private linking service
- No - Device not duplicated. A ? is automatically appended to the active electrical device tag.
- Yes to All - Same as selecting Yes button. Applies to all remaining devices in placement set.
- No to All - Same as selecting No button. Applies to all remaining devices in placement set.
250486 Undo of Insert Symbol leaves orphan records
251614 [CompileConnections] Unhandled error messages related to Compile Connections
284989 [Macro Smart Move]Insert a macro with balloon in the drawing, and smart move the symbol, the balloon leader is not correct.
285393 Symbol text on multiple line not on same level
1095753 [Store Page Properties in DGN]After updating page, the updated drawing set/installation/location cannot be updated in the project manager in time.
1103480 [Copy dgn] It cannot load cable connection in Cable Manager in copied dgn file that copied from windows explorer
1121108 [Copy Page][Cable Text]Copy the page from source project to destination project, updating the wiring diagram page, the cross reference info cannot display in the drawing.
1177515 [Reporting][Select Pages] Select Pages dialog box is not fully displayed
1183653 [Restore Project] It reports error to open page of a restored project that switched database.
1228918 nsert Cable Symbol When placing multiple Cable Symbol with Device Id not suppressed the Device Id is only visible of the first cable symbol
1228918 nsert Cable Symbol When placing multiple Cable Symbol with Device Id not suppressed the Device Id is only visible of the first cable symbol
1267953 [Project ✅Publisher] It reports error to recompile connection list during running Project ✅Publisher
1279953 [Ribbon][ Report Template Designer] It reports Error to click Report Template Designer in some test machine.
1280054 [Error Checking] an error occurs when double clicking on a row of updated family definitions with different definations
1313120 nsert Balloon unable to place additional balloons after user use right click move on existing balloon
1345005 [Symbol Text]The user is facing the issue that after modifying symbol text value one of the Symbol Attributes is deleted from the symbol
1345005 [Symbol Text]The user is facing the issue that after modifying symbol text value one of the Symbol Attributes is deleted from the symbol
1345309 [Microsoft 365]Substation always prompts "Please wait while loading" and cannot be started successfully.
1352533 nsert Field Insert Field is not using the correct line style as specified in the Project Options
1352533 nsert Field Insert Field is not using the correct line style as specified in the Project Options
1369016 [Command Protection][Add Catalog Path] The user is able to add catalog path even when the "Add Catalog Path" option disbaled for user in command protection
1369016 [Command Protection][Add Catalog Path] The user is able to add catalog path even when the "Add Catalog Path" option disbaled for user in command protection
1369074 [Command Protection][Viewer Role] The user is able to make changes to symbol and catalog when in Viewer only Role
1369074 [Command Protection][Viewer Role] The user is able to make changes to symbol and catalog when in Viewer only Role
1376418 [Command Protection][Add Catalog]The user when tries to use Add Catalog they get message that the command is protected by Command Protection
1376418 [Command Protection][Add Catalog]The user when tries to use Add Catalog they get message that the command is protected by Command Protection
1377424 [PW Integration][Attribute Mapping] Changes made to mapped descriptions attribute values in ProjectWise explorer are not reflected in Project Manager
1395554 [PLC Generator][Demo] The page doesn't break when we Generate by Select to select Rack root node
1397313 [Create Symbol]The part database expression cannot display correctly the first time.
1397598 pdate Page[Pending Changes] The user is facing the issue that when they updates pages for projects with different database a pending change is generated with no changes made to pages
1405467 [Database Upgrade]pdate Script error "Cannot drop 'dbo.LCM_GraphicalObjectTableType....."
1408949 [Project Backup] *.TMP file created on project backup are not deleted after closing application
1410584 [Part Number URL][Parts Database] Internal Error "String or binary data would be truncated" appears after a field value exceeds defined length in dbo.partnumber table
1414937 [Place Symbol Again] Part Number details from Source symbol maintained when using Place Symbol Again command in Schematic mode
1419194 [Part Number URL] It reports error if the char count of Part Number URL without double quotation marks is near to the URL size
1434027 [ShortestDistance] Internal Error No. 201 occurs when running ShortestDistance with wiring rules
1438642 [Cable Crossreference][Cable Manager]Cable Crossreference details are not displayed correctly according to swapping in the Cable Manager
1439677 ndonsert SymbolIt need to undo two times for the 3d object and the symbols inserted by device id in panel/wiring diagram page.
1445894 [Part Number URL][Parts Database] Update Part Number used in project reports Internal Error after the field value exceeds defined length in dbo.PartNumber table.
