private linking service
Release Call ID Description
2312,8700 9160558 Unable to Open Part GATEWAY GROUP ALL
2312,8700 10092705 ID groove tool assy does not align with parametric tool for material removal CAM TOOLS TURNING
2312,8700 10851605 Nastran Modal stress Strain Issue CAE ADV_SIMULATION POST_RESULT
2312,8700 10862385 NX Motion not visible in NX working in managed mode CAE MOTION FILE_OPERATIONS
2312,8700 11025352 Opening an assembly tries to create an NX dataset of lower level part ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL NONGEOMTRC_CMPS
2312,8700 11027697 NXMGR: Assembly arrangement ignores replacements when importing IDX PCB_EXCHANGE IDX_IMPORT ALL
2312,8700 11031087 switching from SIM to FEM causes the ribbon bar to display incorrectly CAE ADV_SIMULATION FILE_OPERATIONS
2312,8700 11044491 Import Mechanism from Subassembly - list is empty CAE MOTION ARTICULATION
2312,8700 11046631 STEP AP214 export fails when exporting Selected Objects instead of a part file from TC TRANSLATOR STEP_AP214 UG_TO_STEP
2312,8700 11047294 NX Motion Add Submechanism - list is empty in NX managed mode CAE MOTION NAVIGATOR
2312,8700 11053954 NX Templates (TCIN): Templates missing if hidden by initial group NXMANAGER FILE_NEW TEMPLATES
2312,8700 11054546 Eyellipse menu is blank for Mirror Certification dialog KDA GENERAL_PACKAGE MIRROR_CERT
2312,8700 11055454 Modl.AskUdfDefinition DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL UDF_EDIT
2312,8700 11056987 Animation Designer: An operation was attempted on an invalid or unsuitable OM object ANIMATION_DES ALL ALL
2312,8700 11057451 Write locking the master part message box and meaning CAE ADV_SIMULATION MASTER_MODEL_VA
2312,8700 11058195 NC: Null tag not allowed DRAFTING TABLES PLIST_UPDATE
2312,8700 11066775 2d profile wall without floor does not recognize blank correctly. CAM PLANAR_MILLING PROFILE_CUT
2312,8700 11074244 NXMGR: Template request for non-geometric parts ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL NONGEOMTRC_CMPS
2312,8700 11074556 Algorithmic feature failure - Attempt to save bad pointer DESIGN ALGORITHMIC_MDL FEATURE
2312,8700 11079146 Error \ An object was specified which is not of a valid type for reference set membership\ in NX2312.7000 and cannot create 3D TDP TECH_DATA_PKG PUBLISH CORE
2312,8700 11079715 Some assembly data is displayed the Select Template Part dialog in NX2312 (TC14.3) environment. ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL NONGEOMTRC_CMPS
2312,8700 11080320 A deleted or invalid class id was used- error opening file DESIGN ARCHITECTURE FEATURE_MODEL
2312,8700 11083044 planer profile user defined tool flute length produces warning message CAM PLANAR_MILLING PROFILE_CUT
2312,8700 11087439 Collisions not found in Mold Wizard \Check Collision\ command in \Run Simulation\ KDA MOLDWIZARD TOOLING_MOTION
2312,8700 11090149 NXOpen.PDM.FileManagement.ImportFiles exception \object does not exist\ NXMANAGER UGOPEN JOURNAMATION
2312,8700 11090569 NX crashes while GLB Export SYSENG VISUALIZATION MATERIAL
2312,8700 11092102 Cannot flag (show)/unflag (hide) many meshes at once in Simulation Navigator. CAE ADV_SIMULATION NAVIGATOR
2312,8700 11095686 Internal error on closing CAE ADV_SIMULATION FILE_OPERATIONS
2312,8700 11096418 Missing tabular note sections in DWG TRANSLATOR DXF_DWG EXPORT_DRAFTING
2312,8700 11097938 Cannot export selected geometry to IGES, STEP, AutoCAD or 2D Exchange translators when in Item name TRANSLATOR STEP_AP214 UG_TO_STEP
2312,8700 11098099 export STEP / selected objects fails TRANSLATOR STEP_AP214 UG_TO_STEP
2312,8700 11098398 Updating the part list causes a \Null tag not allowed\ error. DRAFTING TABLES PLIST_UPDATE
2312,8700 11099735 Spike in internal errors in production since NX2312 go-live SYSENG UI_TOOLS RESOURCE_BAR
2312,8700 11100628 Regression: PFM export/import naming with libgmo_clone_userexit.dll NXMANAGER CLONE_IMPORT IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
2312,8700 11100668 In 3DPDF output by NX2312, the display order of BOM table is different from the previous version (NX1992). TECH_DATA_PKG PUBLISH CORE
2312,8700 11101071 TC/NX - The following object failed to save: While saving:.....No write access when export step TRANSLATOR STEP_AP214 UG_TO_STEP
2312,8700 11101085 Move Ob with Motion set to Point to Point changes selected points to fixed RSD_GENERAL PATH MOVE
2312,8700 11101271 File from NX1980 cannot be opened in NX2312 CAM MACHINE_TOOL DYNAMIC_DISPLAY
2312,8700 11102118 NX session terminates opening assembly SYSENG VISUALIZATION MATERIAL
2312,8700 11103016 NXInspector Units are not consistent with PMI BETA_EAP NX_INSPECTOR ALL
2312,8700 11103095 NX2312 - Temperature expression export unit issue CAE ADV_SIMULATION EXPRESSIONS
2312,8700 11106378 Null Error - Inter-Part Point in Part Feature Group in assembly is missing in NX2312 GATEWAY GROUP ALL
2312,8700 11107034 3D adaptive roughing cuts through IPW CAM 3DADAPTIVEROUGH ALL
2312,8700 11107260 Name Rule is not used for Part Number in Part Name Management KDA MOLDWIZARD PART_RENAME
2312,8700 11108155 CAM_: Calculation of the Cutting Feedrate is not possible CAM HOLE_BOSS_MILL OTHER
2312,8700 11113885 Unit Manager, Convection Coefficient English1 is incorrect - list is not organized CAE ADV_SIMULATION UNITS_MANAGER
2312,8700 11115578 Rest material exists when the tool path created in NX2206 is regenerated in NX2312. CAM ADAPTIVE_MILL ALL
2312,8700 11115849 When selecting two or more 1D meshes and right clicking on them an Internal Memory Error occurs. CAE ADV_SIMULATION MODEL_DISPLAY
2312,8700 12019718 Associative option in \Move object\ doesn't work properly. RSD_GENERAL PATH MOVE
2312,8700 12038006 Issue: Non-Each templated in NX ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL NONGEOMTRC_CMPS