with a fatal error message with linear IC
2484796 SPECTRERF Spectre X in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR5 generates a fatal error whereas it completes without error in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR2
2498512 SPECTRERF Spectre X hb analysis generates a segmentation fault error
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR6
2432073 AMSD AMS Flex: SimVision hangs when -spectre_args "+config ... " points to a non-existing file or path does not exist
2438102 AMSD No results created for the first point of AMS fault simulation campaign
2460698 AMSD ADE Explorer: Stopping AMS simulation while running in batch mode causes a fatal Spectre error
2443724 RELXPERT Enhance RelXpert to support the hisim2 version 2.91 device model
1550612 SPECTRE Support gradual aging flow for appendage mode in Spectre native reliability analysis
1607918 SPECTRE Add an option in DC Match analysis similar to the 'nullmfactorcorrelation=yes/no' option in Monte Carlo
2134859 SPECTRE Enhance the dyn_float_tran_stat check to make the ping transient waveforms also accessible for family Descriptions
2176689 SPECTRE Enhance the Spectre output database to provide additional info in DC sweep
2199353 SPECTRE How to prevent overwriting each log files in info analysis?
2205060 SPECTRE Enhance native reliability to run stress and aging simulation together for appendage flow, not separately with simmode
2213134 SPECTRE The autostop function is ignored when there is .print statement in the third-party simulator netlist on SPECTRE19.1 ISR2
2231308 SPECTRE Enhance the dyn_float_tran_stat check to freeze independent sources during ping
2252585 SPECTRE AC gate capacitance accuracy issue occurs for BSIM4 device in Spectre X in SPECTRE 19.1 ISR4
2255838 SPECTRE Add support for the 'nullmfactorcorrelation' option in dcmatch analysis
2273646 SPECTRE Inst scoped user options are not getting reflected in the simulation results
2302438 SPECTRE assert expr="avg(pwr)" reports values much higher than shown in ViVA power Descriptions
2307017 SPECTRE Spectre X does not match Spectre APS measurements
2310095 SPECTRE WARNING (SPECTRE-16518): An arithmetic exception occurred in analysis `dcOpInfo' .
2320102 SPECTRE Add support for 32-bit unsigned integer in Verilog-A
2339245 SPECTRE Missing measurement alias name in run statement causes segmentation fault error in MDL
2340104 SPECTRE Running Spectre simulation with a Verilog-A module generates an error
2347664 SPECTRE Nets are not kept in Spectre X for a pre-layout netlist unless +postlpreset=off is used
2359650 SPECTRE ams_flex with dynamic probes shows performance degradation as compared to classic
2400109 SPECTRE VoltusFi missing odT devices should be assigned temperature 0'C not worst case temperature
2400409 SPECTRE Add support for the PSP 103.8 device model
2405869 SPECTRE Spectre X is slow when using +config 011520-F
2409888 SPECTRE Start value of total power is incorrect when thermal_windows is used
2410321 SPECTRE Add support for the 'nullmfactorcorrelation' option in dcmatch analysis
2412338 SPECTRE Enhance SKI to support all MDL statements outside of measurement alias
2412411 SPECTRE AMS simulation generates a segmentation fault error
2416857 SPECTRE APS DC operating point IDS current for parallel MOS devices is incorrect
2417085 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to list all mismatched port names and numbers between the subckt instance and subckt definition in DSPF
2417237 SPECTRE Assert violation is reported with FLEX-Spectre X but not with FLEX-APS
2417978 SPECTRE Blowup limit error happens only with mt run
2419644 SPECTRE MC simulation with SPICE format model stops responding when dut is set in mc command
2420242 SPECTRE Spectre X with +preset=mx drops small non-parasitic nets in dynamic signal EM
2420911 SPECTRE Transient analysis stops responding with rcr_temp_affects=1
2424860 SPECTRE Assertion failure occurs when using reelaborateonalter=lazy in the options statement with Monte Carlo simulation
2425020 SPECTRE The simulation stops responding and segmentation fault occurs in static mode with Spectre X at Liberate AMS GUI mode
2426527 SPECTRE Spectre X does not save the node specified in the save statement
2426790 SPECTRE Segmentation fault error occurs in Spectre X EMIR simulation
2427470 SPECTRE Enhance AOT flow to report block-level PWL time and delay in Spectre top-level log file
2427963 SPECTRE Enhance noise analysis with +dcopt to show the original resistor names
2428967 SPECTRE Gradual aging results differ for 4 age points compared to two groups of 2 age points
2430948 SPECTRE In ADE Assembler, output expressions tracking global variable values assume unexpected values
2432059 SPECTRE Fix the Spectre segmentation fault issue caused by the BSIMIMG device model
2432066 SPECTRE Vds results in Spectre APS and Spectre do not match in dcOpInfo analysis
2434780 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre thermal to avoid rounding-off of time value written in the temp_grid file
