private linking service
CCMPR02606339 pgFill -fix_iso_via need to be mapped in CUI
CCMPR02605437 NRHF PG routing need to improve QoR
CCMPR02604424 fcroute got SEGV with setFlipChipMode -connectPowerCellToBump true option
CCMPR02603596 fcroute SEGV
CCMPR02603526 To reduce trim-related violations seen at route stage
CCMPR02602866 Some hierarchical PG pins are deleting by command delete_dangling_ports
CCMPR02598888 False diffusion core edge length violation
CCMPR02598872 addStripe does not respect spacing to pre-route patch metal
CCMPR02596458 The Operator button in the Find/Select Object form in Innovus 20.x is not working
CCMPR02596175 Trim colors set 0 or 1 even though it is single mask
CCMPR02596009 NanoRoute is trying to access illegal point though it has legal point
CCMPR02595709 UPF file version enhancement to run_clp do generation flow
CCMPR02595355 Innovus makes wrong connections during commit power intent for multibit iso cells (driver->A4, X1-> receiver)
CCMPR02595218 SEGV - place_opt_design
CCMPR02594811 clock_design leaves clock nets in eGR
CCMPR02594657 add_fillers -density flow incorrectly prints the achieved density
CCMPR02594304 NRHF PG routing test for all PG nets got SEGV
CCMPR02594135 editCommitRoute thinks different nets are involved
CCMPR02593223 Convert polygonal verify connectivity open markers to multiple rectangular markers
CCMPR02592700 route_opt (opt_design -post_route) stage getting crashed for CPE block
CCMPR02591283 Top ecoRoute -fix_filler_drc_with_patch_only long runtime issue
CCMPR02589767 set_design_attributes -attribute command error
CCMPR02589541 route_design_crash_at_via_pillar_insertion
CCMPR02589212 PRO timing QOR degradation in 20.16
CCMPR02589116 SEGV occurs when updating RC grid during restoreDesign -mmmcFile
CCMPR02588951 ecoRoute is not fixing EOL DRCs which can be fixed with small patches
CCMPR02588552 route_design errors out with **ERROR: (IMPEXT-4021)
CCMPR02588031 NRHF adding extra shields for vertical layers when applied 2x width on bus groups with interlayer shielding
CCMPR02586956 Timing budget issue (IMPTB-179)
CCMPR02586201 loadFPlan fplan.gz prints DBU in terminal for fences
CCMPR02586162 Query object on GUI prints pointers on terminal.
CCMPR02586013 add_stripes crash at pwsStripeViaGenerateTemplate::encodeTrackOffset
CCMPR02585961 defIn runtime improvement
CCMPR02585478 Enhance pin placement for bottom-up partition pin flow
CCMPR02585063 timeDesign -preplace -hold crash after timeDesign -preplace
CCMPR02584893 NR leaves M11 fuse wires on NDR nets
CCMPR02584767 Signoff flags one missed by NR. Verify caught it as m4 MinStep
CCMPR02583723 Run got stuck during initial detail Routing
CCMPR02583552 NRHF does not work on single net with bus guides
CCMPR02583473 placeSpareModule creating empty spare modules which cannot be deleted
CCMPR02582887 ILM pin to top level disconnected after place_opt_design
CCMPR02582840 POD crashed
CCMPR02581902 High CCOpt CTS runtime
CCMPR02581897 Segmentation Fault during ML training
CCMPR02581409 editPowerVia creates vias with cut spacing/short DRCs
CCMPR02581138 Wrong global element for a PD in the UPF causing domain conflict
CCMPR02581075 M1 shorts created with cell internal Q5 pin while connecting mustjoin CK pins of 8 bit multibit flop
CCMPR02580654 Voltage interpolation of level shifter does not work in block design
CCMPR02579805 saveTestcase/saveDesign command does not update the path of the layermap file in design.mode file
CCMPR02579562 Error message EERROR: (IMPLF-268) needs to be resolved during LEF read
CCMPR02579408 Cannot attachIOBuffer in low power design
CCMPR02578497 Mandatory option: Domain and include_scope are missing in the Innovus wrote out UPF with version
