private linking service
2312,5000 10198850 Possibility to deactivate and activate the CSE simulation during Post Processing CAM POSTPROCESS NX_POST
2312,5000 10354861 NX BIW Locator - save the MPs as individual JT with its attributes in Teamcenter KDA WELD_ASSISTANT ALL
2312,5000 10735827 DTP_NX_JT generated by locator tool showing incorrect label position KDA WELD_ASSISTANT BIW_LOCATOR
2312,5000 10761262 Lost basic structure attributes when update hull forms SHIP_DESIGN BASIC_DESIGN HULL
2312,5000 10785128 Assembly clone with ID Generate or String Replace not clone correctly NXMANAGER CLONE CLONE_ASSEM
2312,5000 10813733 Need Help with FATAL Error Message 4276 CAE ADV_SIMULATION CAE_GROUPS
2312,5000 10826808 DCE Not Showing Subordinate Design Feature Welds in Assembly Navigator ASSEMBLIES NAVIGATORS ANT_4GD
2312,5000 10856609 Session hangs when adding reusable part when Allow Multiple Revisions is enabled ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL MULTI_CONFIGS
2312,5000 10860330 Change Background - Memory Access Violation SYSENG VISUALIZATION RAYTRACESTUDIO
2312,5000 10892634 Show Pre-NX6 UI Styler dialog subsequently as post action throws code 1560012 SYSENG UG/OPEN UISTYLER
2312,5000 10895699 Internal error: memory access violation error while dry run with tcin_import utility DESIGN FEATURE_MODEL MIRROR_BODY
2312,5000 10895900 DTP_LD_Copy and Paste duplicate is not working for Resource in NX Line Designer MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2312,5000 10898824 Internal Error occur when study is selected in Optimization. KDA OPT_WIZARD OPT_WIZARD
2312,5000 10899140 Linked bodies in assembly at wrong position in QGDC7X9999212 CORRUPTED_PARTS MODELING ALL
2312,5000 10899147 Linked bodies in assembly with wrong size in QGDC7X9999212 CORRUPTED_PARTS MODELING ALL
2312,5000 10900397 Motion Automatic Flex Error: selected template doesn't exist CAE MOTION FLEX_BODY_SC
2312,5000 10901537 Tooling BOM fails to map custom material from BOM_data spreadsheet to Site MatML Library KDA MOLDWIZARD BOM
2312,5000 10906635 Session hangs when adding reusable part ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL MULTI_CONFIGS
2312,5000 10906938 Errore in Motion Description - creazione di una curve operation con tangente dell' angolo CAE ADV_SIMULATION CURVE_OPERATION
2312,5000 10909604 Can't set value for attribute with dynamic LOV NXMANAGER ATTRIBUTES LOV
2312,5000 10912543 NX to JT requests are going to Terminal with error \Encountered unexpected NULL pointer\ TRANSLATOR NX_JT TC_INTEGRATION
2312,5000 10913713 Reuse Library krx dialog slow performance issue NXMANAGER FILE_OPEN MINIMAL_LOAD_WS
2312,5000 10916877 mom_spindle_direction does not update during centerline tapping operation in NX2306 CAM POSTPROCESS NX_POST
2312,5000 10922658 Icons Resource Bar enlarged SYSENG UI_TOOLS ROLES
2312,5000 10933692 NX hangs up while adding reuse components in NX TC Integration ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL MULTI_CONFIGS
2312,5000 10934029 Simcenter motion: Failed to create flexbody by using Autoflex. CAE MOTION FLEX_BODY_SC
2312,5000 10935621 Response Dynamics wont Solve CAE ADV_SIMULATION RESPONSE_SIM
2312,5000 10936795 NX hangs up with reuse templates conf. with krx ASSEMBLIES ASSEMBLY_MODEL MULTI_CONFIGS
2312,5000 10939161 Electrical Routing Cutback Length does not allow for changing cutback values from qualified values. ROUTING_ELEC CONNECTION_LIST CUT_LENGTH
2312,5000 10939199 unable to display dialog at this time. SYSENG UG/OPEN UISTYLER
2312,5000 10939446 Operation does not support counterclockwise spindle CAM TURNING OTHER
2312,5000 10941008 Unable to find the classification classes in NX reuse lib after NX 2312 upgrade KDA REUSE_LIBRARY NAVIGATOR
2312,5000 10944676 publishing a 3D-PDF leads to an error message TECH_DATA_PKG PUBLISH CORE
2312,5000 10946397 Moving mesh to other collector won't allow taking default color of the collector CAE ADV_SIMULATION COLLECTORS
2312,5000 10946721 Update of expressions will lead to failures in Flat Pattern NX_SHEET_METAL FLAT_SOLID ALL
2312,5000 10948236 VDA NX BaseData: Differences between track value and Wheel features in Feature KDA GENERAL_PACKAGE BASE_DATA
2312,5000 10948364 VDA NX Base Data: Field not updated after changing value KDA GENERAL_PACKAGE BASE_DATA
2312,5000 10948849 Feature Templates Library name gets visible after Refresh KDA REUSE_LIBRARY REUSE_TC_LIB
2312,5000 10949931 EVA results change after first calculation CAE MOTION SOLVER_LMS
2312,5000 10950539 Cannot save anything in WEDM Advanced (i.e. Opticam) if a component is not found during loading in NX CAM WIRE_EDM_ADV OTHER
2312,5000 10950550 The requested SOA object property is not loaded error message while use export assembly from Teamcneter NXMANAGER CLONE CLONE_ASSEM
2312,5000 10950985 Checking \Edit Bodies to Use\ in fem causes error CAE ADV_SIMULATION POLYGON_SELECTN
2312,5000 10956902 Not able to export data in NX session configuration using ug_clone utility NXMANAGER CLONE CLONE_ASSEM
2312,5000 10957478 Universal bolt connection crash CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2312,5000 10962585 NXJoin Fastener Orientation in BOM for angled fasteners appears to be incorrect. JOIN ALL ALL
2312,5000 10968479 Internal Error when moving \Hole table\ to another drawing sheet GATEWAY SAVE_PART NXMANAGER
2312,5000 10969490 Engrave text fails KDA PROGRESSIVE_DIE ENGRAVE_TEXT
2312,5000 10974102 DT: Closing plant data in NX taking very long time NXMANAGER CLOSE CLOSE_PART
2312,5000 10979814 Internal Error When Copy Parts List GATEWAY SAVE_PART NXMANAGER
2312,5000 11019829 Error when creating Universal Connections (bolt) CAE ADV_SIMULATION CONNECTIONS_UNI
2312,5000 11021002 calling uc1603 in NX2312 it's returning an return code 19 = Disallowed state, unable to bring up dialog SYSENG UG/OPEN UISTYLER
2312,5000 12000716 Components are fully loaded when changinf assembly structure in Plant Navigator. MFG_LINE_DESIG GENERAL ALL
2312,5000 12009727 Grip: When calling the CHOOSE/ command after a part has been opened, the dialog fails. SYSENG UG/OPEN UISTYLER