2436679 SPECTRE Spectre occasionally produces an incorrect leakage value during characterization using Liberate
2437131 SPECTRE Degradation results are not generated for age simulation with SPICE netlist and TMI n3 model
2437339 SPECTRE The localparam real variable does not work inside the for loop in Xcelium; it works fine in Incisive
2439232 SPECTRE Monte Carlo analysis exits with insufficient memory error
2440106 SPECTRE Results of manual defect insertion do not match automatic insertion - 6mV offset in direct fault analysis
2442047 SPECTRE Simple genvar evaluation fails to update in the loop
2442343 SPECTRE Spectre exits abruptly after a long simulation run
2443032 SPECTRE Segmentation fault error occurs when a high number of PLL simulations is launched in LSF in direct fault simulation
2443881 SPECTRE Spectre generates a segmentation fault error with the Check&Assert flow and extracted view
2444253 SPECTRE Monte Carlo simulation takes a long time for elaboration when the model is in SPICE syntax
2444971 SPECTRE Missing vssx signals in SpectreX simulation output
2445417 SPECTRE genNameMapDB generates segmentation fault when using dspf2ade flow due to a bug in name mapping
2447338 SPECTRE Enhance AOT flow to check pwl for currents above user-defined threshold
2447571 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to reflect fault collapsing for shorted terminals in weighting assignment
2448261 SPECTRE Net (/net5) from zero volt VDC source is missing in simulation output
2448443 SPECTRE Fix segmentation fault for max_proc exhausted due to child processes when SPECTRE_DEFALUTS '-E' is set with Liberate
2449331 SPECTRE Electrothermal simulation does not stop with warning_change_severity=error
2450436 SPECTRE Spectre stress backannotation cannot take .dspf/stress config file/stress map in different directories
2450922 SPECTRE Transient noise result is not aligned in Spectre and Spectre APS
2451414 SPECTRE Enhance the +mplauncher command to provide better load balancing in Spectre fault simulation
2451415 SPECTRE The emir_bin0 file is not generated in EMIR analysis
2453494 SPECTRE Spectre gives segmentation fault during SFE elaboration
2453550 SPECTRE Fault collapsing for open terminals of parallel instances should count all terminals
2453676 SPECTRE SPGS block-level core dump issue occurs in EMIR analysis
2454473 SPECTRE Add support to gzip the spfrpt file from SPGS analysis
2454849 SPECTRE Current probe issue occurs when using a SPEF file with spfr2iprobe
2456078 SPECTRE Spectre APS generates a segmentation fault error
2459874 SPECTRE Spectre X generates a segmentation fault error with SPECTRE 19.1 ISR15/ISR16; works fine with SPECTRE 19.1 ISR12
2459993 SPECTRE Spectre APS in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR4 shows convergence issues unlike SPECTRE 19.1 ISR 15
2460032 SPECTRE Spectre APS generates a fatal error with the 'output_subckt_degrad file' option in reliability block
2460152 SPECTRE Spectre XPS X2 mode generates a fatal error when using .probe i(*) level=10
2460369 SPECTRE Fault simulation generates an error when the generated faults are manually included with the include statement
2460480 SPECTRE Spectre generates wrong output for a Verilog-A module that includes instances of a second module
2461785 SPECTRE VAMS module signal access function current (I) is not recognized with CDS_AHDL_LRM_COMPATIBILITY=2.4
2462245 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs with +aps and ++aps due to oppoint save statement
2464348 SPECTRE redefinableparams + alter fails when parameter is expression of other parameters
2464489 SPECTRE Spectre APS exits with segmentation fault error
2465446 SPECTRE Trise from device oppoint incorrectly has negative sign causing wrong results
2465964 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre EMIR to change the UTI initialization value for intrinsic cap from "1e-14" to "1"
2466060 SPECTRE In Spectre X, XF analysis produces incorrect results
2468294 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs because too many files are created in EMIR flow when multi-threading is enabled
1532928 SPECTRERF Pnoise vsource instance ssbphasenoise param fails on Pulse type
1897737 SPECTRERF Add support for noisetype=ssbphasenoise for pulse type source as well
2116863 SPECTRERF Support noisetype=ssbphasenoise for pulse type source
2142886 SPECTRERF Support sprobe for hbsp and psp analysis
2219994 SPECTRERF Enhance sprobe to support hbsp after large signal hb analysis
2273067 SPECTRERF Enhance vsource with sourcetype=pulse, pwl to have noisetype=SSB phase noise dBc input
2316648 SPECTRERF Enhance Spectre to add SSB Phase Noise to pulse
2420343 SPECTRERF Segmentation fault occurs during pss simulation
2425393 SPECTRERF Spectre generates convergence error in hb analysis of a LC crystal oscillator design
2432206 SPECTRERF High percentage EVM for 5G NR wireless transmitter
2440420 SPECTRERF Spectre APS exits unexpectedly with envelope analysis
2444541 SPECTRERF Support save selected harmonics in hb analysis
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR5
