private linking service
2312,7000 8682783 Part Loading Performance Issue in Test Model ARCHITECTURE OM LOAD
2312,7000 10092519 Difference in functionality in X-form - \By U/V\ vs \All\ STUDIO_DESIGN FREE_FORM XFORM
2312,7000 10254023 Custom model view exported to JT, TDP, STEP203/214 is rotated unexpectedly TRANSLATOR STEP_AP203 ALL
2312,7000 10707951 NX CAM - holemaking operations errors when moving components CAM DRILLING GEOMETRY
2312,7000 10757944 SB Unbend leads to error: unable to create body NX_SHEET_METAL UNBEND ALL
2312,7000 10778624 NX Cannot Compute Component Move with Wave NX_SHEET_METAL ALL ALL
2312,7000 10806599 Delay Link Update delays the hole position but not its diameter change DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL HOLE
2312,7000 10842555 Part Family table jumps to the left after editing a cell on the last line ASSEMBLIES PART_FAMILIES GENERAL
2312,7000 10853074 Different Results for Check Tool Path with Parametric Tool vs Tool Assembly CAM TOOL_PATH GOUGE_CHECK
2312,7000 10863481 Have the option to create plates/Handrails under workpart STRUCTURE_DES DESIGN PLATE
2312,7000 10872896 Facing Head Base Component not able to add Kinematic Chain CAM MACHINE_TOOL MACHTOOL_BUILDR
2312,7000 10884256 NX113DNX2306 CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_3D_TET
2312,7000 10888231 Feature manipulation (create,delete,modify) in NX part takes a long time PMI DIMENSION LINEAR
2312,7000 10893397 facing heads error activating tool CAM ISV MACH_CODE_BASED
2312,7000 10911868 Facinghead, IPW wrong in tool path verification CAM TURNING IPW
2312,7000 10918002 UgtoPv outputs STPX files withtag in xml file for revision information TRANSLATOR NX_JT GENERAL
2312,7000 10935049 Access CurrentDrawingSheet properties throws Fatal Error randomly SYSENG NXOPEN C++
2312,7000 10948110 Importing Asy with clone file using the switch \include_c=no\, is not working with MFK items. NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2312,7000 10953527 Geometry that has been used as a terminating object for leader is highlighted in JT and 3DPDF TECH_DATA_PKG PUBLISH CORE
2312,7000 10958494 Poor performance of switching operation from minimally load to full/partially load ASSEMBLIES PART_FILE_OPS LOAD_OPTIONS_UI
2312,7000 10974147 Scan Arc Inspection Path doesn't use the selected sensor CAM METROLOGY CMM_INSPECTION
2312,7000 10978616 UGTOPV is exporting STPX file with revision id values areTRANSLATOR NX_JT GENERAL
2312,7000 10983650 export_ugdwgimages.exe & TC_NX_CGM_create_pattern NXMANAGER PREFERENCES ALL
2312,7000 10991599 Bad performance with Checkmate lauching .NET DLL through nx_ja_session_execute SYSENG NXOPEN LICENSING
2312,7000 10995202 export_ugdwgimages.exe unable to use TC_NX_CGM_create_pattern=${SheetName} NXMANAGER PREFERENCES ALL
2312,7000 10997532 DTP_NX must close the layout and reopen for EasyPlan changes to be reflected NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN MINIMAL_LOAD
2312,7000 11008555 NX2312 out of the box operation of Export to CGM/PDF cause the Drafting Sheet data to be corrupted/unavailable for use SYSENG NXOPEN C++
2312,7000 11017000 The created Pedestrian Prodection Feature before NX1973 cannot be edited in NX KDA GENERAL_PACKAGE PEDPRO
2312,7000 11019577 Part family update doesn't replace all components ASSEMBLIES PART_FAMILIES GENERAL
2312,7000 11020428 Unsuppressing Feature Group and PMI controlled by expression causes PMI to be retained PMI SUPPRESS ALL
2312,7000 11021205 The old wizard-Feature for \Instrument Panel Visibility\ cannot be edited anym KDA GENERAL_PACKAGE INST_PANEL_VIS
2312,7000 11022450 NXOpen.Validate.Logger.LogNXObject() doesn't seem to provide me a way to create referencePoints or referenceVectors in the HD3D Check-Mate tool. DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS VDA_CHECKER
2312,7000 11023530 NX crashes when closing application in managed mode GATEWAY CLOSE_PART ASSEMBLIES
2312,7000 11024218 User-defined polygon face colours change when regions, boundary conditions, etc. are set on polygon faces CAE ADV_SIMULATION POLYGON_DISPLAY
2312,7000 11024485 Point Join - Alignment direction incorrect when using selected face -> Tangent Face. JOIN ALL ALL
2312,7000 11024601 NX creates and uses an unwanted Sensor CAM METROLOGY CMM_INSPECTION
2312,7000 11024709 Arrow Line Stub Length is not respecting Resize on Create and Relative to Saved View resize options DRAFTING ANNOTATION LEADER_TOOL