CCMPR02578261 M2 short gap is left
CCMPR02578186 Short/PatchLen violation at core boundary from M2 passiveFill
CCMPR02577962 Hold fixing postCTS with inverters only huge runtime and poor timing results
CCMPR02577606 Clock tree debugger is crashing when we click on skew group in control panel
CCMPR02577394 Wrong coreArea in summaryReport
CCMPR02576956 Detail placer not recognizing via group spacing violations between vias in cell and PG via
CCMPR02576787 routeDesign -passiveFill does not conduct X2 insertion
CCMPR02576780 verify_drc is flagging false M2 EOLK after routeDesign -passiveFill
CCMPR02576769 routeDesign left abnormal X3 trims pattern which causes a lot of violations
CCMPR02576755 routeDesign left hundreds of Off-grid violations
CCMPR02576728 verify_drc and NanoRoute are not detecting trim to trim spacing (positive PRL)
CCMPR02576564 cutRow deletes redundant row
CCMPR02576414 Promoted macro pins seem to be in different direction after pin assignment
CCMPR02576051 Error related to Glitch during PRO
CCMPR02575923 N4_hamoa_top Observing crash during "verifyEndCap" command
CCMPR02575672 Abnormal X3 creation after routeDesign -passiveFill
CCMPR02575288 defIn cannot import net which name is same as instance name from Innovus 20.14
CCMPR02575098 M2 MAXLENGTHWITHCUT viols have room to fix by adding M3 patch, but tool is not patching
CCMPR02575059 VIA3 has same color spacing violations after fastPGRoute
CCMPR02574856 Extra VDD pins are written out from Innovus UPF
CCMPR02573361 place_opt does not honor path adjust (set_path_adjust)
CCMPR02572974 ERROR(IMPOAX-1671) is issued because lef2oa does not generate
CCMPR02572706 NanoRoute not fixing shorts, when EOL blockage and routing blockage do overlap
CCMPR02572385 Top_only routeDesign -passiveFill long runtime issue
CCMPR02572254 verify_drc: false Trim Obs Shorts at core boundary with X1_VIRTUAL
CCMPR02572178 verify_drc is not detecting TRIM MAXLENGTH
CCMPR02572158 delete_nets on floating net results in AP layer deletion in saved database
CCMPR02571679 False MAXVIASTACK violations in N4 prevent via drop in editPowerVia, addRing
CCMPR02570715 Memory corrupted (MEMPOOL-103) during init_design (syntechFnpPool_INT_0_thread_*)
CCMPR02570603 ecoAddRepeater creates a multi-driver net
CCMPR02569586 CHKPLC-11 showing up for macros NOT in netlist
CCMPR02569540 remove_assigns not honoring dontTouch attribute on the nets
CCMPR02569537 tQRC failure during ROD SO
CCMPR02569530 Innovus crashes during route detail antenna process fix
CCMPR02569295 M1 need to freeze but ecoRoute touch a lot of _SADP_FILLS_RESERVED patch
CCMPR02569279 General routing flow to handle M1 connections even the M1 is frozen
CCMPR02568774 check_design is exiting without stack trace on Innovus
CCMPR02568756 Crash when using set_db log_file
CCMPR02568702 Command add_fillers -density 0.35 hangs for over 12 hours
CCMPR02568595 CCOpt CTS taking high run time to complete
CCMPR02568473 NanoRoute is inserting m6 patch shapes creating a Width_Based_Via_On_NonUniform_Track violations
CCMPR02567588 Observing difference in the PG connection for LS compared to the input UPF is causing an CLP issue
CCMPR02567311 NR SEGV at pthread_join called from export_design
CCMPR02567201 verify_drc missing diff cut spacing DRCs on the PG nets
CCMPR02567156 During ccopt_design -cts: **ERROR: (CCOpt eGR): All passed nets have skipRouting designation and will not be routed
CCMPR02566847 delete_assigns -add_buffer trigger tool SEGV
CCMPR02566727 Poor layer adherence of trunk nets after CCOpt
CCMPR02566412 Arrayed via placements in def being corrupted by write_db
CCMPR02566208 Crash during routeDesign -trackOpt
CCMPR02566199 route blockage changes layers over write_db, read_db