2422111 AMAZON Initial condition for subcircuit does not work
2412932 AMSD Getting error "*E,RNUNES" in AMS Designer Flex but not in Classic
2412997 AMSD AMS Designer gives incorrect results with sigrampup and Flex
2416626 AMSD Issues with voltage of AMS Designer connect module when skipdc=sigrampup is enabled
2419082 AMSD AMS flex mode with sst2 format gets incorrect waveform
2038253 SPECTRE Remove assert warning when min and max parameters are not specified and info=yes
2133287 SPECTRE Support Event Triggered Analysis in paramsets
2245789 SPECTRE Specify instances function is not working properly in Monte Carlo Simulation with variation=process
2286395 SPECTRE Merging of identical subcircuit instances breaks the hierarchical probe instance name solution in Spectre X
2320410 SPECTRE Enhance the mmsimpack script to support TMI aging flow
2329565 SPECTRE Harmonic Balance sweep in reliability section
2331043 SPECTRE Change the default Y axis label of the trise waveform for electrothermal simulation
2337054 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to support HB sweep analysis within the reliability flow
2340698 SPECTRE Reliability simulation involving DSPF doesn't show degraded Aging results
2362252 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to run the simulation with compressed SPICE file
2362654 SPECTRE bt0 file is empty when running reliability simulation with XPS-S
2398973 SPECTRE dcOpInfo takes a long time to complete as compared to dc, ac, or stb analysis
2399408 SPECTRE The +query option gives different answer depending on the machine
2404600 SPECTRE An incorrect waveform is generated using Spectre X compared to Spectre APS unless preserve_inst=all is used
2407879 SPECTRE Enhance the algorithm for island detection and removal to cover constant vsource to ground
2407996 SPECTRE Issue with name map DB generation
2412071 SPECTRE Spectre simulation results with EKV model are different from the results generated using a third-party tool
2417085 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to list all mismatched port names and numbers between the subckt instance and subckt definition in DSPF
2417145 SPECTRE SPECTRE 18.1 32-bit is faster than SPECTRE 19.1 64-bit
2417866 SPECTRE Spectre stops responding in the middle of a transient run
2418567 SPECTRE Spectre APS and Spectre X results are different for OP parameter
2420157 SPECTRE Need support for event-triggered analysis in paramset file
2420828 SPECTRE Monte Carlo simulation in Spectre APS continues to run dc sweep even when an error is reported for the sample point
2424728 SPECTRE Spectre Monte Carlo instance names are missing in mismatchparamfile when instances are added in the dut field
2426071 SPECTRE Spectre gives internal error with exception when using a concatenated string with table_model
2428313 SPECTRE preserve_inst=all generates an error in fault simulation when save=allpub
2428965 SPECTRE Spectre handles coupling of inductors with temperature coefficients in a non-intuitive way, and one is inconsistent
2430184 SPECTRE The table file contains wrong values for mixed-signal fault simulation with autostop and $finish_current_analysis
2430883 SPECTRE EMIR analysis in SPECTRE 18.1 generates segmentation fault error
2437452 SPECTRE Option redefinableparams does not work in SPECTRE 19.1 ISR14 and SPECTRE 19.1 ISR15
2439096 SPECTRE The iprobe inserted to save the current in the +dcopt flow generates incorrect results
2439634 SPECTRE Add a feature in spectre_ddmrpt to combine multiple table files to create a non-overlapping fault list
2441167 SPECTRE Fix the strange warning that is generated when opening a file to make Spectre X compatible with EMIR
2441380 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre X initialization with large Verilog-A block that takes much longer than Spectre APS
2446939 SPECTRE Add custom Verilog-A fault model in fault analysis
2453582 SPECTRE Spectre Fault Simulation, DDMRPT: Enable merging of several table files with weights recalculation
2458979 SPECTRE Spectre to report available memory as free and cached
2459030 SPECTRE Spectre opens thousands of pipe handles
2460462 SPECTRE Enable HB sweep within reliability analysis block
1975684 SPECTRERF Enhance diffstbprobe to support writepss
2117464 SPECTRERF Save pss state when diffstbprobe is used
2220540 SPECTRERF The writehb option is ignored because of the protected component diffstbprobe
2294696 SPECTRERF Enhance Spectre to use writehb and diffstbprobe at the same time
2362329 SPECTRERF Spectre X RF simulation exits unexpectedly when default nport parameter settings are changed
2414629 SPECTRERF SPECTRE 19.1/20.1 is slower than SPECTRE 18.1; Spectre X is slower than ++aps for dc, sp, swept pss-hb pac
2417731 SPECTRERF XDP-HB shows accuracy issue in hbnoise analysis
2434548 SPECTRERF paramset in transient causes topology changes in nport and makes the simulation to exit unexpectedly
2434889 SPECTRERF DCBLOCK and DCFEED do not work in HBSP analysis
2443655 SPECTRERF Spectre X exits unexpectedly while performing PSS simulation for a Crystal Oscillator test-case
