private linking service
2883040 3D_FDTD The Field Output results are not displayed when opened from the menu in Clarity 3D Transient Solver
2899832 CLARITYQS A medium-sized design cannot be completed in Sigrity2023.1 HF2 in mesh iteration stage but works in Sigrity2023.1 HF1
2637391 CLARITY A design works with 'D Mesh' but fails using 'X Mesh' in Clarity 3D Workbench
2709977 CLARITY Polygon simplification prevents initial mesh from starting in Clarity 3D Layout and Clarity 3D Workbench
2714140 CLARITY The Z coordinate of a new oblong based on start node and end node cannot be changed in Clarity 3D Workbench
2837823 CLARITY S-parameter files generated when wave ports are used are not recognized as Touchstone
2849630 CLARITY A waveport design is simulated correctly after removing the DC point
2871948 CLARITY LMesh fails if the dielectric is not specified on the inner trace in trace coating
2875045 CLARITY Cannot change the port sequence because the terminals from the same surface are not sequential
2877294 CLARITY Change the flex bending radius definition in Clarity 3D Workbench
2878257 CLARITY Clarity 3D Workbench exits unexpectedly when launched from a Clarity 3D Layout model containing dielectrics blocks
2880015 CLARITY Flex translation issue occurs when translating from Clarity 3D Layout to Clarity 3D Workbench
2882393 CLARITY The S-parameter results show no difference with the capacitators enabled or disabled
2886572 CLARITY Postprocessing exits unexpectedly when clicking Composite Excitation
2890682 CLARITY The quasi-static solver fails on DTC structures
2893011 CLARITY The de-embedding direction shown in GUI is wrong
2893214 CLARITY Incorrect translation of void shape occurs from GDS database
2893489 CLARITY Circuit ports are incomplete in XMesh
2894047 CLARITY Clarity 3D Workbench fails to translate the SPD file with a specific translation option
2895894 CLARITY Short errors were found after translating SPD to Clarity 3D Workbench
2899318 CLARITY Clarity 3D Workbench creates unnecessary short edges in the geometry compared to Clarity 3D layout SPD
2906445 CLARITY Etching structure is wrong when translated from Clarity 3D Layout to Clarity 3D Workbench
2909235 CLARITY Cannot import a file in Clarity 3D Workbench in Sigrity2023.1 HF2
2860353 OPTIMIZEPI Fix the OptimizePI PowerTree setup
2890698 OPTIMIZEPI Reusing the SPD file in OptimizePI loads the impedance observation points and the decoupling capacitors are grayed out
2859463 POWERDC The Generate Comparison Report option is missing from PowerTree in the Sigrity2023.1 release
2868473 POWERDC Converting .htm report to PDF using the Tcl script does not work in PowerDC
2880708 POWERDC PowerDC simulation runs fine in Sigrity2022.1 HF5 but not in Sigrity 2023.1 HF1
2887886 POWERDC In PowerDC results, the absolute voltage is missing for a few pins in the Other Component Voltage section
2891542 POWERDC For a certification case, PowerDC does not show any VSS drop value
2908610 POWERDC PowerDC exits unexpectedly when Optimal Sense Location is enabled
2893068 POWERSI An SPD file cannot be opened in PowerSI in Sigrity2023.1 HF2
2827033 SIGRITY_SUITE Enhance Clarity 3D Layout to allow parametric import in Clarity 3D Workbench
2858305 SIGRITY_SUITE Simulation failed in Clarity 3D Layout and PowerSI
2858311 SIGRITY_SUITE Some of the traces are deleted after applying cut by layer
2863562 SIGRITY_SUITE Sigrity common UI display bug issue occurs due to Qt & MFC draw box logic inconsistency that introduces pixel mismatch
2866324 SIGRITY_SUITE Default Model Library Issues
2867866 SIGRITY_SUITE Clarity 3D Workbench cannot perform translation with port defined in the SPD file
2869117 SIGRITY_SUITE Loading/running TCL script for Clarity IC extraction takes longer to run
2881370 SIGRITY_SUITE The ASI_MODEL property is not recognized when opening Assign Models
2881406 SIGRITY_SUITE The assigned model is not displayed even if the Resister Model is assigned from Browse Model
2883935 SIGRITY_SUITE IBIS Model Assignment Component pin mismatch occurs in AMM library
2892410 SIGRITY_SUITE PowerSI fails to run with via backdrill in the attached test case
2898770 SIGRITY_SUITE Clarity coaxial lumped port is generated on an incorrect layer
2898776 SIGRITY_SUITE Clarity 3D Layout creates shorts during lumped port generation
2903900 SIGRITY_SUITE Reuse SPD does not import Multi-phase VRMs and Reference Node
2873438 TRANSLATOR Clarity 3D Layout exits unexpectedly when loading a brd file
2875895 TRANSLATOR Translation of a net with more than three alias nets does not work
2879211 TRANSLATOR Gds2Spd average_above and average_below do not work in the Sigrity2023.1 HF2 release
2882432 TRANSLATOR Importing an mcm file in layout with automatic bump creation set to 'Always' creates shorts in the attached design
2909493 TRANSLATOR The via connected to the same net shape behavior changed
2670293 XCITEPI Four bumps are being generated for each pad
2874119 XCITEPI XcitePI generates multiple tsv bumps for the attached case
2879201 XCITEPI Xcitepigen generates a rounding error for an encrypted ICT file
2901788 XCITEPI Bug in iRCX file in XcitePI