private linking service


2306,8100 8431313 Allow to set h=t2 and b2=t3 for T beam sections in Abaqus environment. CAE ADV_SIMULATION BEAM_SECTIONS
2306,8100 8696735 Product Template Author - Button Action \Invoke Java/VB Method\ needs correction KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2306,8100 8697786 The xml for parts that do not have kinematics will be updated. MFG_FIXTURE_PL GENERAL SUPPORT
2306,8100 8697890 Friction calculation offset CAE MOTION FORCES
2306,8100 10470851 Generate Contour Profile gives Unexpected ToolPath CAM CONTOUR_PROFILE OTHER
2306,8100 10543396 Auto text placement in Manufacturing XML Output on small plates fail SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MANUXML_OUT
2306,8100 10611159 Request to add the \Lower Limb Length\ input option. CLASSICJACK HUM_CTRL_PANEL HUM_CTRL_PANEL
2306,8100 10611215 Request that the \Ankle Height\ input be added to the Feet group in \Human\. NX_JACK HUMAN_CTRL_PANL ALL
2306,8100 10649315 Post processing step times don't match Nastran input CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RESULT
2306,8100 10681740 Performance Transform Object CAM TURNING OTHER
2306,8100 10736369 ER: NX Join wanting to update un-related models causing performance issues JOIN ALL ALL
2306,8100 10781710 Deformable part with components loses the transformation matrix after revise NXMANAGER ASSEMBLY PART_FAMILY_UPD
2306,8100 10782092 Slower Processing Time for Clone Model Views PMI MODEL_VIEWS ALL
2306,8100 10788475 Generate Contour Profile gives Unexpected ToolPath CAM CONTOUR_PROFILE OTHER
2306,8100 10793499 Import native content function cannot work IND_ELEC_DESIGN ELECTRICAL ALL
2306,8100 10815875 Bad position of textblock in XML Output when Excess Material is used SHIP_DESIGN MANUFACTURING MANUXML_OUT
2306,8100 10821292 NXOpen Remoting through Excel VSTO Add-in hangs up Excel with NX2306 GATEWAY SPREADSHEET ALL
2306,8100 10826364 Wrong Circle Coordinates for Helix Interpolation Generated in NX2306 for Fanuc CAM POSTBUILDER POSTPROCESS
2306,8100 10833998 Create Cutout error in Penetration Management SHIP_DESIGN TOOLS PENETRATION_MGT
2306,8100 10835352 [CAD]\Checkmate\ does not detect over constrained in new sketch as failed. KDA VALIDATION CK_MODELING
2306,8100 10839610 NXMGR: Turning OFF the Save Options for CGM & PDF Datasets NXMANAGER INTELLIGNT_SAVE CORE
2306,8100 10840808 Routing smart initialize doesnt work on parts created with new template author RSD_GENERAL PART PTS
2306,8100 10841066 Material selected in the True Shading Editor is not reflected for the model SYSENG VISUALIZATION TRUESHADE
2306,8100 10844373 Slow performance for meshing and model updates CAE ADV_SIMULATION EXPRESSIONS
2306,8100 10845499 Incorrect Material Grade in attribute for certain OOTB Brackets SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES BRACKET
2306,8100 10846377 NX crashes when working with an AM setup containing 3000+ parts ADD_FIXED_PLANE GENERAL ALL
2306,8100 10847265 Create symbol, symbol shows correct with local font. But not show local font whe IND_ELEC_DESIGN ELECTRICAL ALL
2306,8100 10850323 Error Opening - An operation was attempted on an invalid or unsuitable OM object DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL DATUM_CSYS
2306,8100 10850598 NX2306 Performance Regression vs NX2007 with loading assembly KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2306,8100 10851668 Export JT fails: An operation was attempted on an invalid or unsuitable OM objec TRANSLATOR NX_JT GEOMETRY
2306,8100 10855612 Issue with Exporting Runs to XML in NX - Missing Junctions KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING TC_INTEGRATION
2306,8100 10856864 Regression in 2306 with the result probes and the result variable definition CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_PROBE
2306,8100 10857768 IDX data Import is failing to handle certain data condition and fails with error SYSENG NXOPEN JA_COMPILER
2306,8100 10857770 ASME NX2206 dual dimensions and tolerances are different versus NX1953 DRAFTING SETTINGS DIMENSION
2306,8100 10858517 Product Template Author drops 'Invoke Java/VB method' parameters from PTS Author KDA KNOW_FUSION PTS
2306,8100 10860339 MK_Type attribute wrong after apopt plate SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES PLATE
2306,8100 10863447 The Create path dialog from run not finished KDA NX_DIAGRAMMING DESIGN
2306,8100 10865968 group name for suffix last character is missing CAE ADV_SIMULATION ANSYS_EXPORT
2306,8100 10865969 Assign statement is not writing properly CAE ADV_SIMULATION ANSYS_EXPORT
2306,8100 10866201 CATIA part attributes are missing when a CATIA part is being imported to NX TRANSLATOR CATIAV5 IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2306,8100 10867177 Unable to process DiagrammingManager.TitleBlocks KDA DIAGRM_FRAMEWRK DIAGRM_ENTITIES
2306,8100 10867288 Instrument Panel Visibility not working with EXTRA SMOOTH lightweight representation KDA GENERAL_PACKAGE INST_PANEL_VIS
2306,8100 10878012 KRX Attribute parsing behaviour to NX is broken in NX2306, was fine in NX2212 and below SHIP_DESIGN STEEL_FEATURES BRACKET
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