2339348 XPS Spectre XPS generates segmentation fault error during dynamic checks
2433135 XPS Using initial conditions causes segmentation fault error with a specific testcase in Spectre XPS
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR4
2360619 AMSD Custom vbit source adds quotation marks around parameter when lower in hierarchy
2361118 AMSD Browse Current giving incorrect terminal name and current value
2361717 AMSD AMSD Flex: Issues in logFile database with UDB + compression enabled; static probed signals missing in Waveform window
1990169 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly when running altergroup with subckts having vsource
2197089 SPECTRE relay produces incorrect noise after switching with transient noise
2258897 SPECTRE Asserts triggered during DC sweep with bogus values
2276559 SPECTRE Support wildcard pattern matching characters with save_inst
2279903 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs with sensitivity analysis
2286833 SPECTRE The simulation fails to converge with the +aps=moderate due to one model parameter resulting in negative capacitance
2300379 SPECTRE +postlayout=hpa +rcnet_fmax=500 causes failures in monte carlo iterations
2307017 SPECTRE Spectre X does not match Spectre APS measurements
2307760 SPECTRE Logic probe with wildcard does not save the bus signal
2316250 SPECTRE Spectre generates a fatal error when running with append_type=subckt that is not supported in native reliability
2319774 SPECTRE Transient noise result is not the same between Spectre and Spectre APS
2320619 SPECTRE Improve error message ERROR (SFE-435): Cannot access an out of range index
2324957 SPECTRE Parameter delta of voltage-controlled source pwl causes an undesired wave
2329514 SPECTRE APS EMIR iterated method run reports unrealistically high current, which causes huge IR drop for the VSS node
2335102 SPECTRE A rigid branch failure is generated with Spectre X while Spectre APS runs fine
2341790 SPECTRE The URI aged model parameter value of a special case is 'nan', which causes Spectre to fail
2343074 SPECTRE FMC high yield analysis (SSS) is slow due to affinity being set automatically
2349305 SPECTRE Include warnings and errors from the Spectre child processes logs be included in the main Spectre log
2350417 SPECTRE DC convergence error occurs during transient analysis
2352836 SPECTRE Spectre X generates wrong results for GND
2354853 SPECTRE Enhance spectre_fsrpt to report Confidence Interval for SPFM
2354889 SPECTRE Running fault simulation with an assert that does not contain safecheck parameter generates an error
2356556 SPECTRE Environment variable for uri_lib file path in RelXpert causes the simulation to fail
2359590 SPECTRE Collapsed faults do not contain devices for eliminated faults as fault collapsing is applied to multiple fault blocks
2359678 SPECTRE Forked process should not print the license-related message in signal handler
2359981 SPECTRE Spectre X generates a different value for the current than Spectre APS for the same preset mode
2360777 SPECTRE SFE-2931 warning is not generated for the netlist in Spectre format
2361101 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs in Spectre X when simulating a very large DSPF file
2362071 SPECTRE Spectre cannot read an encrypted PSpice netlist
2362631 SPECTRE Stitching issue occurs with multiple 0V vsources connected together
2363481 SPECTRE AOT nets without *|Is physical data should be included in emir_bin file
2363604 SPECTRE Open faults are dropped when sampled from Fault Group
2364011 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly when statAlters is included
2364412 SPECTRE Message column is empty in sqldb assert_1view with "checklimit_full_duration=yes"
2364449 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre to read the new syntax of PWL text file
2365687 SPECTRE N3 TMI Aging provides too optimistic degradation results
2366024 SPECTRE PSS hits LSF run limit with SIGUSR2 signal but shows no error
2399824 SPECTRE Spectre AMSD fails due to incorrect numerator coefficient for CCVS
2399956 SPECTRE TMI Aging provides too optimistic degradation results
2400345 SPECTRE Running 2nd stage only and MultiProc=ON causes report generation issues with dangling signal nets fix
2409776 SPECTRE Huge inaccuracy is seen between Direct & Iterated method EMIR simulations
2410891 SPECTRE Digital Vector File does not work with Spectre X, but works with APS
2413055 SPECTRE AOT top-level dynamic simulation drops the design resistor coupled nets
2414438 SPECTRE Convergence problem occurs due to negative device caps
2414602 SPECTRE Running DC sweep before transient causes Spectre X to exit unexpectedly
2415055 SPECTRE Add support for minGridTrise waveform
2418282 SPECTRE Incorrect circuit behavior is seen with +dcopt and save statements
2423384 SPECTRE Spectre X exits unexpectedly for the extracted netlist
2438830 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly when using +preset=mx
2216509 SPECTRERF Two-tone xdb analysis reports time used for 1-tone in the log file