CCMPR02565476 Innovus crashed while doing ccopt_design -cts
CCMPR02565420 Innovus 21.11 place_opt_design crash in OptFanoutOnExcludedClockNets, pre-process of DRV optimizer
CCMPR02564949 add_well_taps crashing with SEGV
CCMPR02564838 Opportunistic full-track without inter-cell routing blockage
CCMPR02564690 addStripe takes long run time
CCMPR02564397 Switched supply net created in lower scope shows up in both lower and top scope
CCMPR02564307 ccopt_design crash
CCMPR02564228 Please set default "false" for droute build 1cpp gap for S2 node
CCMPR02564006 Improve pin access and length near pins
CCMPR02563333 commit_power_intent -verbose crashed
CCMPR02563005 POD hangs when TAT_latch ETF enabled
CCMPR02562766 setPlaceMode -reset -place_detail_exp_target_layers crash issue
CCMPR02562556 sroute is giving a SEGV on Innovus, but runs successfully
CCMPR02561446 routeDesign -trackOpt ends up crashing with stack trace
CCMPR02561230 Innovus crashing in the invs_power_plan stage using command fix_via -short
CCMPR02560471 Placement legalization causing violations when placing mustjoin pins under PG staple
CCMPR02560183 After addFiller there is still a gap
CCMPR02559956 Crashe during routeDesign -toplevel
CCMPR02559805 Same track trim violation can be fixed by merging
CCMPR02559641 fcroute does not route to center of bump
CCMPR02558811 CUI bindkeys get randomly undefined while editing layout
CCMPR02558645 optDesign -postRoute crash during DRV optimization
CCMPR02558390 deriveTimingBudget outputs unnecessary timing arc in budgeted block lib
CCMPR02558382 Please add new violation types for FC layer (max vert stack and horizontal length, spacing, rect only)
CCMPR02558195 Trim shape missing in Innovus even when the patch type and fill type are correct on the shapes abutting trim
CCMPR02557657 Need a solution to tolerate inconsistent pins between lib and LEF (IMPDB-2163, IMPDB-2160)
CCMPR02557509 Innovus crashed at fill stage when using the addStripe command
CCMPR02557234 fcroute causes detour routing around bump
CCMPR02557219 The is_setup attribute is set to true on the delay_corner of the power views
CCMPR02557015 Via Pillar Shorts in M1 due to signal via being marked as special
CCMPR02556705 Command check_place flags false overlapping instances violations
CCMPR02556698 Delay calculation appears to hang during updating delays in ccopt_pro
CCMPR02556578 LEF58_PINCONNECTIONBLOCKAGE interpretation on AP layer is incorrect
CCMPR02556249 trimMetalFillNearNet command trimming wrong layer
CCMPR02556149 get_db returns wrong number of fill shape pointers
CCMPR02555486 addPowerSwitch using the wrong horizontal pitch
CCMPR02555212 #WARNING (NRDB-166) Boundary for CELL_VIEW TopDesign, init is not properly defined
CCMPR02555144 Runtime issue in postroute stage (40 hours) and time_design stage(10 hours)
CCMPR02554376 NanoRoute failed to report Metal_EoL_spacing violations reported by verify
CCMPR02554212 createShield failed but verifyConnectivity passed
CCMPR02553672 Violation Browser should not re-scroll the list of violations when user deletes a violation
CCMPR02553670 Query pop-up box needs to remember where user locates it on the screen
CCMPR02553660 Layer min/max order not consistent between menus
CCMPR02553655 addEndCap high memory foot print and runtime
CCMPR02553297 Huge Jump in TNS during DrvOpt during ccopt_design
CCMPR02553180 route_design moves 99% of reg2reg paths into Default path group
CCMPR02553020 When using CA-routing TLEF, some cells are not placed well under the M2-stripe
CCMPR02552418 Mismatch in shielding ratio values between CTS log and reportShield report
CCMPR02551928 CTS crash
CCMPR02551901 addWellTap caused DRC along boundary of dense LUP layer
