private linking service
2312,6000 10337021 Remembering the dialog size of Create Feature Process CAM FEATURE_BASED RULES_OOTB
2312,6000 10645562 \The probe tip diameter is zero\ is displayed when changing probes. CMM_INSPECTION OTHER ALL
2312,6000 10788205 Solid Edge Thread Pitch is shown incorrect in NX. SE_CAM_PRO DATA_TRANSFER EXPORT
2312,6000 10813723 the thread pitch defined in SE part is not properly transferred to CAM Pro SE_CAM_PRO DATA_TRANSFER EXPORT
2312,6000 10836782 Interoperability between SE2023 and CAMPro, Thread pitch SE_CAM_PRO DATA_TRANSFER EXPORT
2312,6000 10849745 Linked Body causes the error \A deleted or invalid class ID was used\ ARCHITECTURE OM LOAD
2312,6000 10850699 Import sim stuck. Group name issues ( MATOVR) CAE ADV_SIMULATION NASTRN_NX_IMPRT
2312,6000 10862040 Associated faces of PMIs get changed when exporting to JT TRANSLATOR NX_JT PMI
2312,6000 10863279 Apply seam names to associated seam locations on the shell expansion drawing SHIP_DESIGN DRAFTING ANNOTATE_DRWG
2312,6000 10864268 Remembering the dialog size of Create Feature Process CAM FEATURE_BASED RULES_OOTB
2312,6000 10867834 NX11femNX2306MAT1 CAE ADV_SIMULATION MATERIALS
2312,6000 10871136 1D elements results CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RESULT
2312,6000 10891753 add properties with Add Type Attributes don't work as expected in German localization MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2312,6000 10893459 JT export is misrepresenting associated objects. TRANSLATOR NX_JT PMI
2312,6000 10901482 When enabling \Highlight Hidden Edges\, then select element(s), internal edges are not highlighted. CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_DISPLAY
2312,6000 10901537 Tooling BOM fails to map custom material from BOM_data spreadsheet to Site MatML Library KDA MOLDWIZARD BOM
2312,6000 10906517 Import condition sequence from bdd file gives incorrect values CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONDITION_SEQ
2312,6000 10906888 Change to Equipment Security Properties leaves a diagram in an inconsistent state KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2312,6000 10913413 Simcenter 3D remesh issue with no geometry update CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_3D_TET
2312,6000 10913820 When hiding part of mesh, internal mesh are not displayed. CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_DISPLAY
2312,6000 10914347 Midside node placement results in mesh failure CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_3D_TET
2312,6000 10915870 Wrong classic Shank Representation in NX 2306 CAM LIBRARIES TOOLS
2312,6000 10922867 tcin_Import overwrites the dataset if the customer default \allow import to existing item revision with no Datasets\ is ON. NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2312,6000 10931073 Wrong result when importing Shank from NX2206 CAM LIBRARIES TOOLS
2312,6000 10935049 Access CurrentDrawingSheet properties throws Fatal Error randomly SYSENG NXOPEN C++
2312,6000 10939043 Changing AnnotationStyle.SymbolStyle.IdSymbolColor does not work DRAFTING SETTINGS ANNOTATION
2312,6000 10947282 NX CAM Run feature option, no pitch SE_CAM_PRO DATA_TRANSFER EXPORT
2312,6000 10948864 Flat pattern- PMI- Bend Direction Label Display Issue NX_SHEET_METAL FLAT_PATTERN ALL
2312,6000 10949755 About measuring STL data DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS MEASURE
2312,6000 10950571 Integrate Physical Material Library is ON while Customer Defaults is OFF NX_SHEET_METAL PREFERENCES MATERIAL_TABLE
2312,6000 10953505 Parts can not be opened in NX2312 - loading stalls at 55% DRAFTING ANNOTATION AREA_FILL
2312,6000 10953956 NX 2306 Load options - Crash CAE ADV_SIMULATION FILE_OPERATIONS
2312,6000 10955873 structural deck and bulkhead markings are not participating in the expansion drawing output SHIP_DESIGN DRAFTING EXPANSION_DRWG
2312,6000 10956007 Variable axis teach mode point selection is not associative CAM TURNING TEACHMODE
2312,6000 10956844 CatiaV5 direct NX translater moves datum planes & axises into 1st assembly component TRANSLATOR CATIAV5 IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2312,6000 10959146 Part saved in NX2312.1700 can not be opened after modification DRAFTING ANNOTATION AREA_FILL
2312,6000 10959208 Error occurs when opening and analyzing a SIM on Teamcenter CAE ADV_SIMULATION NVA_MLD_LD_PP
2312,6000 10960791 Bridge Curve fails to edit in upgrade from NX11 to NX2212 DESIGN CURVE BRIDGE
2312,6000 10966866 Import assembly into teamcenter not working NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES MAPPING
2312,6000 10970248 Solid Edge transfer to CAM PRO/NX CAM THREAD_PITCH is not properly SE_CAM_PRO DATA_TRANSFER EXPORT
2312,6000 10971249 Deviation Gauge: Deviation Label shows \undefined\ value STUDIO_DESIGN ANALYZE DEVIATION
