private linking service
2306,8500 10640031 Add Component from AW use Work Layer instead of Original Layer ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL COMP_ADD
2306,8500 10703224 Poor Performance during Post CAM POSTCONFIG ALL
2306,8500 10731626 Extreme run time with Post and CSE - Performance issue CAM POSTCONFIG ALL
2306,8500 10746344 Poor Performance during Post CAM POSTCONFIG ALL
2306,8500 10753162 Syslog is littered with messages like VlaReverseIterator::operator ++ index 0 ARCHITECTURE OM SCHEMA_COMPILER
2306,8500 10774557 Add Component from AW use Work Layer instead of Original Layer ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL COMP_ADD
2306,8500 10785128 Assembly clone with ID Generate or String Replace not clone correctly NXMANAGER CLONE CLONE_ASSEM
2306,8500 10856609 Session hangs when adding reusable part when Allow Multiple Revisions is enabled ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL MULTI_CONFIGS
2306,8500 10857768 IDX data Import is failing to handle certain data condition and fails with error SYSENG NXOPEN JA_COMPILER
2306,8500 10873218 Altrep of asy getting loaded as non-master to its component NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,8500 10888622 PCB Exchange appears to have changed how Package Keepouts are exported after the NX2306 update PCB_EXCHANGE IDX_EXPORT ALL
2306,8500 10890641 inconsistent display of XY function navigator CAE ADV_SIMULATION XYPLOT_CORE
2306,8500 10892634 Show Pre-NX6 UI Styler dialog subsequently as post action throws code 1560012 SYSENG UG/OPEN UISTYLER
2306,8500 10895699 Internal error: memory access violation error while dry run with tcin_import utility DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL MIRROR_BODY
2306,8500 10895900 DTP_LD_Copy and Paste duplicate is not working for Resource in NX Line Designer MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2306,8500 10898824 Internal Error occur when study is selected in Optimization. KDA OPT_WIZARD OPT_WIZARD
2306,8500 10900397 Motion Automatic Flex Error: selected template doesn't exist CAE MOTION FLEX_BODY_SC
2306,8500 10906635 Session hangs when adding reusable part ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL MULTI_CONFIGS
2306,8500 10912543 NX to JT requests are going to Terminal with error \Encountered unexpected NULL pointer\ TRANSLATOR NX_JT TC_INTEGRATION
2306,8500 10913413 Simcenter 3D remesh issue with no geometry update CAE ADV_SIMULATION MESH_3D_TET
2306,8500 10916877 mom_spindle_direction does not update during centerline tapping operation in NX2306 CAM POSTPROCESS NX_POST
2306,8500 10922867 tcin_Import overwrites the dataset if the customer default \allow import to existing item revision with no Datasets\ is ON. NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,8500 10933692 NX hangs up while adding reuse components in NX TC Integration ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL MULTI_CONFIGS
2306,8500 10934029 Simcenter motion: Failed to create flexbody by using Autoflex. CAE MOTION FLEX_BODY_SC
2306,8500 10936795 NX hangs up with reuse templates conf. with krx ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL MULTI_CONFIGS
2306,8500 10939153 Opens in 2206 but not 2306 +++ No descriptor found for base prop table CAE ADV_SIMULATION FILE_OPERATIONS
2306,8500 10939161 Electrical Routing Cutback Length does not allow for changing cutback values from qualified values. ROUTING_ELEC CONNECTION_LIST CUT_LENGTH
2306,8500 10939446 Operation does not support counterclockwise spindle CAM TURNING OTHER
2306,8500 10950550 The requested SOA object property is not loaded error message while use export assembly from Teamcneter NXMANAGER CLONE CLONE_ASSEM
2306,8500 10956902 Not able to export data in NX session configuration using ug_clone utility NXMANAGER CLONE CLONE_ASSEM
2306,8500 10966866 Import assembly into teamcenter not working NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,8500 10971610 Syslog littered with VlaReverseIterator::operator messages, need backport of PR-10753162 ARCHITECTURE OM SCHEMA_COMPILER
2306,8500 10973483 disabled allow multiple Revisions leads to \a deleted or invalid class id was used\ error NXMANAGER MULTIPLE_REVS ALL