CCMPR02551847 Wrong endcap/welltap insertion
CCMPR02551760 Sub-optimal track selection or detoured routes with NR
CCMPR02550942 synthesize_ccopt_flexible_htrees huge runtime of 14Hrs
CCMPR02550813 Insert filler crash
CCMPR02550211 set_promoted_macro_pin is not approximating boundary correctly for round shaped pins
CCMPR02549076 CUI equivalent for fixCellEMViolations
CCMPR02548974 Via Pillar DRCs
CCMPR02548763 Glitch violations are not getting fixed for drv view
CCMPR02548385 Innovus crash during flexible H-tree synthesis
CCMPR02548319 DRC when connecting via pillar to cell
CCMPR02548127 Wide Virtual X3 shows in GUI as 2 X3 shapes
CCMPR02548054 do_extract_model command crashes while generating .libs with -SIAware true
CCMPR02547933 Tool buffers AON net through switched domain and adds regular buffers
CCMPR02547674 Huge runtime seen during TnsOpt pass in postCTS optimization
CCMPR02547291 Unable to place boundary cells due to double height boundary cells
CCMPR02547168 Huge short DRC during exclusive region routing
CCMPR02547128 Generated clock tree does not restore correctly after saveDesign/restoreDesign cycle
CCMPR02546957 No trim at EOL makes trim violation after passiveFill
CCMPR02546744 defOut outputs incorrect DIEAREA
CCMPR02546718 SEGV in POD during TNS opt
CCMPR02545594 Trans fixing is not happening on few nets at with the reason "Could not be fixed because the gain is not enough"
CCMPR02545113 Library links overwritten when using existing OA lib
CCMPR02544268 addStripe causes the tool to crash
CCMPR02544175 Aggressive data to data violation fixing cannot full fix because of CTS constraints
CCMPR02542269 create_rc_corner -postRoute_clkcap TQuantus support
CCMPR02542053 NRHF runtime of max resistance aware routing for multi-fanout net is too long
CCMPR02542030 Multibit flop merging is not happening
CCMPR02541666 check_drc is flagging false m11 trim spacing violations around wide metal line end on NDR track
CCMPR02541509 SEGV at postroute stage while performing report_timing with -SIAware true
CCMPR02541260 Crash with trimMetalFillNearNet with memory pool out of range
CCMPR02540280 assembleDesign with defMerge results on wrong VIA after assemble
CCMPR02540144 Post staple vias causing SMAC(Same Metal Aligned Cuts) from Power Route GenVia
CCMPR02539064 Huge run time hit at two steps/places in global placement
CCMPR02538456 Pre to post route timing correlation
CCMPR02538216 Innovus suspended session has limitation -traversing/tab-autofill does not work
CCMPR02536952 Higher IncrDelayCal runtime during DrvOpt
CCMPR02536584 Ptn pin inconsistency (caused by pinAlignment)
CCMPR02535977 add_io_buffers not inserting buffer on output ports in design with a UPF
CCMPR02535976 MAXVIASTACK rule is not checking correctly
CCMPR02535189 DRC increases when using CA-routing Tech-LEF
CCMPR02534680 Enhance assign_partition_pins command to place signal pins connected to PG nets defined in Verilog
CCMPR02534429 check_design -type opt is taking ~20 hours
CCMPR02534011 Enhance Innovus to have AON buffer insertion be topology aware of the associated secPG stripe
CCMPR02534001 assembleDesign copying MOSAIC prop to instances which are not part of mosaics
CCMPR02533739 Tool crash while running verify_drc
CCMPR02533264 Innovus picks wrong via7 resulting in MinStep and Cut_Enclosure violations
CCMPR02532749 V1 enclosure DRC left when using MUSTUSE syntax in TLEF
CCMPR02530971 sroute fails to correctly route followpins and creates shorts in the presence of a certain power switch cell
CCMPR02530629 dbFTermBox returns wrong location for internal pins
CCMPR02530349 Routing with false autoVia crash issue
CCMPR02530132 editTrim deletes vias after the addStripe command
CCMPR02530123 Timing degraded
