private linking service
61353 When using Board Level Annotation, a document channel set to not use 'Designator Index Control' had incorrect designator indexing applied.
61429 Parameter update settings defined in the Library Update Settings dialog (Item Manager advanced update options) were not being retained.
56711 The Interactive Routing tools now support the ability to configure and apply "Trace Centering", allowing for traces to be centered between obstacles as you route.
57986 Interactive Routing tools now support true "Zero Mitering". If the Miter Ratio = 0, no miter will be created (previously, a short miter fully covered by adjacent traces was created).
59164 Added a new 'Routing Neck-Down' rule enabling you to define the maximum allowed length of a Neck-Down trace when its width is less than the Preferred Width. (I:11512)
59341 Added the ability to create a single layer PCB, with corresponding support in the PCB editor, Layer Stack Manager and generated outputs. (I:10797)
59835 Added a round 'Donut' shape to the listing of predefined pad shapes available when defining the padstack. (I:18588)
60366 An 'Auto-Shrinking' option has been added to the Interactive Router (single-ended routing), allowing a trace to be narrowed to the applicable width in tight places as you route.
60618 After exporting a PCB to EDB format, opening the file in Ansys revealed arcs not to be very smooth in places.
61062 After importing a DXF file, attempting to select and convert all individual shapes into a single region (Tools Convert Create Region from Selected Primitives) would only convert one of them.
61083 When selecting holes through the PCB panel's Hole Size Editor, only one via from each selected group (in the Unique Holes section) was getting selected within the main design area. (BC:23361)
61208 For a specific design, Altium Designer would hang when running a DRC if the advanced option PCB.Rules.Width.CopperLoopsCalculation was enabled and when the 'Check Min/Max Width for Physically Connected' option was also enabled in a Width rule. (BC:23283)
61418 When using the Constraint Manager with a project, specific clearances defined for net classes were not being observed when interactively routing and dragging. (BC:23164)
61448 Different clearances were being applied between a component's SMD pads and a polygon pour if the SMD pads had their 'Plated' property incorrectly set to ON. (BC:20733)
61610 Removed the '[nOhm]' entry from the label for the Copper Resistance field (when configuring Layer Stack properties through the Properties panel). Value entered is in nΩ.
61729 When routing a differential pair between existing routed parts of the pair, it was not possible to end the route at any point on existing Diffpair track.
61748 The Interactive Router would ignore a closed region as being an obstacle, resulting in a dragged track (within the region) suddenly being pushed outside of it.
61916 In some cases when using the Automatic Length Tuning feature (with default parameters), the resulting tuning patterns would create short-circuit violations.
62025 For a Workspace component referencing a PCB Footprint with an empty Name, using the Update From PCB Libraries feature would show this as a failed match item and "Component Is Not Properly Linked And Synchronized. No Comparison Data Available."
62030 The feature to control whether or not drill symbols are automatically updated (live update) is now officially made Public with this release (OFF by default).
62232 When viewing a board in 3D, clicking to select a component would select the 3D body instead, presenting information for the latter in the Properties panel instead of that of the component.
62345 While interactively routing, it was not possible to change the Via Diameter or Via Hole Size through the Properties panel.
PCB CoDesign
61267 Added support for 'Copper Resistance' and 'Via Plating Thickness' parameters (defined as part of Layer Stack Manager properties).
Constraint Manager
57002 In some cases after successfully passing changes from the schematic to the PCB through ECO, accessing the ECO again would list the same 'Change Rules' actions.
59635 Values set (on the PCB side) for Min Width/Preferred Width/Max Width for inner layers were being reset to defaults, after executing an ECO to update the PCB with changes made on the schematic. (BC:23198)
60732 Added the ability to export and import constraints between designs.
60823 Some of the icons used within the UI were inconsistent.
61024 When accessing the Constraint Manager from the schematic, it is now possible to choose and configure specific width constraints (per layer) for any PCB document in the same design project, and independently across layer stacks defined for that chosen board. This applies when configuring Width and Differential Pairs Routing constraints (from the Physical view). (BC:23866)
61082 After saving a selected cell as a constraint set from the Clearances view (accessed from PCB), the constraint set was not being displayed after saving changes and then closing/reopening the Constraint Manager.
61195 In a specific case, changing a value for a cell in the Clearances view (accessed from PCB) and then clicking another cell, would result in the AV "The given key was not present" being encountered.
61200 The constraint UI for the Clearance rule when accessed from the All Rules tab has been corrected, now matching that seen from the main Clearances view.
61227 The command to access the Constraint Manager, from the Schematic side, has been moved up in the main Design menu to make it positionally similar to that on the PCB side.
61320 In some cases, changing the layer stack for a PCB and then accessing the (already open) Constraint Manager would result in the error "An item with the same key has already been added" being encountered.
61629 After changing the size of a room on a PCB and saving, making and saving any subsequent change in the Constraint Manager would result in the room being set back to its previous size.
61702 It is now possible to enable/disable advanced rules defined in the All Rules view (when the Constraint Manager is accessed from the PCB).
