private linking service


2859446 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS Floating wire bond fingers in 3D Canvas
2911668 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS Different View from 3D Canvas and 3DX: Non-plated slots not displayed in 3DX
2978843 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS Non-standard laser drilled uVias are not shown as filled in 3D viewer
2984442 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS Wire bonds not displayed correctly in 3D Canvas in Allegro X PCB Editor
2985232 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS 3DX Canva does not display non-plated holes
2999002 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS NCRoute path not displayed correctly in 3D Canvas and 3DX Canvas
2979305 ALLEGROX COLOR Cannot set patterns from Color dialog in release 23.1
2973583 ALLEGROX DATABASE Cannot recover file after database crash
2867505 ALLEGROX DFA Object Report in Constraint Manager fails to output some DFM constraints
2979926 ALLEGROX DFA Deleting symbols in a DFA PkgToPkg spacing CSet resets its constraints in other DFA PkgToPkg spacing CSets
3018876 ALLEGROX DFA PkgToPkg not working properly
2638022 ALLEGROX DRC_CONSTR Allegro Duplicate Paste Mask to Paste Mask DRC
2949366 ALLEGROX DRC_CONSTR return path check fails to check cline arc reference plane loss
3007612 ALLEGROX DRC_CONSTR Return Path DRCs appearing on top layer due to route keepout on different layer.
3015609 ALLEGROX DRC_CONSTR Constraints removed using SKILL reappearing when Constraint Manager is reopened
3014362 ALLEGROX EDIT_ETCH Tabs disappeared on using 'Add Connect' icon
2984301 ALLEGROX GRAPHICS Fixed objects are invisible when GPU is enabled.
3013091 ALLEGROX GRAPHICS Drill symbol for plated slots showing incorrect rotation
2878325 ALLEGROX INTERACTIV Add - Rectangle etch objects needs to assign a net name
2974412 ALLEGROX INTERACTIV Show Property creates duplicate text at 0 0
2981330 ALLEGROX INTERACTIV Pressing Ctrl does not dehighlight highlighted symbol
2995219 ALLEGROX INTERACTIV When importing subdrawings to format symbols, .clp files are only partially imported
3008274 ALLEGROX INTERACTIV Cline segment detaches and moves to a different location when moving symbols and associated clines.
3034253 ALLEGROX IN_DESIGN_ANA Cross talk analysis results in error (SPMHGE-712) although differential pair and pin pair defined
3044810 ALLEGROX IN_DESIGN_ANA Workflow Manager is missing in OrCAD X PCB Professional when Legacy menu is not active.
3053727 ALLEGROX IN_DESIGN_ANA As of ISR006, OrCAD X PCB Pro no longer has IDA capability.
3068404 ALLEGROX IN_DESIGN_ANA Workflow Manager missing in Orcad X professional in SPB23.1 HF007
2885735 ALLEGROX MODULES The connection is broken by create module.
3040706 ALLEGROX MODULES Create module failure in Allegro X PCB Editor in release 23.1, no symbol in .mdd file
2974406 ALLEGROX MULTI_USER Symphony exits unexpectedly when placing or copying components
2974078 ALLEGROX DescriptionTING Issue with fonts using Description feature
3004172 ALLEGROX DescriptionTING Non-vectorized text scale issue
3007529 ALLEGROX DescriptionTING File > Description is giving different results for text in V23.1 versus V17.4.
2995285 ALLEGROX PULSE Option to clear Pulse ID from a board file
2980784 ALLEGROX SHAPE Acute angle trim control set to 'full round' is creating DRC errors with Route Keepin
2998337 ALLEGROX SHAPE PCB Editor crashes when running axlShapeDynamicUpdate
2486739 ALLEGROX SKILL Hole type reported by SKILL for Padstack differs between releases 16.6 and 17.x
2886768 ALLEGROX SKILL SKILL documentation for the ?fixed field of make_axlPadStackDrill for axlDBCreatePadSTack() is unclear.
2974193 ALLEGROX SKILL The Descriptionwint command is not available with Allegro X PCB Editor in release 23.1, HotFix 003
2992523 ALLEGROX SKILL Add SKILL API support to create padstacks with Drilled Hole (Actual Drill)
2992529 ALLEGROX SKILL Add SKILL API support to create padstacks with Drilled Hole (Actual Drill)
3027203 ALLEGROX THIEVING 'Manufacture - Thieving' not working in release 23.1, HotFix 006: Adds thieving vias to copper shapes
2992553 ALLEGROX ZONES Enhance zone mapping error messaging to indicate the associated zone
2983028 APD DEGASSING Advanced Package Designer crashes on 'show element' if degassing pattern parameter does not exist in the design.