2304561 SPECTRERF Envelope analysis fails to converge
2309998 SPECTRERF Spectre XDP-HB runs out of memory on distributed processing run
2350277 SPECTRERF Unable to use single tone result in multi-tone simulation using "readhb writehb" option
2352855 SPECTRERF Internal error found in spectre during periodic steady state analysis `hb'
2417804 SPECTRERF CLONE HB Sweep DC has issues with auto-switching nport
2420343 SPECTRERF Segmentation fault occurs during pss simulation
2429595 SPECTRERF hbnoise hbxf write incorrect node information to psf
2440420 SPECTRERF Spectre APS exits unexpectedly with envelope analysis
2413965 XPS SADIFF and delay accuracy issue occurs in speed1 timing
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR3
2055959 AMSD Add option to flush sim data to waveform database at the interactive TCL prompt
2250633 AMSD Need to use spectre from spectre installation during UNL netlist assembly
2289993 AMSD [02,03] Simulation hangs with AMS Designer Flex with Spectre X and SST2 in interactive mode
2328896 AMSD AMS Designer Flex mode hangs at the second event of dyn_float_tran_stat even-triggered analysis
2331316 AMSD Issues in simulation results of AMS + Monte Carlo with SST2 database format
2346925 AMSD AMS Designer Flex: Seeing differences in output results between Classic and Flex runs
2348981 AMSD AMS Designer Flex mode: dataset.stitch file being written by both Spectre and Xcelium under certain circumstances
2359126 AMSD SimVision MS Schematic Tracer of an inline subcircuit shows no port connection to the MOS device
2000804 SPECTRE Current measurement differs significantly based on save statement due to a bug in diode subcktprobelvl
2092210 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre fault simulation to generate stuck-at fault list
2105524 SPECTRE Spectre generates a spurious warning message about the eotacc model parameter value
2166515 SPECTRE QRC RLCK extraction generates corrupt netlist using DSPF output
2185075 SPECTRE Enhance the dyn_float_tran_stat check to make ping_resistor_min and ping_resistor_max as scoped parameters
2186478 SPECTRE Spectre simulation with altergroup, +mp option, and sweep runs without errors but stb results are not generated
2188150 SPECTRE Add support for HiSIM-HV 2.5 model
2192831 SPECTRE Inductor removed by lshort is replaced with an open instead of a short
2198348 SPECTRE Add support for LK in DSPF under dspf_include
2209942 SPECTRE rforce affects sensitivity result in SENS analysis with readforce
2231302 SPECTRE Enhance dyn_float_tran_stat to have optional time out for ping simulations
2244947 SPECTRE Add support for HiSIM-HV 2.5 model
2253748 SPECTRE Add a warning to the log file if prevoppoint is used with dcmatch in Spectre APS
2272804 SPECTRE The glitch current results generated by Spectre APS are incorrect while Spectre generates correct results
2275646 SPECTRE SPECTRE 19.1 ISR6 fails to simulate DSPF file where the mutual inductor is specified
2277592 SPECTRE Support inductors under dspf_include flow
2278236 SPECTRE Inserting iprobe manually affects the option subcktiprobes=all
2285637 SPECTRE Add a function to Description the waveform of electrothermal results
2290924 SPECTRE Fix the data merging for Monte Carlo donominal=yes when using the +mp option
2295369 SPECTRE Support a single file output (merge .bo0 and .bt0) for URI flow aging simulation
2298841 SPECTRE There is an accuracy difference between Spectre X cx mode and Spectre APS conservative mode for HB analysis
2303508 SPECTRE Add support for a new format for *.bo0 in Spectre native with multi-degradation setting enhancement
2304385 SPECTRE When running transient simulation with actimes, the generated output is not as expected
2305963 SPECTRE Spectre X exits unexpectedly when using altergroup with the specified model section but Spectre APS works fine
2307002 SPECTRE Spectre simulation performance is slow with the +liberate option
2307276 SPECTRE Spectre APS generates an error when the path name of a Verilog-A file is too long
2307427 SPECTRE Add an option in the dyn_floatdcpath check to include bulk current
2308795 SPECTRE lshort does not short the inductor with a specific netlist
2308807 SPECTRE lshort option does not work correctly
2312327 SPECTRE The 'vds' and 'id' information result for bsimcmg is incorrect in rawfile for Spectre X and ++aps
2312814 SPECTRE Correct the spectre -h content for the output parameters (nt and etathe3d) of mos2002t
2314351 SPECTRE Spectre X RF accuracy (JC) is off by 20% as compared to Spectre APS
2314435 SPECTRE Global temperature overrides the temperature defined as a dynamic parameter
2315633 SPECTRE Support a method to pass the degradation value to the calcAge function
2318887 SPECTRE Spectre +aps fails to prune a circuit properly with preserve_inst=none when there is even a single alter statement
2319830 SPECTRE Support time window with Spectre thermal analysis
2320556 SPECTRE Support new waveform DB of max temp of grid node covering device on heatmap
