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2406,8500 11034243 Custom Icons in NX not showing NXMANAGER TEAMCENTER_NAV BROWSE_FILTERS
2406,8500 11042569 Internal Error by open from Assembly with option Minimally Load and light weight NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN MINIMAL_LOAD
2406,8500 11084941 Calling NXOpen.Join.JoinManager.AddCallback() NXOpen method it's returning an exception as Internal error : memory access violation\ JOIN JOIN ALL
2406,8500 11103304 Middle Mouse Button, inconsistent behavior with Flange feature dialog NX_SHEET_METAL FLANGE ALL
2406,8500 11116433 When inserting an UDF, \Sheet_Metal_Material_Thickness\ disappears from the formula NX_SHEET_METAL ALL ALL
2406,8500 11139117 custom icons from Teamcenter displayed in NX NXMANAGER TEAMCENTER_NAV BROWSE_FILTERS
2406,8500 11140434 2D AutoCAD export from NX/LD takes really long time to export TRANSLATOR DXF_DWG ALL
2406,8500 11153478 There are feature templates that do not follow changes in plate thickness. DESIGN FEAT_TEMPLATE MODELING
2406,8500 11160889 If deleted part boundaries while toolpaths are selected, toolpaths are also deleted in NX2406 CAM PROFILE_3D CURVE
2406,8500 11167818 Operation selection speed issue in NXCAM 2406 CAM USER_INTERFACE ONT
2406,8500 11169081 NX: Mass properties not auto populating for components in an Assembly CAE ADV_SIMULATION MATERIALS
2406,8500 11169300 Values are not displayed at NX VSA Detail panel in Japanese NX2406 VSA SIMULATION ALL
2406,8500 11174386 Associative Mirrored parts Bracket or Collar Plate do not inherit the original Layer SHIP_DESIGN MODELING ALL
2406,8500 11175761 Edit Library Tool Number let NX returns in a local Inherited error CAM LIBRARIES TOOLS
2406,8500 11178774 Misbehavior of dynamic material during cutting MECHATRONICS MATERIAL DYNAMIC_MAT
2406,8500 11179288 Corrupt Hole Feature in Part DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL HOLE
2406,8500 11179633 Open file fails with \Internal error: memory access violation\ in NX2406 DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL THREAD
2406,8500 11179906 PR - DescriptionEL not considered in Assembly Label Manager CAE ADV_SIMULATION AFEM
2406,8500 11187727 In NX2406, to load the 'Self-Piercing Rivet' dialog is takes more than 1.5 hrs JOIN JOIN ALL
2406,8500 11190283 Internal error when opening CAM Setup CAM PART_CORRUPTION ALL
2406,8500 11190835 Group filter not available in afm (or sim) with fem group only CAE ADV_SIMULATION NAVIGATOR
2406,8500 11191983 Creating / Editing Reference Sets takes a long time SYSENG SELECTION HIGHLIGHTING
2406,8500 11192925 Decrease in operation selection performance CAM USER_INTERFACE ONT
2406,8500 11194995 The translation of gear parameters is not accurate KDA GC_TOOLKIT GEAR_MODELING
2406,8500 11196068 FEM cannot be opened if Force with certain settings is present CAE ADV_SIMULATION AFEM
2406,8500 11197760 Unable to open AFM in 2406 CAE ADV_SIMULATION AFEM
2406,8500 11202789 [NX2406] Join - Hide Solids and Curve display issue JOIN JOIN ALL
2406,8500 11208540 Middle Mouse Button, inconsistent behavior with Flange feature dialog NX_SHEET_METAL FLANGE ALL
2406,8500 11208876 Feature template expression not associating to SheetMetalMaterialThickness DESIGN FEAT_TEMPLATE MODELING
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