61791 By default, directives imported from read-only documents (device sheets, managed sheets) cannot be modified unless the 'Make Device Sheets in Projects Read-only' option is disabled (Data Management - Device Sheets page of Preferences).
61836 Added the ability to enable use of a chosen Impedance Profile, when configuring a Width or Differential Pairs Routing rule on the schematic side (through the Edit PCB Rule (From Schematic) dialog).
60961 In some cases after deleting merged cells in a placed table, the error "Index was outside the bounds of the array" would be encountered. The document could not be opened again if saved after this.
3D-MID Design
56593 The menus for the 3D PCB environment are now loaded correctly from the outset, without any manual configuration required.
61576 Added the ability to select and drag multiple components on the substrate.
61580 The name of (and full path to) the 3D substrate file is now presented in the Properties panel.
Multi-board Design
60594 After swapping pin numbers of a mated part, the net name of the System Connector and Mated part were not matching, making it look like two different nets were getting shorted together.
61035 In some cases, importing changes from a child project into the multi-board schematic resulted in the repetitive error "The Reference Pin is in the net" being encountered.
61479 Changes to Module Net naming was not preserved in the Connection Manager, nor visible in the Properties panel, but was transferred to child projects through the ECO process.
Harness Design
60593 Added ability to specify 'Strip Length' and 'Pull Off Length' when defining a crimp-type cavity in the Wiring Diagram. These properties are included in the wiring list and connection table objects in a HarDwf document.
60765 Added support for splitting a cable by adding splices to selected wires of the cable.
61137 'No Connect' objects placed within a Wiring Diagram were displayed with the generic 'NC' entry in the HarDwf's Wiring List and Connection Table, instead of real designator naming.
61331 Added the ability to display the text value for a layout label in the BOM.
61684 Added support for using commenting and tasks features in a Harness Draftsman document (.HarDwf).
61372 In some cases when changing the main monitor display (and with Altium Designer open with a Draftsman document active), the error "UCEERR_RENDERTHREADFAILURE (Exception from HRESULT:0x88980406)" would be encountered. (BC:20761)
61422 The 'Open Any Existing Document' button would disappear from the Quick Access Bar when connected to a Workspace.
61704 It was not possible to enter a space character in the Project Name field when creating a new project.
62073 With this release, Altium Designer switches from using .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET 6.
Data Management
60805 'History & Version Control' right-click context menu (Projects panel) updated with minor terminology changes and comparison commands in context with the document under the cursor when accessed.
61213 When cloning a component with defined part choice(s) in the Component editor's Batch Editing mode, the part choice data was not being included.
61216 For an opened Workspace design, trying to make a schematic or integrated library when not connected to the Workspace would result in the error "Access denied! User login required for this service". (BC:23254)
61299 The 'Save Project as Template to Server' command has been removed from the File menu for a Scripting project, since it is not applicable to this type of project.
61527 In some cases, using the Window Close All command right after connection to a Workspace, would result in the error "Unable to cast COM object of type "System.__ComObject"...".
61604 It was not possible to assign a default OutJob document through the Defaults tab of the Data Management - Templates page of Preferences. (BC:23553)
61608 Added a new violation type 'Number of Pads exceeds Number of Pins' as part of the validation checks that can be configured for a Workspace component. (I:17154)
61692 When defining a Components Synchronization Configuration document (*.CmpSync) for Database to Workspace component synchronization, you can now map a database parameter to the Workspace component's Item ID.
61693 In some cases and for some suppliers, ActiveBOM was not able to find supplier data for file-based components with linked supplier data. (BC:23454)
61694 When batch releasing changes to components (Batch Component Editing), all components were being disabled for release by default, if a part choice for at least one had been changed through the preview window.
61941 It was not possible to choose the native Git repository as the target, when making a local project available on a connected Altium On-Prem Enterprise Server.
61973 In some cases when working with the Components panel, the following error would be encountered "System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. --> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Access denied! User login required for this service".
62277 In some cases when generating a report of exported comments through an OutJob, the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" would be encountered.
62367 When creating a new component in a connected Workspace, switching to Batch Component Editing mode would see the defined target folder path truncated to a maximum of '2 child folders' below the 'Components' parent folder.
58148 When importing a specific xDX Designer design, the 'Symbol name' parameter was missing for all imported parts.
60290 When importing an Xpedition design/library, support has been added for round 'Donut' pads.
60990 When importing an xDX Designer design, active low net labels were being imported as active high (net label negation was not supported), causing different nets (with same name) to be incorrectly connected.
61337 When importing a specific Allegro design (brd + dcfx), clearance values for Fill-Fill, Poly-Poly and Region-Region were incorrect, when compared to the 'Shape To Shape' value defined in Allegro.
61338 When importing a specific Allegro design (and dcfx file), the imported Routing Width rule referred to the physical CSet name instead of the actual Net name.
61803 When importing a KiCad v.8 design, designators were not being imported correctly on the generated PCB, instead appearing as 'Unx', which broke component linking to the schematic-side components.
Circuit Simulation
60625 In some cases when opening a project and the Simulation Dashboard panel was active, the error "ValueFactory attempted to access the Value property of this instance" would be encountered.