2312,6000 10973483 Disabled allow multiple Revisions leads to \a deleted or invalid class id was used\ error NXMANAGER MULTIPLE_REVS ALL
2312,6000 10974102 DT: Closing plant data in NX taking very long time NXMANAGER CLOSE CLOSE_PART
2312,6000 10974565 Importing a drawing .prt into another .prt does not retain images from imported .prt DRAFTING ANNOTATION RASTER_IMAGE
2312,6000 10976473 in Thread Milling, \Height\ option is missing when Initial Engage is set to Linear CAM THREAD_MILL USER_INTERFACE
2312,6000 10979060 Unable to Pattern component. Error - Design component cannot be patterned STRUCTURE_DES FRAME ALL
2312,6000 10980663 Checker Logs are not Visible or Viewed in the Quality Dash Board for ATS ARCHITECTURE ATS CHECKERS
2312,6000 10981070 Can not create a drawing from a custom template DRAFTING ANNOTATION AREA_FILL
2312,6000 10990071 Incorrect object source generation in NX 2312 MECHATRONICS BASIC_PHYSICS RIGID_BODY
2312,6000 10992747 NX Part file stops loading at 55% (displaying) if saved with imported .dwg 2D drawing geometry DRAFTING ANNOTATION AREA_FILL
2312,6000 10993394 Problems with collision bodies in NX2312 MECHATRONICS BASIC_PHYSICS COLLISION_BODY
2312,6000 10993707 Time consuming View Layout display single view to side by side. CAE ADV_SIMULATION BOUNDARY_COND
2312,6000 10993821 Measure in 2D section viewer removes the 2D section viewer Dialog DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS MEASURE
2312,6000 10997892 Position of object is changed with 'Flatten Assembly' option while importing iges file TRANSLATOR IGES IMPORT_GEOMETRY
2312,6000 10998376 MCD Abort after using UNDO MECHATRONICS JOINT HINGE
2312,6000 10998424 NX preprocessing too slow. Changing a contact parameter takes 20 minutes! CAE ADV_SIMULATION MODEL_DISPLAY
2312,6000 10999204 Error when attempting to sum Element Nodal Grid point forces from SOL108 solution CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RESULT
2312,6000 11005775 Integrate Physical Material Library is ON while Customer Defaults is OFF NX_SHEET_METAL PREFERENCES MATERIAL_TABLE
2312,6000 11005964 Wrong Licensefeature inside nx_mfg_token for 3D Adaptive Roughing CAM 3DADAPTIVEROUGH ALL
2312,6000 11008555 NX2312 out of the box operation of Export to CGM/PDF cause the Drafting Sheet data to be corrupted/unavailable for use SYSENG NXOPEN C++
2312,6000 11010622 Changing to PCB Exchange application changes Load Option to Fully Load. PCB_EXCHANGE ALL ALL
2312,6000 11017221 The following files could not be loaded, causing this open to fail: - Internal error CAM ADDITIVE ALL
2312,6000 11019171 Handle does not getting appear by launching Specify Orientation Block through Block UI Styler application. SYSENG UI_CONSTRUCTORS CSYS
2312,6000 11019238 NX2312 Space Alignment issue in the Information window KDA KNOW_FUSION LANGUAGE
2312,6000 11020711 Publish assembly to 3DPDF from NX2312 ends with an error message TECH_DATA_PKG PUBLISH USER_INTERFACE
2312,6000 11021153 Measure in 2D section viewer removes the 2D section viewer Dialog DESIGN INFO_ANALYSIS MEASURE
2312,6000 11021587 JT requests are failing with Memory access violation Error TRANSLATOR NX_JT TC_INTEGRATION
2312,6000 11021833 Error when assigning condition sequence in NX 2312 CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONDITION_SEQ
2312,6000 11023017 Creation #124:missing PID when exports wcd file CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2312,6000 11023301 Transition of Hull connected Stiffeners where Edge Reinforcement failed SHIP_DESIGN BASIC_DESIGN TRANSITION
2312,6000 11023530 NX crashes when closing application in managed mode GATEWAY CLOSE_PART ASSEMBLIES
2312,6000 11024485 Point Join - Alignment direction incorrect when using selected face -> Tangent Face. JOIN ALL ALL
2312,6000 11025966 Customer Default: Mesh Color Basis for Append command CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_DISPLAY
2312,6000 11028257 ShipDesign.ShipContainerBuilder always returns empty ContainerName and ContainerPart SHIP_DESIGN MODELING ALL
2312,6000 11029362 failed save CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONDITION_SEQ
2312,6000 11031110 Transition of Stiffeners with boundaries defined to hull will fail SHIP_DESIGN BASIC_DESIGN TRANSITION
2312,6000 11035531 Unable to open a NX 2011 Drawing part in NX 2312 DRAFTING ANNOTATION AREA_FILL
2312,6000 11039533 open files from NX11 DRAFTING ANNOTATION AREA_FILL
2312,6000 11040794 Access FeatureCollection in NX2312.5001 fails on missing entry point in libpartmodl.dll SYSENG UG/OPEN UFUN
2312,6000 11040808 NX2312.5001: Unable to find an entry point named 'XJA_FeatureCollection_enumerate' in DLL 'libpartmodl' SYSENG UG/OPEN UFUN
2312,6000 11041397 Unable to find an entry point named 'XJA_FeatureCollection_enumerate' in DLL 'libpartmodl' SYSENG UG/OPEN UFUN
2312,6000 12012602 Renewed electrode blank sketch loses some halved positioning dimensions on reopen part since NX2212 DESIGN SKETCHER RENEW