2322706 SPECTRE Viva Calculator expression histogram2D is not working correctly when using +mp and "distribute=lsf numprocesses=16"
2324434 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs in BJT device during Spectre Monte Carlo run
2325668 SPECTRE DSPF error occurs with mutual inductance
2326518 SPECTRE .print file is not generated when Spectre X is run with SPICE-format netlist with the .print statement
2327943 SPECTRE Spectre X pre-layout circuit triggers postlayout reduction and drops some nets when save=all
2328230 SPECTRE The simulation exits unexpectedly in SPECTRE 19.1 ISR8 when using CMI with Spectre X
2329308 SPECTRE APS scaled sigma sampling (SSS) fast MC simulation generates an error when searching the k-sigma corner
2329787 SPECTRE Spectre X +preset=mx core dumps while Spectre APS runs fine
2330885 SPECTRE Spectre X does not generate the output file for .print statements whereas APS does
2333590 SPECTRE QRC RLCK extraction generates a corrupt netlist using the DSPF output
2333785 SPECTRE Small time steps '24 as' in Spectre X +preset=mx generate large waveform file
2334297 SPECTRE EM analysis does not run with design resistors
2334425 SPECTRE The weighted coverage results for open faults reported by ddmrpt are not consistent
2334779 SPECTRE Enhance Spectre X to use preset_override to enable preserve_inst=all
2335130 SPECTRE useterms=name changes the hierarchy in results dB
2336675 SPECTRE The dyn_floatdcpath check with +ms exits unexpectedly in SPECTRE 19.1 ISR
2336864 SPECTRE Spectre X RF Pnoise results are about 1dB different from Spectre APS
2337119 SPECTRE Add support for r-via format in dspf file
2337198 SPECTRE Add pulse for energy-based Td calculation for ACPEAK
2339392 SPECTRE Voltus-FI SHE analysis does not work for all FET devices
2340980 SPECTRE Hisim_hv does not respect nf parameter
2341475 SPECTRE The SPE-1996 divide by zero error should report the instance causing the issue
2342174 SPECTRE A fatal error is generated while running fault simulation with AMS Designer
2342196 SPECTRE Mixed-signal faultsim report fault detected at the end of simulation although test signal in assert remain within limit
2342218 SPECTRE Add support for UNIX environment variables in the Verilog-A noise_table() function
2342731 SPECTRE RLCK is not supported using dspf_include
2343267 SPECTRE How to apply user defined tnom value by method as global option in bsimcmg model?
2344703 SPECTRE DC convergence failure occurs with Spectre X but Spectre APS works fine
2345229 SPECTRE Add stuck-at in Fault Rule for fault analysis in ADE
2345527 SPECTRE EMIR vrefnode bug in sigvmax analysis
2346408 SPECTRE DC convergence error occurs when oppoint information of stacked devices is saved
2347511 SPECTRE The noise_table_log function in Verilog-A does not support environment variables
2347956 SPECTRE The bt0 file is empty or Spectre exits unexpectedly when running reliability simulation with XPS-S
2348315 SPECTRE An error is generated during static checks due to slashes in the check name
2349561 SPECTRE Spectre calculates wrong Weff value during self-heating analysis
2350227 SPECTRE VoltusFi does not compute the SHE DT value
2350278 SPECTRE An invalid save statement causes segmentation fault error
2351033 SPECTRE A segmentation fault error occurs when spectre_encrypt is used with the -k option
2351156 SPECTRE `include function in Verilog-A does not support environment variables
2351692 SPECTRE Add stuck-at in Fault Rule for fault analysis in ADE
2352045 SPECTRE Fix the negative jtun value issue for diode
2352839 SPECTRE Spectre X generates a fatal segmentation fault error and exits
2353522 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly during Montecarlo analysis
2353581 SPECTRE Enhance "eisopt coupled_nets_by_testbench_res" to handle EMIR analysis of nets deep in hierarchy
2353605 SPECTRE %Id_sat is zero in bt0 if APS is used to run reliability and small internal resistors are in three in StackedFET model
2354202 SPECTRE Spectre generates a segmentation fault error
2356422 SPECTRE Save and restart does not work in SPECTRE 19.1 ISR12
2356453 SPECTRE The result of bt0 is not consistent with the degsort value set in Spectre APS
2357906 SPECTRE Add a new option to set the thermal capacitance from tech.txt to zero
2358593 SPECTRE Fix the port currents saving issue in Spectre X when subcktiprobes=all
2360499 SPECTRE Segmentation fault error occurs for reliability simulation in SPECTRE 19.1 ISR12
2363157 SPECTRE Wrong overall Vth of stacked finfet
1869944 SPECTRERF Provide a mechanism to sweep sampled pnoise/hbnoise to half pss fundamental for autonomous circuits
2202649 SPECTRERF PSS analysis runs when +query=meminfo is used
2247395 SPECTRERF Add an option to set the pnoise/hbnoise stop frequency to be half of the fundamental frequency from pss/hb
2247516 SPECTRERF Support variable pnoise stop frequency
2304806 SPECTRERF PSS analysis with +query=all in Spectre runs the simulation
2313490 SPECTRERF MC sim with HB Analysis stuck for hours
2352058 SPECTRERF Add 8CC/12CC support to 5G NR wireless source