1446984 [Command Protection][Viewer Role] The electrical related menu items are missing from right click menu to compare with previous build
1446989 [Command Protection][Viewer Role] The Remove Part Numbers should be disabled.
1446991 [Command Protection][Viewer Role] Should be able check the Device / Wire Properties.
1447029 [Device] An error pops up when clicking Device Properties.
1447738 [Command Protection][Viewer Role] Insert Balloon ribbon is not disabled and the software crashed to execute it.
1447824 [Command Protection][Viewer Role] Panduit Tools are not disabled and the software crashed to Draw Wire Path through Panduit Wire Containment.
1447848 [Command Protection][Viewer Role] Output > Automation Tools items are not disabled.
1447881 [Command Protection][Viewer Role] We can edit data in some Manage tools.
1447957 [Command Protection][Add Catalog Path] This setting for a user affects the full control Administrator role.
1448812 It reports API docCreated error in many cases.
1453891 [Wire Label]Cannot delete wire lable on the second page.
1457235 [Data Manager][Wire Tag]Wire tag can be duplicated when using Find and Replace option in Data Manager
1462421 [Data Manager][Device Id]Device Id can be duplicated when using Find and Replace option in Data Manager
1470496 [Copy Symbol]ndoWhen a user pastes multiple instance of symbol and then dose a single undo all the symbols are deleted at once
1470856 [Copy Page][Database] It reports error to copy page to another project with different database.
1473361 [Rebuild Project Database][RDP] The user gets when running Promis.e on RDP machine when switching from local machine to RDP machine
1473549 [Switch Database][Open Page] Open page acts not properly after switch to another project with different database.
1484645 [Ribbon] The Symbol On The Fly can't work.
1484837 [Close Software] Sometimes closing software will crash
1485389 [Draw Wire] Wire tag / number automatically assigned to a newly drawn wire
1487447 [Configuration Assignment Utility] The user gets error message when loging into project database using Configuration Assignment Utility
1487587 [Symbol Text] Failed to Delete Symbol Text
1487773 [Component Center] Component Center is disappeared under Options
1487779 [Data Manager][Replace] It reports error to execute Replace operation in several tabs.
1487780 [New Project] It displays duplicated workset list in New Project dialog
1487841 [Ribbon][Hotkey] Run Manage > Wiring Manager hotkey easily reports error.
1487869 [Ribbon][Hotkey] Run Manage > Panduit Tools items hotkey easily reports error.
1492640 [Data Manager]It popups error dialog when replace wire link tag in data manager dialog.
1498109 [Project Builder] After close Project Builder dialog, project's page list will disappear in Project Manager
1507890 [Access Database][Show Differences] Clicking Update button in Show Differences dialog will pop up Connection Failed dialog
1511325 [Documentation]Update API build help to remove Workspace name and Worset name for Creat/Open page.
1516121 [Database Upgrade]pdate Script error "Cannot find data type big"
1521481 ndoFail to insert symbol with family.
1522472 ndoFail to insert wire link.
1523716 [Wire Jumpers][Wiring Diagram] Wire jumper offset dose not work when the Terminals in schematic do not have family assigned
1524270 ndonsert CableInsert a cable in the drawing, it cannot be inserted.
1524445 ndo Insert two symbols by Insert Symbol by Part Number, it needs to undo two times.
1524460 ndo Catalog Manager->double click to insert one symbol->insert another symbol, the first inserted symbol cannot be undone one time.
1525288 ndo[ATP][Create Family]nsert Symbol Create a terminal family with parent, and then insert a series of tbs with this family, they cannot be inserted.
1525290 ndo[ATP]nsert Symbol Insert a LT->Insert another LT with same device tag, click Yes button, the second LT cannot be inserted.
1528333 ndo[Delete Ladder]Draw a ladder->Insert a series LTs->Undo->Delete the ladder->Some connection dots are left in the drawing.
1528385 ndo[Copy Page] It reports an unwanted warning to open a page copied from a page which has ever run Undo.
1529174 ndo[Delete Symbol]Place two symbols in a wire->Undo->Delete another symbol by delete key, a gap is left in the wire.
1529179 ndonsert Symbol by NameUndo LTs and TBs in ladder, and undo them->User cannot Insert Symbol with multiple placement.
1538729 Unexpected Information box during Copy operation at the 1st time in some project.
1544044 [Wire Label]Cannot delete wire label using the "Delete" key on the keyboard after navigated the wire link to the second page