CCMPR02530122 NR is making a lot of M1 MAR violation
CCMPR02530077 m4 patch shorts around macro route/trim blockages
CCMPR02530036 FC (diffusion trim) spacing, horiz/vert length, shape rule support is required
CCMPR02529987 opt_design -post_cts added chain of small buffers
CCMPR02527219 Incorrect patch (on 2D routing jogs) causing DRC violations
CCMPR02524544 Enhancement to enforce minimum LVTn/SLVTn density in a specified window/tile size
CCMPR02523811 syn_opt -spatial is taking excessive runtime (53+ hrs) for 3.2M instance design
CCMPR02523523 route_opt run killed
CCMPR02523387 check_macro_place_constraint -net_resistance need to output pin to pin resistance report. Not net based resistance
CCMPR02522071 Support add_partition_feedthrus for master clone design with power domains
CCMPR02522002 route_eco creates shield DRCs on CTS_8400
CCMPR02521940 routeDesign is leaving cut enclosure violations on V3
CCMPR02517837 place_opt_design optimizing out net which leads to a STRATEGY_CTRL_CONN_CONFLICT_ISO fail in CLP
CCMPR02517218 Resizing master partition does not reflect correctly when clone is in MX orientation
CCMPR02517017 Innovus missing TWOWIDTH Spacing Table violation
CCMPR02516287 addFiller does not add global net connections for some VSTACK_POSTFIX cells
CCMPR02515312 create_clock_tree_spec SEGV when set_driving_cell sdc constraint is defined for a cell that has a .lib but not LEF
CCMPR02513224 Tool not fixing metal shorts over M1 pins
CCMPR02511853 saveDesign -no_wait does not release MCPU license tokens licenses forcing extra checkout from the next command
CCMPR02510604 Huge TNS degradation with GlobalClockSkewing just after final PowerReclaim
CCMPR02509758 Huge TAT in POD while doing GigaOpt Optimization in the TNS mode
CCMPR02509196 Partition long runtime on PGCompressed DB
CCMPR02509169 PRO got SEGV at Start delay calculation
CCMPR02509081 Incremental selecting pins does no longer highlight all connected nets
CCMPR02507048 add_stripes adding off track vias
CCMPR02505836 Higher runtime with ecoRoute on already ecoRouted DB
CCMPR02505378 Cut_No_Metal violations in via34
CCMPR02502675 delete_secondary_pg_net requires multiple calls for cells with multiple NWELLS
CCMPR02502598 check_design -type route changes validity of eGR route
CCMPR02502019 verifyConnectivity is showing opens for boundary wires nets
CCMPR02496145 opt vs timer miss match
CCMPR02490795 SEGV in Placement TNS optimization
CCMPR02483153 Routing pattern enhancement to resolve 1P1E rules and to improve timing QoR
CCMPR02482746 addStripe pulls back too far from rBLkg when close to projected line from row-cut edge
CCMPR02482079 DRC Violation Browser to sort DRC categories using lsort -dictionary.
CCMPR02479757 Mustjoin connection shorting with PG stripes
CCMPR02467274 editPowerVia cause cut_spacing violations with -allow_wire_shape_change false
CCMPR02456277 add_filler behavior difference between two versions
CCMPR02455518 Customer requires command to Report PG track utilization per layer
CCMPR02448765 Complex flop not being used with seqCRR at any stage
CCMPR02442606 Buffering is not happening at the place stage due to KEEP_PORT attribute from UPF
CCMPR02431627 Timing and Power degradation in SplitALL flow
CCMPR02431513 Duplicate createSpareModule/placeSpareModule will create corrupted database with duplicate modules
CCMPR02363676 In OA mode, NR should use existing NR_Stack_Via_LEF_DEFAULT_V23_67 instead of creating new ones
CCMPR02291980 Router-friendly swap enhancement for improving utilization push and routability
CCMPR02270410 reportRouteTypeConstraints -svr shows incorrect adherence ratio for via pillar
CCMPR02189837 Detail route force 100% dcut even not required