2353474 SPECTRERF Enhance the performance of Spectre APS for PSS pnoise
2361821 SPECTRERF Pnoise noisetype=sampled generates an error while noisetype=pmjitter works fine
2417734 SPECTRERF Enhance -preset_override to support steadyratio as an option for PSS shooting
2347111 XPS XPS x2 simulation exits unexpectedly while Spectre X simulation runs successfully
2350126 XPS Fix the XPS accuracy issue when the speed=1 mode is used
2351007 XPS Fix the XPS accuracy that generates NaN in one of the Monte Carlo iterations
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR2
921323 AMSD OSS: Allow to override parameters defined in model file with design variables in ADE Explorer and ADE Assembler
1822016 AMSD Allow to override the parameter values in the cds_globals.vams file with the values specified in the model file
2197051 AMSD Add option to unset diagnose and ahdllinter behind -profile option
2228212 AMSD Add an option to suppress connect modules in SimVision for AMS results
2253340 AMSD option to unset +diagnose which is automatically enabling from -profile argument
2301859 AMSD Revert -profile option behavior such that +diagnose is not set automatically
2313374 AMSD Design Capture: Allow to add a softlink pointer to directory path to the run location in package
2313737 AMSD AMS Flex: Dynamic sized vector of register values referenced in analog shows wrong value after dynamic parameter changes
2323807 AMSD Verilog-AMS output is not generated correctly when running AMS Flex
2325627 AMSD AMS Flex: Spectre process consumes 300% CPU (mt=4) even if simulation is paused
2326791 AMSD AMS Flex: *W, OBANOVL warning is generated: object does not exist with "value -flow"
2331343 AMSD Add a message in simulation log file to indicate that SimVision MS is enabled
2333167 AMSD Design Capture: Unable to find metadata file output/1.environment_variables in replay mode
2333226 AMSD Design Capture: Additional filters specified in file ~/.xmdcp/common.json are being ignored
2336579 AMSD Design Capture: Replay mode fails when linking or delinking XRUN Coverage files at the end of the simulation
2336603 AMSD Design Capture: Update default capture filters to exclude capturing empty system directories like /usr, /bin, /etc
2337813 AMSD Design Capture: Capture mode converts absolute path links to relative path links and causes the replay mode to fail
2342764 AMSD Spectre fails if simulations are restarted with read-only xcelium.d
2346017 AMSD Design Capture: Segmentation fault occurs if bash function is specified with unexpected characters
2347490 AMSD Design Capture: Error occurs in accessing library files while replaying the .dcp file
2347742 AMSD Unable to replay .dcp file with the latest Design Capture version if the file was captured with an earlier version
2354068 AMSD $cgav fails when AMS is run in the flex mode but it works in the classic mode
2120183 SPECTRE Add a new redefinableparams option for a single parameter or list of parameters
2163770 SPECTRE Capture the transient absolute time into a variable to use it in Spectre assert expressions
2218878 SPECTRE Simulation with ibis_buffer doesn't match the reference model included in it
2222309 SPECTRE Spectre generates different results with assert 'max' and device finger 'nf' value variation
2235142 SPECTRE Add support for silicon photonics optical port to electrical nodes in Spectre
2240531 SPECTRE Add an option to expand 'mod' to subcircuit in assert checking
2256443 SPECTRE Assert expression variable value does not update correctly for instances in sqldb
2263943 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs with Spectre APS in pss analysis due to bugs in the output and encrypted flag
2277179 SPECTRE PSS segmentation fault occurs with Spectre APS and Spectre X due to a bug in encrypted flag
2278367 SPECTRE Spectre does not enforce simulator default test tolerance (reltol) in Verilog-A @cross statement
2287651 SPECTRE dyn_dcpath: Spectre dynamic leakage checks do not generate correct violation report
2287817 SPECTRE AMSD FLEX shows memory leakage while AMSD classic exits unexpectedly
2294559 SPECTRE An incorrect open fault is generated when using faultsample
2296769 SPECTRE The Spectre dyn_subcktpwr check fails when running AMS Designer simulation
2297419 SPECTRE Assert statement with expr="(l==6n)" does not work
2297976 SPECTRE Monte Carlo run fails using LSF bsub -J with the error message 'Job array doesn't support -K option. Job not submitted'
2299877 SPECTRE Different devices degradation condition setup causes a fatal error with URI model
2301116 SPECTRE Mismatch between terminal voltage and terminal current signal names occurs in the waveform DB
2301153 SPECTRE GMIN behavior is different in Spectre as compared to the third-party simulators
2302566 SPECTRE PSS/Pnoise simulation exits unexpectedly in Spectre X RF but completes successfully in Spectre APS
2302614 SPECTRE XPS-S reliability results do not match: netlist without reliability block vs. with reliability block @fresh
2304038 SPECTRE 1st stage + 2nd stage CPU times do not match with the total CPU time in EMIR iterated method