2987126 APD DEGASSING Stream out and shape show element issue
3020610 APD DEGASSING Unable to add advanced degassing voids for some shapes
2954798 APD DRC_CONSTRAIN Find and replace function in Constraint Manager causes a crash
2968372 APD EXPORT_DATA Allegro X Advanced Package Designer has no Export Libraries menu for DRA file
3020877 APD EXPORT_DATA Strip Design is not updating via list
3028807 APD GRAPHICS Large design database: Performance issues on using GPU
2941278 APD INTERACTIVE Move Temp Group of structures: 'rotate then mirror_geo works, but 'mirror_geo then rotate' is not possible
2961500 APD INTERACTIVE List properties in edit properties in alphabetical order so things are easier to find.
2999278 APD INTERACTIVE axlAddSelectPoly () only finds elements crossing the cline center line
2910179 APD ORBITIO_IF ORBITNG-476 orbit2allegro: adopt individual shrink amount on standard dies
2910190 APD ORBITIO_IF ORBITNG-476 allegro2orbit: support shrink amount for standard dies
2926906 APD ORBITIO_IF allegro2orbit: enhance performance on setType,setDirection,setUse of PinTemplate
2968110 APD ORBITIO_IF Stop 'shrink extents to design content' during ISP import
2997917 APD ORBITIO_IF Missing pin directions and terms while reading MCM database
3027213 APD ORBITIO_IF APD stops responding on importing Integrity System Planner (.oio) file
2919090 APD OTHER Edit change mishandles changing class from component geometry to substrate geometry.
3027918 APD SHAPE ShapeWebbing: Clines not generated, no DRC violation
3010551 APD WIZARDS Netlist wizard does not update pin names if pin numbers needed to be legalized
3001592 APD WLP Advanced Shielding: Missing shielding traces for short gap
3001604 APD WLP Package Integrity Check: Line width not fixed by length checker
3007899 APD WLP Package Integrity Check: Enclosure rule enhancement
3011003 APD WLP Package Integrity Check: Straight lines checker enhancement for no turn region
3011026 APD WLP Import Techfile: Incorrect via to object spacing in region constraint set
3023415 APD WLP Import Techfile: Need to translate route enclosure rule
3031591 APD WLP Import techfile: Use shape-shape spacing value for via-via spacing if via pad size is more than min width of shape.
3031949 APD WLP 'add advanced fillets': unable to create fillets and when using parameters creating wrong fillets
3008345 CAPTURE OTHER Constraint Manager features difference with POX200 License in Capture and Editor.
3013506 CM OTHER Calls to 'clu' from SKILL failing because binary cannot be located
3019985 CONCEPT_HDL CONSTRAINT_MG Wrong info message appears while launching CM from DE-HDL
2991711 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Saving takes an extreme amount of time
2848636 CONSTRAINT_MGR CONCEPT_HDL DE-HDL exits unexpectedly on opening a project
3017777 CONSTRAINT_MGR DATABASE No DRC error for Annular Ring constraint on certain SMD pins.
2986108 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER DFM constraint value setup issue
2997499 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER System Capture quits unexpectedly when users open Constraint Manager
3024874 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER Crash with the axlRenameDFFCset SKILL function
3030810 CONSTRAINT_MGR SYSCAP System Capture crashes when you click on a Voltage property that has a conflict (Red) indicator
2857653 ORCADX FOOTPRINT The incomplete display of footprint in the PIM's footprint viewer
2914236 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Footprints are not visible in the Footprint Viewer window in CIS Explorer
2931583 ORCADX FOOTPRINT CIS Explorer Footprint View fails for 23.1 footprints
2931618 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Footprint in CIS Explorer not shown when created in Footprint Editor Version 23.1
2946505 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Newly created footprint in 23.1 could not be seen in Part information manager window
2949494 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Footprints updated in release 23.1 are not visible in Part Information Manager
2961600 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Footprint preview in CIS Explorer does not display footprints (DRA) saved in release 23.1.
2965099 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Footprint preview in CIS Explorer does not display footprints (DRA) saved in release 23.1
2965160 ORCADX FOOTPRINT PCB Footprint is not visible in footprint Preview of CIS Explorer.
2967674 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Footprint preview in CIS Explorer does not display footprints (DRA) saved in release 23.1
2984419 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Footprints not displayed in Component Browser preview in release 23.1
2997939 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Fix for Footprint view shown in CIS Explorer
3000859 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Issue with footprints not being visible in the CIS Explorer window.
3010322 ORCADX LAYOUT_EDITOR Selecting 3D Mode and clicking File - 3D Export makes the 3DExport window permanent
2983658 ORCADX MANUFACTURING Issue with layer name in cross section not generating artwork films
2899682 ORCADX ROUTING Cannot see Clearance View around pins/traces during routing
2938353 ORCADX UI Option to make unfilled shape in OrCAD X Presto
2961956 ORCADX UI 8-way connect in Thermal Reliefs settings does not set Min and Max connects to 8 by default in OrCAD X Presto
2741240 PSPICE PROBE Prefill the last trace names in FRA UI
2983145 PSPICE SIMULATOR Enhancement to use schedule in PSpice Tcl to modify parameters, such as RELTOL
3007764 PSPICE SIMULATOR Simulation is significantly slower when run on multiple CPU/core systems running with latest CPUs
3011336 PULSE ADHOC System Capture BOM Variant cannot refresh with Hierarchy Block
3019971 PULSE LIVEBOM LiveBOM RefDes display issue: Range is not clear from displayed value
3032061 PULSE LIVEBOM LiveBOM drop-down for variants is not sorted alphabetically
3027944 PULSE MIGRATION_SER Unable to run Pulse server in release 23.1, HotFix 006 because a required license is not available.