2312,7000 11027550 Random retained status for PMIs that are suppressed by expression together with Pattern Feature PMI SUPPRESS ALL
2312,7000 11027870 Update Formboard adds components incorrectly ROUTING_ELEC FORMBOARD_V2 UPDATE_FMBD
2312,7000 11028430 Value of mom_part_name has changed in Managed Mode CAM POSTPROCESS ALL
2312,7000 11028478 Afem issue: A deleted or invalid class id was used CAE ADV_SIMULATION AFEM
2312,7000 11028719 Questions about slope analysis DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS FACE_SLOPE
2312,7000 11029216 Internal Error when loading component in NX2312 DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL EXTRACT_BODY
2312,7000 11030684 Cannot import coordinate system with bdf into fem file CAE ADV_SIMULATION CSYS
2312,7000 11030931 Problem with cut_level-layer in PostConfigurator CAM POSTCONFIG ALL
2312,7000 11031651 CSYS of SheetMetal tools (UDF with CSYS + tool ID) have incorrect rotation in FlatSolid features NX_SHEET_METAL FLAT_SOLID ALL
2312,7000 11031789 Images not shown anymore in PTS template part KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2312,7000 11031924 Add Reuse Component dialog extremely slow with certain part families NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN MINIMAL_LOAD_WS
2312,7000 11034433 Work view is not visible in Part Navigator when Performance Predictor application is active. DESIGN PERF_PREDICTOR POST_PROCESS
2312,7000 11035535 Strong result discrepancies in Sol 101 between SC2212 vs SC2312 NASTRAN STRUCTURES SOL_101_SESTAT
2312,7000 11036103 Expression in SheetMetal Preferences for customers SheetMetal Bend Formula is not ok DESIGN EXPRESSION ALL
2312,7000 11037318 Within Plant Navigator, \Checked Out\ column is not updated after notification MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2312,7000 11037509 Flow rate on HVAC equipment in the NXD decimal places KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2312,7000 11038285 LOV Value and Description not sync correctly in NX NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES LOV
2312,7000 11038722 Boundary condition display : the arrows direction are incorrect for thermal streams CAE ADV_SIMULATION BOUNDARY_COND
2312,7000 11038909 Interpart Expression issue with Standard parts when added using Open in Window KDA MOLDWIZARD STANDARD_PARTS
2312,7000 11040547 3DPDF - An object was specified which is not of a valid type for reference set membership TECH_DATA_PKG PUBLISH CORE
2312,7000 11040751 Relief Depth and Relief Width are read-only in NX2312 NX_SHEET_METAL PREFERENCES ALL
2312,7000 11040794 Access FeatureCollection in NX2312.5001 fails on missing entry point in libpartmodl.dll SYSENG UG/OPEN UFUN
2312,7000 11040808 NX2312.5001: Unable to find an entry point named 'XJA_FeatureCollection_enumerate' in DLL 'libpartmodl' SYSENG UG/OPEN UFUN
2312,7000 11041397 Unable to find an entry point named 'XJA_FeatureCollection_enumerate' in DLL 'libpartmodl' SYSENG UG/OPEN UFUN
2312,7000 11046275 Template Studio Author cannot evaluate ug_find_file and fails with invalid ✅File Name KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2312,7000 11049095 Calling NXOpen.INXObject.Prototype() NXOpen method it's returning an exception as Use askUserMessage ( ) or askSyslogMessage SYSENG NXOPEN C++
2312,7000 11049096 All universal connections disappear if only one of them is deleted CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2312,7000 12000488 Snapshot not correctly applied CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_OTHER
2312,7000 12011399 Scan Arc Inspection Path is incorrect if the selected circle segment is less than 360 degrees CAM METROLOGY CMM_INSPECTION
2312,7000 12012616 X-form : Proportional Scale change is impossible after Edit on NX 2306 STUDIO_DESIGN FREE_FORM XFORM
2312,7000 12013304 Unite feature does not fail even if the target is deleted DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL BOOLEAN
2312,7000 12014961 Diagramming sheet size not displayed for some sizes KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2312,7000 12015575 NX hangs when creating a extruded body from manufacturing sketch DRAFTING ANNOTATION RUBBERBANDING
2312,7000 12018073 Specification of cross-section editing (Specify Transform) during post-processing CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_DISPLAY