2304228 SPECTRE Monte Carlo +mp distributed runs on LSF fails with the '-J myJob[1-1]' option
2304861 SPECTRE Simulation with BSIMSOI model generates 'CMI-2048 wagisl should be greater than or equal to zero' error in Spectre
2305010 SPECTRE Transient fault analysis cannot evaluate Verilog-A variables
2306581 SPECTRE Add support for noise analysis in Spectre reliability analysis
2306944 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs when running the simulation with Spectre X
2307902 SPECTRE Incorrect PNoise result is generated because of a bug in the noise_table function
2308579 SPECTRE Add support to calculate total lifetime equation (HCI+BTI) in reliability analysis
2309099 SPECTRE Add a default deltad item value = -1 for URI lifetime calculation
2309402 SPECTRE Spectre electrothermal simulation generates segmentation fault error without parasitic RC
2310376 SPECTRE ERROR (SFE-74) Cannot run the simulation because an error was found in the protected block using Spectre X
2310591 SPECTRE Support new commands to define convergence-related information for physical quantity
2310601 SPECTRE Add support for total lifetime/degradation equation in URI
2311432 SPECTRE Changing the gmin value produces different results
2312059 SPECTRE Spectre fault simulation with +mp and mt combination results in different number of faults simulated
2312087 SPECTRE When +mp is used with Spectre, only the first task runs while the others fail
2312266 SPECTRE Support dspf_include for RLCK for non-EMIR simulation
2312972 SPECTRE eisopt solver_preset=mx needs modified values for eisopt rcsolve_max_res and eisopt 2nd_stage_rcr_threshold
2313031 SPECTRE Spectre X MX mode takes more than 10x memory than +aps +postlayout=upa
2313582 SPECTRE DC sweep over temperature gives incorrect vth curve for advanced node
2315138 SPECTRE Spice .probe statement causes Spectre X gradual aging analysis to exit unexpectedly
2318649 SPECTRE Segmentation fault occurs when using soa_dest=sqldb
2319034 SPECTRE Fix the 'degsort threshold' issue when degradation sorting does not work inside a particular age level
2319503 SPECTRE Save-restart with dynamic parameter temp restarts from the wrong temperature
2319737 SPECTRE PHOTONICS: save instance current for all components of a structured signal
2320160 SPECTRE Support new waveform database of absolute temperature in electro-thermal
2320338 SPECTRE Enhance mmsimpack to support spef_include
2320404 SPECTRE AOT should check for PWL if it exists. If PWL file does not exist, Spectre should generate an error
2320406 SPECTRE Enhance the mmsimpack script to support DSPF_INCLUDE with the continuous line '\'
2321535 SPECTRE Spectre X URI aging simulation exits unexpectedly
2322145 SPECTRE The 'spf ignore_instances=[ ] from_stage=[0|1|2|]' command does not work correctly
2322226 SPECTRE Add wild card (*) support for device degradation setup (output_device_degrad)
2324477 SPECTRE Spectre exits unexpectedly when a string value is evaluated
2325406 SPECTRE Fault coverage results are incorrect after merging the reports
2326506 SPECTRE FlowCalculator does not return the correct current for probe terminal when the topology is changed
2328871 SPECTRE Python script points to a Cadence cdspython build
2330978 SPECTRE Spectre X does not reduce the parasitic resistors whose resistance is described as a simple subcircuit model
2336122 SPECTRE PHOTONICS SOS: structured port through hierarchy
2337700 SPECTRE Verilog-A database input.ahdlSimDB compiled on RHEL7 causes Spectre to exit unexpectedly
2341722 SPECTRE PHOTONICS SOS: problem writing structured signals TOC for DC & nutASCII format
2360679 SPECTRE NPORT with RFM format file generates syntax issue in SPECTRE 20.1 ISR1
2362545 SPECTRE Bus Error crash
2296211 SPECTRE Spectre X exits unexpectedly due to a bug in parser when dochecklimit is set to yes
2257458 SPECTRE dyn_float_tran_stat check ignores the xsubckt parameter in AMSD
1418992 SPECTRERF Add Power Added Efficiency (PAE) measurement to the direct Description form of envlp wireless simulation
1876273 SPECTRERF Add Power Added Efficiency (PAE) measurement to the direct Description form of envlp wireless simulation
1999571 SPECTRERF Add Power Added Efficiency (PAE) measurement to the direct Description form of envlp wireless simulation
2083269 SPECTRERF Corner simulations error out because the bbspice process takes more than 30m
2188519 SPECTRERF Remove file lock in SpectreRF_workshop
2316815 SPECTRERF Noise summary shows many significant noise contributions from unidentifiable RCNet*
2294744 XPS Measure values are NAN for speed=1 mode for some testcases
Fixed CCRs in SPECTRE 20.1 Base
2261303 SPECTRE Advanced node models with alter statement between model sections generate fatal topology change error with +xdp
2283784 SPECTRE Non-convergence issue occurs with SFE optimizer
2309083 SPECTRE Spectre APS simulation is stuck in SFE stage in the SPECTRE 19.1 ISR7, SPECTRE 19.1 ISR8, and SPECTRE 19.1 ISR9 releases
1409128 SPECTRERF Change the default value of the mtlineemsolver option to cpl