2826304 PULSE R2PLM-LIBSYNC Need ability to push part-level attribute values from Windchill to the Pulse-managed library
2875029 PULSE R2PLM-TC Continue PFM to the next Document publish if the current Document publish fails.
2896520 PULSE R2PLM Unable to configure SSO due to hardcoded URL parameters for PingFederate
2930064 PULSE R2PLM Enable SSO support for Windows Active directory using ADFS for R2PLM
2969869 PULSE UNIFIED_SEARC Getting an error when searching for 'library-cell' using filters in Unified Search
3009778 PULSE_SERVER APP_SRM ExtractModels_EDM does not sync pre-released models
3011316 SPEED2000 ENG_SPDSIM Aurora IDA Impedance Workflow does not show differential pair impedance result
3026869 SPEED2000 ENG_SPDSIM Aurora IDA Impedance Workflow doesn't recognize and output diff Xnet impedance result
3029831 SPEED2000 ENG_SPDSIM Aurora Impedance Analysis Workflow - Differential impedance results are missing for differential pair with XNets
2994084 SYSTEM_CAPTURE BOM System Capture Variant Generate BOM has duplicate RefDes
2994854 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA System Capture stops responding when editing blocks in the master mode
3001894 SYSTEM_CAPTURE COPY_PROJECT Copy Project As fails with site-level setting to open all System Capture projects in read-only mode.
3003912 SYSTEM_CAPTURE COPY_PROJECT Copy Project fails when site level setting to open projects in read only mode is enabled
3032429 SYSTEM_CAPTURE COPY_PROJECT Crash message on launching unison.exe and running copyProjectAs with argument.
3032475 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DELETE Cannot consistently delete net names if constraints are applied
2954884 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DRC System Capture does not waive the selected items and resets them on re-opening the DRC dashboard
3014399 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DRC Export CSV from Schematic audit report wraps columns for Waived Violation Section
2775636 SYSTEM_CAPTURE HSS_DESIGNEDI Mismatch reported on interface ports of NetGroups with correct hierarchy
3017062 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_BLOCK No symbol found message for block "digital_fdd" on importing although block has two symbols
2998607 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_DEHDL_ Color mismatch on the offpage connectors of the imported HDL project
3015292 SYSTEM_CAPTURE IMPORT_PCB System Capture backannotation of RefDes changes takes about two hours
3013518 SYSTEM_CAPTURE OPEN_CLOSE_PR System Capture creates and stores many stale .temp folders in the Temp directory.
2587472 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER In System Capture SLD, package option for blocks should not be available
2903688 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Undo does not preserve RefDes changes when replacing multi-gate parts
2998916 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Packager fails on opening project by selecting .sdx file
3030808 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Packaging options in System Capture: Cursor moves to the end of text in field being edited
2898663 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Part Manager changes property location/justification
3007611 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Cannot import changes from schematic block in hierarchical design
3010583 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER System Capture Part Manager cannot replace an 'autosync' part from out library
3011987 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Part Manager shows parts in manual sync while property panel shows the parts in sync
3030826 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SMART_PDF Smart PDF From System Capture has blocks with no Descend option
3040166 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SYMBOL_CREATO Importing multiple pages in System Capture design fails after the first page.
3040304 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SYMBOL_CREATO System Capture design has part with no ref des and part information
2985507 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI In release 22.1 HotFix 009, System Capture shifts the position of navigation links
2832592 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Visual display on canvas that hierarchical block variants are available
3010571 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG System Capture new variant added to existing hierarchical block variant is not visible in pulldown in top level design
3013446 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Variant information missing when project is opened again after closing
3014896 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Preferred parts missing in migrated designs
3018052 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG System Capture BOM issue: Assembling of a pair of configuration resistors leading to short on voltage rails
3019401 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Not all rows updated in Variant Editor when System Capture is connected to Pulse
3020933 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Importing DE-HDL to System Capture: Preferred parts do not match in Variant Editor
3033229 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG ROA (top) cannot call ROZ variant (bottom): System Capture not responding
3007129 SYS_RELIABILITY AUDIT_RULES 'sck' pin recognized as the Chip Select pin
3001872 SYS_RELIABILITY STRESS_ANALYS Stress analysis is ignoring a part based on BOM_IGNORE property irrespective of its value.
2976160 TOPXP COMPLIANCE_KI The PCIe5 compliance kit template model does not pass the compliance item.
2999008 TOPXP COMPLIANCE_KI USB3 Gen1 Compliance kit fails when switching between workflows
3013334 TOPXP GUI Full names for cktnodes associated with pins in default pin location setup window
3042813 TOPXP GUI Topology Workbench stops responding while setting up default pin location with Clarity block
3009850 TOPXP SPECTRE Support adding statement 'includes' for Spectre in Topology Workbench
3042732 TOPXP SYSTEMSI Parameter 'First' does not work in Topology Workbench
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