private linking service
2406,3000 10623872 (V17.1) CatProduct crashes CatiaV5 without any message (from JT) - OK on 16.1 TRANSLATORS CATIAV5_TRANS TESSELATION
2406,3000 10747422 Performance Issue to Edit Stiffener SHIP_DESIGN BASIC_DESIGN STIFFENER_SYS
2406,3000 10914147 Units display CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RES_MANIP
2406,3000 10916553 Units difference for imported result CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RES_MANIP
2406,3000 10950279 Shape element recognition after \Replace component\ only reads threads sporadically CAM FEATURE_BASED FEATURE_RECOGNI
2406,3000 10974111 DT: 3D plant data saving time is slow in NX2312.1700 MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2406,3000 11019584 EDZ Import Automation Designer IND_ELEC_DESIGN ELECTRICAL ALL
2406,3000 11020547 QR codes created by NX are not recognized by Hand held scanners KDA PROGRESSIVE_DIE QR_BAR_CODE
2406,3000 11025135 2 way plunging old options not available & Postprocessed programs sequence found changed in HTML output CAM POSTPROCESS ALL
2406,3000 11027870 Update Formboard adds components incorrectly ROUTING_ELEC FORMBOARD_V2 UPDATE_FMBD
2406,3000 11028216 Replace by part family update - after revise part family: Family is not loaded ASSEMBLIES PART_FAMILIES GENERAL
2406,3000 11028514 NX2306 - Areas Name not refreshing in PCB Navigator Difference Compared to NX2007 PCB_EXCHANGE AREA_CREATION ALL
2406,3000 11031730 Slow performance when cloning Cloning PTS Template (TCIN) KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2406,3000 11034337 DTP_NX_Consuming time to Move resource from One Line to another line in Line Designer. MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2406,3000 11039655 SAFRAN Nacelles: Motion flexible body with composite material Nastran - ply stress, deformation CAE MOTION FLEX_BODY_SC
2406,3000 11040374 Operations not effective with PhysX Solver MECHATRONICS PROCEDURE RUNTIME_BUTTON
2406,3000 11042890 place asset from reuse lib to structure taking time in NX ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL REPRESENTATION
2406,3000 11044168 Center of gravity showing wrong place. KDA PROGRESSIVE_DIE FORCE_CALCULATE
2406,3000 11044983 Query FeatureCollection with PointJoin feature in NX2306 throws InvalidCastException SYSENG NXOPEN .NET
2406,3000 11045527 Motion Math Function ElementTX to get Revolute Joint friction issues Solver error. CAE MOTION FUNCTION
2406,3000 11046275 Template Studio Author cannot evaluate ug_find_file and fails with invalid ✅File Name KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2406,3000 11046422 \Export Assembly from Teamcenter\ does not export components on non master parts NXMANAGER CLONE_EXPORT EXPORT_ASSEMBLY
2406,3000 11046718 Using GetFeatures() on a Body containing a CoatingRegion throws InvalidCastException SYSENG NXOPEN .NET
2406,3000 11056980 NXD - save manager suggests to revise the Run if the From/To Equipment has been moved KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2406,3000 11057632 Assembly cant be opened SYSENG VISUALIZATION ADVANCEDSTUDIO
2406,3000 11057781 PCB Exchange - IDX data not imported in NX 2312 PCB_EXCHANGE IDX_IMPORT ALL
2406,3000 11058382 Opening a Part from NX causes a Fatal Error JOIN JOIN ALL
2406,3000 11058388 Opening an Assembly from NX causes a Fatal Error when Template Dialog set to Top NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN ALL
2406,3000 11059665 In NX, editing Parametric asset value taking huge time. KDA REUSE_LIBRARY INSERT_REUSE_OB
2406,3000 11059946 Failed to create the TcSS client session SSO BINARY_COMPAT ALL
2406,3000 11060022 ShipNamesRecipe Index field can not be omitted SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES NAMING_RULE
2406,3000 11060084 UF_ROUTE_ask_object_stock ROUTING_ELEC CONNECTION_LIST ASSIGN_STOCK
2406,3000 11060302 Item Name property does not inherited from original Item by Clone Assembly. NXMANAGER CLONE CLONE_ASSEM
2406,3000 11060508 Motion Animation slows down when Description is zoomed CAE MOTION ANIMATION
2406,3000 11062389 NX does not start in Managed mode - Failed to create the TcSS client session. SSO BINARY_COMPAT ALL
2406,3000 11063714 DTP_NX_Rename / Cloning of press model from classification library consumes more time KDA REUSE_LIBRARY INSERT_REUSE_OB
2406,3000 11063771 Comments in assembly_database.dat are inverted CAM LIBRARIES TOOLS
2406,3000 11063901 Profile Transition not correct when using Feature Mode: Target Body. SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES PROFILE_TRANSTN
2406,3000 11069354 Nutplate Fastener Hardware is created in the wrong direction and tail side parts are visible in NX display JOIN ALL ALL
2406,3000 11070445 Cannot use Cylindrical as Independent Domain CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_OTHER
2406,3000 11072043 NXOPEN GetResultFileUnits(theResultUnits) command does not work in SC2312. CAE ADV_SIMULATION NXOPEN
2406,3000 11072658 PR10907547 occurs in NX2306.8900. NXMANAGER CLONE_EXPORT EXPORT_ASSEMBLY
2406,3000 11074128 Convert to Sheet Metal resets expression values NX_SHEET_METAL PREFERENCES ALL
2406,3000 11074310 Hull mod. update of mfg stiffener comp. cause them to change orient/pos. SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MFG_PREP
2406,3000 11077216 NX with TC will not start. Cannot load Image libpdmmodel.dll SSO BINARY_COMPAT ALL
2406,3000 11077441 Bad Csys orientation for csys automatically created with rivet universal connection CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2406,3000 11078215 NXD: Error signal 11 when opening a schema sheet in NXD. KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2406,3000 11078495 Face analysis enhancements in NX2312 DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS FACE_DISTANCE
2406,3000 11081418 Sub Flush Fastener is shown as flush when opened in Teamcenter Visualization JOIN ALL ALL
2406,3000 11083098 Fatal Error - NX Join part, sub assembly and top level assembly crashes. NX Join issue indicated in log files. JOIN ALL ALL
2406,3000 11086814 NX2406 license error opening or creating a sheetmetal part NX_SHEET_METAL ALL ALL
2406,3000 11087996 Teamcenter Integration for NX initialize failure. Failed to create the TcSS client session SSO BINARY_COMPAT ALL
2406,3000 11088541 License Error, The check out of a feature failed because its token feature does not exist NX_SHEET_METAL ALL ALL
2406,3000 11089031 Enter Sheet Metal: License Error - The check out of a feature failed because its token feature does not exist NX_SHEET_METAL ALL ALL
2406,3000 12026963 Check-Mate custom help attribute %do_doc: stopped working in Set Up dialog since NX2206 Series KDA VALIDATION FRAME_WORK
2406,3000 12029466 License Error, The check out of a feature failed because its token feature does not exist NX_SHEET_METAL ALL ALL
2406,3000 12034799 NXManager does not start SSO BINARY_COMPAT ALL